Chapter 24: dice things up a bit

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"She was a mischief, and that was a satisfaction; no longer was she a huntress of corralled game"



I love Chris.

I love everything about him from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. From the way he smiles so big that his eyes disappear, to the way he curls into a ball when he sleeps alone.

He's so soft with me. We go at it sometimes and the sex is rough, but I mean it: he can be so gentle. The other day, he surprised me with breakfast in bed. After that, he turned on my favorite movies. Later we went for a walk to no where in particular, not even with the dogs; we just talked. Well, I mostly talked but the point is he listened to my nonsense. We passed my favorite bakery as the last employee was locking up. I sighed, mentioning how cool it would've been to get some of the yellow mini cupcakes with buttercream icing that I love so much. What did Chris do? Bribed the girl to let us in for just enough time for her to make a fresh batch and give us the recipe in exchange for the Knicks tickets. Turns out, the game's on her birthday and she is a huge Derrick Rose fan. Chris was going to surprise JB with the tickets but said "curing your hunger is more important."

It's not possible to find a more attractive man. Unh unh. I mean, he even washes the dishes sexy. He drives sexy and eats sexy, too. He is sex embodied.

I know I talk about it a lot, and there's a whole viral video as proof, but it's not just the actual sex that makes him sexy - the physical.
It's the little things, too. The way he's always teaching me something new and being encouraging. He taught me how to properly cut an onion and green pepper the other day, it was for some reason, not sexual at all, but very sexual at the same time. He held me delicately and guided my hand while telling me how good of a job I was doing, it turned me all the way on.

Not to mention, the way way he cares for his mother and father. He's a golden boy, really. Never have I seen someone care so much that it physically cripples them when they can't do something about a certain situation - even if said situation doesn't include him.

He's a great cousin to Jack and Kailyn. All of the teens and kids in town really look up to him. When he let's this side show, it's really heartwarming to see. The other day I caught him walking down the street, just pacing while taking a phone call, and these cute little black girls were jumping rope; they asked the third girl to jump in but she yelled "this is stupid" and ran away. So, Chris jumps in and the girls were ecstatic! Truly, it was nothing so spectacular— it wouldn't make headlines, I mean— but he looked like their superhero.

Now, he's stopped us in the mall to chat with a coworker who's out with his wife and their small baby.
I know I've been avoiding the whole pregnancy thing, but seeing Chris hold this baby girl and bounce her like she's his own, really is making my heart race. If I had a little less sense, I'd take Chris home and have him impregnate me now.

As we turn the corner, a younger looking girl walks past us, sinking her eyes into Chris. We both see her and don't exchange any words, Chris just snarls and turns his back, reinforcing our fingers. I'm proud, but I've also learned not to applaud a fish for swimming.

I smack my lips when Chris's phone rings. "You don't need to be on your phone. It's a Saturday - no work."

When his phone rings again, I glower at it and this makes Chris laugh innocently.

He doesn't answer it this time, and says, "Touché."

Of course, though, Chris acts like he's starving when he suddenly spots a Cinnabon stand.
I let him go alone to buy us a dozen while I have a look at the sunglasses stand.

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