Chapter 42: Waking and Breaking (Jagger)

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My heavy eyelids began to droop as I dozed off in the chair next to KL's lab table. She must've used a lot of energy saying that I've been sitting here for the last forty-five minutes watching over her.

As I sat to myself, I couldn't help but think about how much had changed within the last week or so. Finding out that my little sister was still alive was something that took me by surprise. Of course it was awesome to know that at least one of my other family members had survived the slaughtering, but for her to just pop out of nowhere so unexpectedly kind of bothered me. I couldn't help but feel responsible for her even though she's only two years younger than I.

From what I've learned so far Airilice raised herself, living off of other's generosity or finding and making things for herself. Just from some of the stories and experiences that she's spoken to me about, I can tell that Airi seems like the independent, go-getter type. She seems comfortable in her own skin, which was a rare quality to find in people nowadays.

As a favor, she filled in the blanks on what happened that day we ran away. The rest of our family was slaughtered, so I ran and she followed. I was trying to protect her by telling her to run in front of me, but she never managed to catch up. Running at the fastest speed my legs could handle, I took off while accidentally leaving her behind. Up to the time she filled me in on this information, I had always believed that I had gotten away and she didn't. Apparently I was wrong.

Yet the deeper I thought, the more confused I became. What were we running from? Who were we running from?

As much as I loved having a little sister, it was a bit of an adjustment getting used to the fact that I was now a big brother. Conversation was hard to make with someone you were supposed to know like the back of your hand. Part of me felt guilty for not taking more of an initiative to spend time with her, but I didn't want to rush things and make things even more awkward between us. We were complete strangers that were bonded by blood.

Looking at KL in such a vulnerable state made my heart sink into my chest. Who would be so humble as to risk their own life to heal another? Knowing that I was the personal Guardian to such a selfless person was an absolute honor. Yet I couldn't help but feel that we were still on rocky ground because of what I did to Seth. The guilt still eats me up to this day. Everytime I think about it my heart repeatedly pounds in my chest causing it to twist in squeeze in a stressful, agonizing way. I couldn't help but hate myself because of what I did to the poor guy.

Looking at the situation from this point in time, I couldn't help but think it was quite humorous that I killed him because he was trying to protect her. He was doing the exact job that I was now assigned. Would things have been different if the event had played out another way? If he was still alive, would he have been her Guardian? Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, dripping down one by one. No matter how many times I tried to push the thought aside , it always came back to haunt me.

Kratos walked in the lab and automatically stopped in his tracks when he spotted me. " Why are you here?"

" I wanted to check up on her, see how she's doing? Why do you ask?"

" Just wondering is all," he replied, agitation lacing his words.

" You ok? You're acting like something's wrong."

" Something is wrong."

" What is?"

" What's it to you?"

I sighed. " I'm at least trying to get along with you. I have nothing against you Kratos, but for some reason you always treat me like I've done something to you. I don't understand why you just can't cooperate with me."

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