Chapter 60: the 'b' word

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"I cannot let you burn me up, nor can I resist you. No mere human can stand in a fire and not be consumed."



"—Dude, what did I say?" I have to talk to my little cousin like he is a child. Well, he is, but he's not a damn baby.

"Really, man? Okay, bet. I'll be there for Halloweekend. Hannah's gonna be so pumped! Have you seen her, yet? Her plane should've landed!" Jack's talking a mile a minute.

I put my feet up on my desk and roll my wrist to rush him off the phone.

"Not yet, man. Text her." I tell him.

Seeing Phil and Frank outside of the glass door, I roll my eyes and give them both the finger.

Phil catches it and pretends to suck it like a dick, making Frank hysterical. They are the poster children for underdeveloped frat guys who peaked in college. Their brains combined are the size of the walnut yet they manage to work at the same place as me. I give them a lot of shit, but they make the work day a lot easier. Without them two, I wouldn't laugh or crack a smile in this damn office. Well, if I didn't have Morgan's texts throughout the day and this framed photo of her on my desk to keep my head on straight.

I let Jack to know that Morgan and I will have a guest room ready for them this weekend but they'll have to have their own plans on Saturday because that's Morgan's party and no kids are allowed.

The way she's advertised this party, it'll be the banger of the year. The only bummer is Izzy — the known party girl— is pregnant and sober. She sucks. Lee, though, said he needs this party. Nothing's better than letting loose with the boys and Morgan, especially in the comfort of our own home. We already figured Lee and JB will get shit-faced so we're saving the other bedroom for them with some cots on the floor and an air mattress.

I've just been counting down the seconds 'til I clock out, and the minutes to the weekend.

One more day, I remind myself in my head. You can make it to Friday.

The whole office is buzzing about the party. Not everyone was invited, see. It was a secret until Phil and Frank ran their mouths about it, bragging because they're allowed to come but that's only because Morgan felt generous enough to extend the offer. I'm only mad that Beck found out. It's not like he'll dare to show up at my house, knowing I don't fuck with him, but I hate that he even knows my business outside of these walls. How we've coexisted this long after The Hamptons and the ball incidents is beyond me. Let's call it growth, though. I'll give myself a pat on the back.

Between Mia( my assistant) and Mom, I don't know who's worse. Actually, no, Jasmine is the worst. She's a nightmare when it comes to party planning. You'd think it was her wedding. I've had to tell her to chill and physically put her in a chair in time out myself. I think she's going all crazy over this to distract herself because Jabari was caught cheating. Again.
I love my bro but he's so damn stupid. I give Jasmine a lot of grief, but deep down she's a great woman. Usually she can keep him in check, but she was out of town and he took advantage. Luckily, he didn't tell me about it this time as it happened so I could honestly tell Morgan and Jas I had no clue. I don't even know the girl.
Anyway, Morgan's mad at him about it so we haven't been able to hang out - JB and I.

Mom is on my ass 'cause I haven't been calling but I've been busy. I wish she'd understand that.
She tells me it's not hard to pick up the phone for at least a minute just to say hi but sometimes I don't have a minute.
Morgan's been talking to her and Dad, though. Mom's been offering to fly out again to help with the party but that's very unnecessary. I do miss them, though, but if I invite them, I'll have to invite Dale, Crystal, Kelsey, and Owen, and so on.

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