Chapter 17: When It Rains, It Pours (Jagger)

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It was a long walk back home. The rain had stopped, but it didn't really matter because either way I was still drenched from the way it had poured on my way to their place. I wish they would've listened to me but I should've known better to invade their space, especially after all the hurt I had caused from beforehand. Though I knew that I had done wrong, I wanted to prove myself to KL. Of course her friend would shut me out. Why was I so stupid as to think that they were going to let me in. All of the information that I had given them was genuine. Master Shizuka was after them, and she did know where their headquarters was located. So instead of doing the actual assignment that I was given, I decided to take a little road trip and visit them.

It felt right to warn them because Shizuka was plotting an attack on them. This was the least I could do to show my loyalty to KL. After all, I had unintentionally murdered her best friend. The least I could do was give her some information that might potentially save her life. Although I knew I was doing the right thing, a part of me felt wrong for betraying Shizuka. I was giving her classified information out to the enemy. Or maybe I was giving it out to an ally, and she was really the enemy. My predicament was quite confusing.

Now, all that was on my mind was the lie that I was going to tell her. She had sent me out to track down Jin, who was actually tracking down KL with Nicco. Nicco and Jin had left before I did, so she sent me off to catch up with them. Knocking on the door, I waited outside, my soppy clothes dripping on the concrete stairs. A strong gust of wind blew, and I wrapped my arms around myself for warmth.

Looking at the doorknob, I saw my reflection in it. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that my irises were red again. Why have they been changing so often?

The door opened and I was greeted by Nicco's smiling face.

"Why are you here? I was out there looking for you!" I scowled.

"Well when it decided to pour, Jin and I decided that it was time to come home."

"You two are losers," I said, shouldering past my best friend.

Nicco laughed behind me, and I shot him a glare and went off to my room. Stripping of all the wet clothes, I threw them in my sink and hopped in the shower. It felt good to get some warmth running through my body. When I had hopped out, I began to towel-dry my hair but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"One minute!" I screamed. Shuffling through my drawers real quick, I found a pair of jogging pants, threw them on real fast. WHen I had finally made it to the door, I had to take a few seconds to catch my breath.

"Nicco, what do you want?" I should've known it was him in the first place.

"Master wants us in the lab in five. Well technically three minutes since you already wasted two."

"Why?" I asked.

Nicco shrugged, his green eyes holding no expression whatsoever. " I don't know. She says she has something she wants to show us. Unfortunately, I had to tell Jin too and he wasn't too happy when I woke him up from his nap."

"Then again, when is he ever happy?"

"You have a point there, Jag."

I smiled at him, "Alright. I'm going to throw a shirt on. Meet you down there."

"Alrighty,"said Nicco. He sent me a salute and closed my door.

Great, great, great I need to find a shirt. I pulled out my shirt drawer and pulled a plain white t-shirt out of it. As I plopped in on, I slipped my feet into some plain black slippers that I had and headed downstairs.

Arriving in the lab, I was greeted by a grumpy Jin, an overly energetic Nicco, and a serious Shizuka.

"Jagger, nice to see that you're here on time. I know it was last minute, but I just couldn't wait much longer."

"For what?" Jin grumpily asked.

"Yeah, what is it?" Nicco asked, nearly jumping up and down in anticipation.

A smirk formed on Shizuka's face. "Well why don't you come and see?" Her white heeled boots clicked against the slick floor as she walked toward a draped area. Moving the drape to the side, it revealed a lab table. The lab table had a sheet that looked like it was placed over a body.

Nicco and Jin simultaneously sent me a confused expression, to which I just shrugged. Shizuka pulled the white sheet off of the lab table, and all of us curiously inched closer.

" Incision marks? What do you have up your sleeve?" Nicco asked, sending a sly smirk toward Shizuka.

She devilishly smiled. "Never underestimate me when I say I have plans."

" Who is she?" Jin asked.

" I don't know, but she sure is cute!" Nicco said. I saw Jin shoot him a look.

I looked at the girl strapped onto the lab table in front of me. She had short brown hair and a light complexion. She had beautiful, long black eyelashes along with rosy cheeks and lips. Her body was petite, almost fragile, and as she lay there unconscious I couldn't help but think that she was a fairly nice looking girl.

Shizuka's lips formed into a smirk. " Boys meet our newest agent, Charlotte Kiyano."

"Kiyano?" Asked Nicco, and yet I couldn't help but be curious as to who exactly this was. Was she somehow related to KL?

Shizuka spoke, "If I'm ever going to get what I want, I have to have something that the other side wants, right? Well she's it. She's the bait."

"So you just kidnapped her to keep her hostage?" Asked Jin.

She giggled. "Oh no. Trust me, she's part of a much, much bigger plan."

"And what exactly is that plan?" I asked. Whenever Shizuka has plans up her sleeve, trouble always seems to follow. I couldn't wait to see what she had planned now.

"Pull up some chairs boys. This is going to take a while."

© Lightning_Stryker 2015

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