Chapter 3: Decisions (Kratos)

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            Pinching, poking, prickling sensations could be felt trying to push their way through the sleeve of my jacket. The painful sensations managed to wake me from my slumber, and then was when I realized that I had fallen asleep against a tree. Numbing sensations could be felt all the way from my back down to the tips of my toes.  Guess that's what happens when you fall asleep against a tree trunk.  Rubbing my heavy eyes, a crackling sound could be heard. Before my eyes could even dart upward, a loud snapping noise was followed by a heavy branch which decided to fall on my head.          

 A frustrated scream escaped my lips: one that was of slight pain from the branch, but more pained by the tragedy that I had just witnessed last night. I couldn't help but think about how my powers had frozen up on me in a time of need. Why did I have the right to wake up full and alive this morning when all of those people died because of me? How fair is it that I can go live life and make a future for myself when all of those passengers' futures were stolen from them? They were nothing but helpless and vulnerable mortals. Then there was I who had the full capability to save them but was too locked up in a panic to do so.

Why couldn't I be the valiant one who helped them back to safety? Why couldn't I just have done the right thing?  Burying my face in my hands,  a frustrated sigh escaped my lips. As the pure darkness of dawn casted shadows amongst the forest, all that could be heard was the chirping of crickets. I darted upward, ready to walk through this forest and desperate to find any source of help:  Someone, something, anything to let me know that there was some chance of getting back home. I desperately needed to contact Master Shadow. He needed to be aware of what was going on. Matter of fact, it would be a good idea if I informed him of what had happened last night. Knowing Shadow for as long as I have,  he most likely had someone out looking for me already. 

          To my dismay, I found that my pocket was empty. Frantically checking all of the other pockets on my mud-stained jeans, there was still no sign of the phone. Now I had absolutely no way of contacting Shadow or knowing how to get home.   Sighing in agitation, my mind paced with all of the possible places that this phone could have fallen out at; somewhere in the forest in the dark, now melted in the plane, or anywhere in between. In my case, there was no use in even looking for that phone. Therefore, I had run out of ideas of where to go.          

  Angrily grumbling, proceeded through the darkened forest. Clumsily tripping over a twig, an idea struck me. Picking up the twig, I checked to see if my powers would manage to work this time.  Lo and behold, I clicked my fingers and a little blue flame appeared to which I lit the twig with. A little bit of light to guide me was better than having nothing at all.  

         It was a lonely hour or so until the sun began to rise. By this time, I was both emotionally and physically drained. I had barely gotten any sleep and the little that I did get was filled with traumatizing memories of the plane crash that unconsciously repeated over and over in my mind. After about another twenty minutes or so, the sun had fully risen and noises began to fill the atmosphere. The echo of a motor, then another,  followed by the faint sound of a honk.  

            A road must be nearby! Picking up my walking pace I went towards the sounds I had witnessed and through the thickness of the trees in the forest there was an opening. Through that opening laid a road, and across the road and about fifteen feet north laid a gas station. The knot of desperation in my stomach now formed into a knot of joyous anticipation. The gas station could be my only hope of figuring out where in the world I actually was and was also the first chance to get something to eat.              

As I reached the parking lot of the gas station, my eye was caught by a black, glossy, luxurious, Camaro that was parked on the corner lot of the little shop. Why would a car like that just be sitting here in the middle of nowhere? Walking past the beautiful hunk of metal, I entered the little shop attached to the gas station. At the sight of food, my stomach couldn't help but grumble. Bags of chips lined the walls, burnt hot dogs and stale pizza sat on their holders, and soda and slushie machines stood towards the back of the place. As I walked over and grabbed a bag of barbecue chips, I saw a couple walking out while looking at a map. Maybe if I grabbed one of those I'd figure out where exactly I was.

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