Chapter 41: Arrow Through the Heart (Nicco)

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Where in the world could she be hiding at? Slapping my hand against my head in frustration, I realized how idiotic it was of me to come out here. How did I think I would be able to find Charlotte without a single clue as to where she ran off to?

As of now I had no choice but to keep running and moving forward. If Shizuka caught me in this act she would definitely make me pay for my treason. Then again, I couldn't help but feel that all of those consequences would be worth it if I got to know that Charlotte was okay. It was killing me to know that she was out alone by herself and in the way of potential danger. In a way, I sort of felt bad for her because regardless if she was in Shizuka's organization or off on her own, she was still standing in the face of danger.

Seeing through new eyes, I realized that Shizuka was the one in wrongdoing. Eventually she will pay for terminating our families and making us into her own personal army. I understand now why Jagger had begun to question her motives. Everything she did seemed to be a coverup for another hidden motive that she had. There was no one to blame for my predicament but myself. Being too stubborn and naïve, I decided to ignore the clear warning that Jagger had given me about the whole situation. If I would've just listened to the warning in the first place, I wouldn't have to worry about what my life will look like a few hours from now.

As my feet paced forward, I stayed on alert. Listening for any sort of sound in the open wilderness, the only noises that managed to come across were chirping birds and buzzing insects. I would occasionally call out Charlotte's name to see if there would be any sort of reply, but there was no success in doing that. I stopped my running and began slowly walking observing my surroundings. Noticing peculiar scratches that were on a tree, I noted that they looked like man-made marks that someone could've easily made while climbing it.

All of a sudden a strong, painful stinging pain rung through the back of my left arm. It felt as though a very sharp pressure had just pierced through my skin. Before I had the chance to look back, the same pain struck my right arm and then also pierced through my chest. My body in a vulnerable state of shock, I couldn't help but fall down to one knee. Hisses escaped my lips as I tried to block out the excruciating pain that was radiating through my body. Squeezing my eyes shut, I struggled to hold back a wail that desperately wanted to escape my lips.

Beside me heavy footsteps crunched through the bare grass, intimidating me with every step.

" Wow you are really pathetic. You know Shizuka had an eye on you all day and here you go running off. Then again you are quite the idiot so I shouldn't be too shocked," Jin said as he slowly circled me. Making contact with whatever was on my arm, I screeched in pain as I pulled it out. Quickly examining the object, I realized it was an arrow. Wiggling the final two arrows out of my being, Jin let out a loud laugh that obnoxiously echoed through the space between us.

Bending over to look me in the eye, he faced me with a smirk playing on his mouth. " Like my new bow and arrow? Shizuka thought I should get a grip on some new weapons so I figured why not try this one out? I think it works pretty sharply, don't you think?" He asked, trying to make a horrible pun. As his eyes scanned over my face, he scowled. " Your eyes."

"My eyes? What?" I asked, helplessly sprawled out on the ground like a crazy person and laying in a puddle of my own blood.

"Your eyes. They're green."

My eyes turned green? Was this something that naturally occurred within all of us? Flashing back to the memory of when Jagger's eye had changed color, I wondered if it were possible that I was going through the same process. Struggling to stand on my own two feet, I valiantly stood up before him." You're acting like a puppet that's under Shizuka's control, like a lost puppy that needs guidance by a master. Maybe you should start acting like an individual for once and think for yourself."

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