Chapter 28: Right Through the Heart (Shadow)

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Standing up on a chair in the front of the room, the whole organization scattered amongst the room. Their expressions told me that they were obviously bored or irritated to be here. Having two newly inducted members, I figured that now would be a perfect time to have a meeting with all of them as a whole. I think that it is important to discuss the events that have been occurring, regardless if they seemed to like it or not. Clearing my throat, I spoke up.

" I have gathered you all here today to tell you about things that are going to be happening in the future. As you all are aware of, we have just entered two new people into our organization. We have entered Jagger Knightly of Jitsu and Proctor rank." As I said that, the rest of the organization applauded. As the applause died down I continued on. " We have also entered Kitara-Lily Kiyano of Proctor and Breaker rank." The crowd was silent for a moment. I assumed it was because they were in shock of the fact that we now had a Breaker in our organization, which had never happened before. To be quite honest, I was a bit shocked with the situation myself. A short while afterwards, the crowd began to applaud. I spotted KL within the crowd and she smiled up at me. With a smile on my face, I continued my speech.

" So now that we have a Breaker in our organization, I have to put some stricter security breaches on our rules. First off, none of you are allowed to go outside and into the woods after nine o'clock. Things are just safer that way."

Sighs and angry groans filled the atmosphere.

"There, there. I do not think that I am asking anything unreasonable of you. I just want to make sure that you all stay safe.."

Speaking up, Taj looked at me, "But Master, aren't we in a secluded area anyway? How would people even know that we're here?"

Jagger looked over at Taj, "Well I managed to get in."

Annoyed, Taj sent Jagger a death glare, "Not helping the sitch here bro."

"The second thing I would like to announce is that we will be continuing the search for Xeria Reina. After a chat with The League, they told us that they would like us to continue on with the assignment. Augustine is really pressing this issue."

The third thing I would like to mention is that I think we need to brush up on our training. I'm hoping to find some free time within every week, that way we can all have time to practice. We all need to brush up on our skills a bit."

"Well I've been consistently training Master. I always take time out of my day to train," said Raine, flippiing her blonde hair.

"Ah, yes. Well then maybe you can help the others."

A scowl took over Raine's face. She obviously didn't get the reaction she wanted out of me.

"I think it's a good idea," spoke up Kratos. "Training is very important for skill building."

"Perhaps we can start with weight training? Kratos, maybe you can show Jagger the ropes and Raine maybe you can show KL?"

Both of them looked unpleased.

"If that's what you want," Kratos unenthusiastically grumbled.

" Great! Which brings me into the next part of my speech. Knowing Kratos for so long, I've had the honor watching him grow stronger- both physically and mentally. Honestly speaking, he has a great amount of heart and determination to keep his people safe. He not only displays courageousness but I see a great leader within him. So here before all of you, I would like to tell you that if for some reason, something were to ever happen to me, I leave this organization in Kratos Alexanderson's hands."

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