Chapter 37: ablazing grace

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"By any means necessary."



Duke and Stevie's howling and growls make me toss and turn in bed, thus waking Chris. I'm too much of a light sleeper to try and ignore the dogs so I ask Chris to go check on them.

I sit up in the complete darkness and rub my eyes.

"Baby," I whisper, shaking Chris's naked body. "Can you go make sure the dogs are okay? I can't sleep."

"Neither can I, Morgan." He huffs, adjusting his pillow.

I smack my lips and roll out of bed to take matters into my own hands.

I try my best to find some clothes as the room gets so dark at night with the blackout curtains covering both windows.

Clumsily, I trip over a pair of boots and this angers Chris out of bed.

"Jesus Christ, Ann." He grumbles, sitting up to pull some clothes on.

I rub the pain out of my shin and still struggle to find my clothes on the floor.

Chris finishes peeing in the bathroom by the time I'm back in my night clothes and turns on the light.

"What time is it?" He asks through a yawn.

It takes me longer than I'm proud to admit to read the old fashioned analog alarm clock on the nightstand, but it's three AM I tell Chris.

He picks the corners of his eyes and then looks around for a flashlight.

Once he has one in his hand, I flick off the overhead light.

First, Chris looks out of the window. I follow.

We don't see anything.

"They probably just wanna come in." Chris guesses, stepping away from the window.

He gets ready to lay back in bed but I decide to go get our babies.

I march downstairs and call for them from the porch.

"Duke! Stevie! Come on." I project my voice and wait patiently for them to come running.

It isn't long before Duke comes flying in, I know it's him by the spot on his eye.

"Where's Stevie, boy?" I drop to my knees to pet him.

Duke nods his head the other way, he starts leading me that way and I get curious.

I'm only a few feet off of the porch but I turn around the house and see Stevie limping towards us.

I cover my mouth with my hand and look around, wondering what creature is to blame for this.

Stevie whimpers, stumbling over. Duke uses his snout to will her body back up but when she can't move, he begins to cry and lays beside her.

I hurriedly pick her body up and carry her inside, shutting the door once Duke is in the house, too.

I try not to yell or cause a commotion just in case some predator is still lurking, but I run up the stairs and wake Chris up by turning on the light.

"Look!" I cry, showing him Stevie's poor paw.

Her front one, it looks broken. Poor thing is crying and can't even move it. When I tried to touch it, she growled and bit at me, suggesting it's far too painful.

"What happened?" Chris asks, getting out of bed to examine our girl.

"I don't know!" I whine, pacing.

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