Chapter 40: The Package (Shadow)

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After what seemed like forever, I finally awoke from my nap. As my body laid on the cold metal table, I wished that I would've put on a shirt beforehand. The table was frigid to the touch, an inanimate iceberg.

Sitting up, my hand rubbed my bare back as it attempted to warm the frigidness of my skin . Looking down at my wound, a heavy sigh escaped my lips. This one was going to leave a scar and a deep one at that.

Glancing over to the Breaker by my side, a pang of sorrow arose in my heart. KL Kiyano had a heart of gold, and it was something you could just tell from the warmth that radiated off of her. No wonder why Kratos had fallen for the girl. She was the purest form of innocence, someone to not only protect but to respect. Yet here she was because of her selfless deed. She did not deserve to be in such a state all because she wanted to save silly old me. Deep down inside, I knew that I did not deserve it. I did not deserve to be alive while she laid there on that table. Taking a long glance at her, my lips pursed in sadness. I hope she wakes up soon.

Utterly tired of being in this room, I stood up and walked out to my office. Sure, Lily was probably going to kill me if she caught me but there was no way I could stand being in that room for a minute longer. As I walked inside, I sat in my big leather chair. Once again, the material was freezing but I tried to ignore the fact that it was. Suddenly, I felt like I was at home again. No wires were attached to me, I wasn't being fed any horrible medication, and it was just me and the quietness of my office. There was no greater feeling than the one of being in the comfort of your own company.

My silver laptop laid in front of me, the side of it blinking a silver light saying that it was on standby. As I opened it, it scanned my fingerprint and automatically led me into a message. It read:

The package has been spotted

There was a link below this statement that was highlighted a purplish color, as if it had been clicked beforehand. Had I opened this before everything happened?

I clicked on a link beneath the statement to see a six second video. The quality was so horrible that I could barely make out the people in it. Then underneath it, there was another message that read:

This is all I've collected so far.

I sighed as my hand stressfully pulled through my hair. There was no way this could be happening, not here, not now. I hit the reply button.

Where was this?

A few seconds later, a reply appeared on my screen.

The package has been moving to different places. This time, it was closer to you than the original spot.

I replied:

Just great. Where is it now?

Another reply.

We've lost track, sir.

I sighed in frustration.

You have to find the package! If it gets here, it will be in a whole other ball game! It's bad enough that it'd be in danger, but with it AND the Breaker here, it's even more of a danger to both. You know they can both tend to be an attraction for....

I know, Master. I know.

Just keep an eye out for it.

Eyes have been on it since first spotting, Master.

Keep me updated.

Will do.

I shut my laptop, feeling my heart begin to race. I cupped my face in my hands and my hands slid from my face through my hair. There's no possible way that they could just disappear. This was a recipe for disaster!

Suddenly, my door flew open and I stared at the doorway feeling like a deer in headlights.

" Shadow!" Lily screamed angrily, her face a shade of red anger.

" What?" I asked, feeling like a little kid who had just gotten scolded.

" Why are you in here without telling me where you went?"

" I figured that I could just walk into my office whenever I pleased..."

" No, you were supposed to tell me that you woke up and you were coming over here! And put on a shirt for crying out loud!"

" I figured my wound needed to air out," I said while sending Lily a smirk. She rolled her eyes to which I couldn't help but laugh at.

" How's Kiyano?" I asked.

" Her vitals seem normal. Her energy is depleted though."

" Will she wake?"

" She should very soon. She just needs rest," Lily replied.

I nodded my head in understanding.

" Well I should go. And next time, tell me that you're gone!" She demanded.

" I will," I said chuckling. Lily then left and I checked on my laptop again. Trying to browse the web, my thoughts invaded my mind.

The package was on the move. There was no way I wanted Mercurius to even come around this area. It would be much too dangerous for him and the others as well as for KL and the rest of the organization.

© Lightning_Stryker 2016

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