Chapter 67: water under the bridge

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"Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future."


Ho-ly shit, I'm engaged, I keep saying in my head over and over. The jewelry box I bought over six months ago is now empty, the ring fitting perfectly onto Morgan's finger.

I can't believe I did it. I splash the cold water on my face again to make sure this isn't a dream. I've had a few of those about this very moment and ones just like it, picturing what our future will be like. If I had to guess: adventurous, never a dull moment, fulfilling.

And I just did it, too! Like, I thought about it six months (plus) ago when I bought the ring so I knew it was coming any day now but I literally just... asked her.
That motherfucking ring cost seven-thousand dollars, too. Shit. Ann's worth it, though. I knew that was the kind she likes, so it was a no brainer when Jas and I went to the jeweler. That trip was hellish on it's own, Jasmine and I are a duo that do not need anymore lone excursions. I didn't need her there with me, I just thought it would be sweet to invite the best friend, especially since I couldn't bring myself to tell Kelsey or my mother, yet. I just feel like they'll spazz, say I'm rushing into things. Well, my mother won't. My worry with her is that she'll hop on the next plane and plan every single step of the wedding. She'll be the bridezilla, not Morgan.

Kelsey and Owen will have mixed feelings, I think. My dad will ask me a million times if I'm sure before I get mad and have to yell that I am, then he'll finally say he's happy for us. Mom will cry and tell Morgan how she's already considered her a daughter. Hey, they can feel however they want to as long as one of these couples, or both, wants to pay for the wedding.

Part of me wishes I could've done the traditional gentlemanly thing and asked Owen for his blessing.
I would've gotten dressed nicely to take him and Kelsey a nice bottle of wine at their home, sat down and spit it right out, telling them how I can't live without their daughter; tell how badly it physically and emotionally cripples me to imagine a world without her in it. I'd look Owen right in the eyes and let him know that she's already everything to me, and that I'm only doing this out of courtesy but respectfully, I'd marry her without his say-so, all I want is his handshake of acknowledgment. And to know if he'll pay for the wedding.


Morgan finds me exactly where I wanted her to - on the balcony, watching the waves crash around me.

"Good morning." She beams brightly, wrapping her arms around my torso.

There's a certain glow about her that makes me do a double take.

Morgan scrunches her nose with my lips pressed against her forehead.

"You... are... beautiful." The words come out on their own, I was practically stuck with my jaw on the floor, eyes not even blinking because I don't want to miss out on her beauty for a single second.

My fiancé smiles warmly, looking up at me with nearly closed eyes from smiling so big.

She extends her left arm and holds out her hand, the ring glimmering under the morning sunlight. She wears it well, and with pride.

I almost break our bodies apart so I can go get my phone to take a picture and capture this moment but it's better to just take it in. I'll never forget her here, like this.

"So," Morgan squeaks, patting my chest twice. "what do you have planned for today?"


"Russ," I groan into the phone for the fifth time since we've been out. "I don't work for them anymore, I don't know what to tell you. I— yes, I know about the contract. It's not my fault, ask your boy! No. No. All I'm saying is— hello?" He hangs up on me.

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