Chapter 11: The First, The Last, and The End (KL)

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Shoutout to the amazing bluelava- for making this amazing cover in her free time and for being an amazing reader! It's uber amazing!

Kratos, Raine, Seth, and I stood on guard because we all knew that these guys were ready to attack.

The black haired boy disappeared as the other two ran over to our little group.

Kratos glanced at Seth and mouthed "Get her out of here."

Seth responded " I was already going to do that."

Seth took my hand and we began to run deeper into the forest. We ran for minutes straight without stopping at all. In between panting and running Seth said, " KL, we have to get away from these people! They are insane! They're just all out crazy!"

I stopped and leaned over to catch my breath. My chest caved in and out as I panted. "We can't just leave them."

"Well we sort of just did," he replied.

Looking around at our surroundings, I noticed that we had reached a part where all of the trees were cut down and it was just barren land and grass. As Seth walked forward, he suddenly stopped. He held out his arm to block me from going any farther. He motioned his head forward.

" Look.We're on a ledge....," he said looking out to the other distant mountains in front of us. If you had purposely intended to come here and see the view, then you definitely had a reason to be in awe. If you had totally been caught off guard like I had, then you would be in utter and complete terror.

" We...are," I said with a shudder that travelled through my whole body . It suddenly hit me how absolutely dangerous it was to be over here.

" We're at a dead end!" He yelled, kicking a rock and watching it fall down the ledge. I looked over it and I wanted to scream. That was way too far of a fall. The rock disappeared into a little dot and then disappeared into a thick smoke, never to be seen again.

" KL, we can't go back because it's too dangerous, but we can't go forward either. We're stuck."

" We have to go back Seth. We can't just stand here," I told him.

" And we can't go back to that. We could get hurt either way. There's really not a right or wrong choice here. Both of them end in the same result."

"We could always help Kratos and Raine fight them off. What if they need our help?"
Seth sighed and mumbled something.

"What?" I asked, curious as to what he said.

He looked up at me, his chocolate eyes illuminated by the sunlight. He grabbed my hand and held it. "I said, we should run away. Together.Let's get away from here and get away from them. We could start a new life together and no one would have to know. You can put all of this stressful stuff behind you. You don't have to live like this. You can choose your destiny."

No words could form in my mouth. Why would he want to run away with me? "Seth, it's not that simple. We just can't run away from this, especially if they think that I'm this 'Breaker' person. Regardless of where I go, I'm going to be tracked down. I can't help that. I can't run away from that."

"But we could try," he insisted.

" I can't Seth. Kratos needs my help."

"Of course he does," he mumbled.

" Seth, you know that you're my first priority."

" As you are mine," he added in. He then continued to speak, " But lately things have just been too crazy for me to comprehend. I honestly can't deal with this. But I can't leave you. I don't want to leave you. All I want is for you to be safe, KL. I care for you too much for something to happen to you." He said. His body began to relax and slowly, it began to inch closer and closer to mine.

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