Chapter 27: Stealthy Spies (Nicco)

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Staring at the darkened roof of my room, I laid alone in my large bed. My comforter was over me and I was warm, but I couldn't fall asleep. My mind was just racing due to the stress of the events that had happened earlier today. All of this time and Shizuka was still planning to turn Charlotte into a war machine. Every time I thought I was falling asleep, my mind replayed the conversation that I had with her earlier today. I took a deep breath in and let it out, hoping to relieve this knotted up stress that sat in the middle of my chest. Jagger was still gone and the only other person who I considered a friend was about to be destroyed. I was faced with the decision on whether to commit treason and tell Charlotte, or to keep my mouth shut and let Shizuka have her way.

            Looking over towards the digital clock that said 11:26 p.m. in bright green numbers. I tossed around in my bed a little bit, and finally started to fall into a deep slumber. That was until there was a sudden knock on my door. I groggily walked over to the door, feeling annoyed. What did Jin want this late at night?! I wasn't in the mood to go on another mission, especially at this late time of night. He had a tendency of waking me up when I was sleeping to tell me about the next stupid assignment I had to do. I am so tired of assignments! I walked over to the door and as I opened it I began to yell at him.

" You know Jin, you could just stop being a freaking jerk and waking me up! You could always wait to tell me tomorrow! I mean, it's not like I can do it now, but you just insist to be annoying and-"

I totally shut my mouth when I saw the sight in front of me. " Oh my gosh. Charlotte, I'm so sorry. I thought you were Jin. I so didn't mean that towards you. It's just that Jin likes to be annoying and wake me up in the middle of the night and-hey, what's wrong?"

She stood in front of me, tears rolling down her cheeks as her tiny frame shook from her sobs. She just blankly stared up at me with bloodshot eyes. I looked at her and wrapped an arm around her neck.

She leaned against my chest, and I could feel the dampness of her hot tears through my shirt.

" Charlotte, what's wrong?"

" Nicco, I saw it! It's just horrible!" She screamed as tears rolled down her face. She trembled within my embrace, and I had the sudden urge to comfort her.  She was really worked up and though I didn't know her much, I couldn't stand to see her like this.

Pulling her into my room, I closed the door behind us. The last thing I needed was for Jin or Shizuka to come over and question us.

" Charlotte, what are you talking about?"

She just put her hands over her face and cried.

" Hey c'mon. Don't cry," I told her. I held her in my arms as tears rolled down her face.

" Hey, we can't have you crying like this. You might wake someone up,"I spoke softly, caressing her head.

" I don't care!" She said. In between the sobs, she cried, " I saw what she wants to me."

" What?" I said pulling away from her.My body locked up in shock at her confession. My mouth could not form any words, as I did not know what to say to her.  All I knew was that this was going nowhere good.

" Nicco, she wants to make me into a monster!"

I walked over to and stared at the opposite wall of my room. Debating with myself, I contemplated whether I should tell her the truth or not. Suddenly I spat out, " I know Charlotte."

" Wh-what?" Her eyes widened in shock to my confession.

" I know what she wants to do to you, but I won't let her do it," I said turning to face her. " I won't Charlotte. She will not touch you. That I swear to you."

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