Chapter 24: See Ya Soon (Nicco)

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24 hours. That's how long it had been since Jagger had gone missing. He had went out to gather some information that Master Shizuka had assigned him to find, and since then I have heard nothing from him. Without contact methods, what good were we as a group? We had no cell phones to communicate with each other, which I happened to think was very stupid on Shizuka's part, but I guess that's life.

Stretching and throwing on my navy blue button up, I combed a hand through my shaggy locks and headed out of my room. Being cooped up in there all day had begun to make me a bit queasy. It gave me too much time on my hands to think about all of the madness that had occurred within the last few weeks.

Heading to the kitchen, I locked eyes with Charlotte. She was looking in the refrigerator and actually looked a little startled by my abrupt entrance. As she realized that it was just me, she shot me a smile to the point where her cheeks pushed her eyes up. I couldn't help but crack a smile back towards her.

"Good morning Nicco. I hope you don't mind me being in here as-"

"Why would I mind? You're part of the family now."

"I didn't want to intrude," she said bashfully. Her cheeks turned a rosy color.

" You're not intruding. I'm actually happy to have some more company around here. It's too quiet sometimes. The only noise I usually get is Shizuka barking her orders," I replied as I let out a chuckle.

She chuckled as she pulled out a gallon of milk. We both headed over to the counter where a box of muffins gracefully laid there. They looked so beautiful sitting there in their delicious glory. I opened the box and was greeted by the sweet aroma of blueberry muffins. As I reached to grab one, Charlotte reached out to grab the same exact same muffin. As our hands brushed each other's we both jumped back and nervously giggled.

Putting a hand through my hair, I smiled. " Ah, where are my manners. Ladies first."

Her rosy cheeks turned into a shade of tomato red, and she quickly grabbed her muffin and proceeded toward the table.

What was that? We both had reacted so quickly that it was almost like an electric jolt shot between the both of us. It was quite funny and yet so, so awkward at the same time.

Grabbing a delicious breakfast pastry, I walked back to the table and sat across from Charlotte.

"So what's up with you?" Looking into her crimson eyes, I realized that her eyes were big and round like buttons. They seemed to have a gentleness to them.

"Nothing much. Just getting settled in," she replied, taking a swig of her milk.

" You all good with that?"

She smiled and shook her head, " Yeah, I can't complain I guess."

I tried not to think about it, but the more I pushed the thought away, the more it wanted to come to the surface. I was just curious to know if maybe Shizuka had hinted to Charlotte what she planned to make out of her. Quite frankly, it was none of my business, but I just couldn't imagine this poor, fragile girl- this human being- literally being used for parts. Was Shizuka actually planning to go through with this?

"So, has Master talked to you any at all?" I casually asked.

She smiled as she covered her mouth full of food. " Yeah she has. For the occasional hi and bye. Just small talk really. Is she easy to get along with?"

At this point, I didn't know whether to tell her the truth or a lie. I went for the latter: candy coating. " She's a good leader. She's always on top of her tasks. She may be a little rough around the edges, but I'm sure once you'll get to know her, you'll cope."

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