Chapter 36: the one about true love

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"I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more."



"Morgan, I can't tell you enough how good this chicken salad is! You've gotta give me the recipe!" Yara compliments one of the side dishes I prepared.

I beam at her brightly, flattered. "Honestly, there's no big secret. I'll show you how to make it tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?! You're staying again?" Robbie asks me.

I smile and nod at the excitable children who then attack me on the couch in the barn.

After dinner, we came in the barn for games and music, just some family bonding.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Some knocks at the door makes everyone look around and fall silent.

"Who is that?" Yara whisper-yells at her husband.

"Take the kids to the hiding spot." Nick signals, tiptoeing over to mute the music.

I watch Yara push the couch and hurry the kids into a secret bunker.
I knew the place was old but not this old - it's like the prohibition era or slavery with these escape tunnels.

Nick calls me behind the bar and I watch as he cracks open his safe, whipping out two guns. He hands me one and then tells me to duck down.

"This is the third time this month they've done this. Could just be those kids again, but I'm not risking it. Watch my back," he orders.

I act like I know what to do with a gun just so I can be brave, but I have never even held one before. It doesn't feel real.

I swallow hard and try to control my breathing as Nick bravely addresses the door.

"Who is it?" He yells with courage.

"Um, Chris?" I hear my boyfriend announce himself and I suck my teeth.

Nick puts his gun away and then shouts for everyone to come out.

He opens the door for Chris who's missed dinner to rest.

After being scared like that, I'm both underwhelmed and relieved to see my boyfriend.

He pets the dogs and then walks into my arms.

"Hey, baby," he rasps, greeting me with a kiss.

"Hey," I exhale, wrapping my arms around him. "You okay?"

He nods. "Just hungry as hell."

I feel all warm and fuzzy inside as I heat up a plate for Christopher.
For thirty seconds, I watch Chris entertain Mina and Robbie and it just makes me so happy to see how he interacts with the children.

The microwave goes off so I take the food out and present it to Chris.

He smiles so big with his eyes nearly closed, it's so cute that I kiss him on the head.

He pulls me down on his lap and I hum along to the music, making myself a nuisance as he scarfs his food down.

"What happened at the waterfall?" I want to know.

He swallows a mouthful. "It was cool. You made this?" The subject change isn't subtle or lost on me.

I lower my eyes on him and ask again. "What did you and Nick talk about?"

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