Chapter 75: Morgan's prayer

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"If I look hard enough
Into the setting sun
My love will laugh with me
Before the morning comes"


"I never thought I'd die like this." Morgan's voice appears after a long episode of silence.

It's soothing, almost making me feel at ease in this moment. Almost.

"We're not doing to die." I assure her.

"We are," she sarcastically laughs, "this is practically Hell already."

"Stop talking like that," I put my foot down. "you're not dying. I'm especially not going to let Beck kill us."

Cleo's sitting on the single step in front of the door, guarding it like her life depends on it which it probably does.

I can't believe she's in this deep, not only with the drugs, but with Beck.
I knew she was in trouble when I found out she was helping Sabrina— err, Marissa— but I never thought in a million years she'd turn on me like this.

Cleo steals looks at me every once in the while and I can only shake my head, if not, stare back at her coldly.
She makes me sick. So does Beck, but I expected this from him.

I laugh at random, startling Morgan.

"What?" She asks in all seriousness.

"I wasn't even mad Beck did whatever he did to me, but I'm pissed he dragged you into this. I'm sorry, Morgan."

"Don't apologize, this isn't your fault." She's too forgiving.

"Yes it is, everything from day one has been my fault. Now look."

"I'm not going to listen to this anymore. Stop it, Chris-"

"Maybe it's all karma for taking you from Malcolm... then basically killing him. Everything I've done since we met has been almost a game of catch up and trying to cover my own ass. I should've left you alone."

"Chris!" Morgan gasps at my confession.

"I mean it." I sigh. "You were forbidden fruit. I feel like, if there is a God, they've been testing me ever since. You shouldn't have to live like this, Morgan, you're too good. I got us in some deep, deep shit."

"I remember the first time I heard your voice," Morgan doesn't make any sense. She does, that was just random.

"I thought it was attractive, I was excited to see your face, and hope it matched. It did. I immediately was disappointed when it wasn't you that I flew to Colorado for, but that changed when you smiled at me for the first time. You tried so hard to be standoffish, I could see right through it. Sometimes you got on my nerves, but I always felt something between us, even when you were chasing those girls. I knew it meant nothing. I didn't care about your past, or that you were tied in with Malcolm, I only cared about you. That's never changed."

"You love me too much." The words slip out of my mouth.

"Chris, shut up, you're not thinking right now." Morgan says, pulling her knees to her chest.

I hate seeing her like that - stripped against her will. Beck, touching her, made me want to commit crimes worse than murder.

"Is it getting cold in here?" I ask when hit with a sudden chill.

"You're just now noticing?" Morgan gripes, teeth chattering.

I wish there was something I could do and I feel so useless since I can't.

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