Chapter 21: The League of Guardians (Kratos)

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Staring out the window, I heavily sighed out of boredom. About another forty five minutes and we'd finally reach our destination. I had insisted that KL go in the front seat to get an upclose view of the scenery, but she insisted on sitting in the backseat and now I knew why. The poor girl curled herself up and was lying on the whole backseat as if it were a mattress.

"She's out cold, huh?" Asked Shadow.

Turning my head to put him in view, I nodded. "Yeah, she's pretty knocked out."

A few moments of silence lingered between us before Shadow spoke up again.

"Now Kratos, I want you to be on your best behavior-"

"Shadow I'm not a kid anymore. I know how to act."

" You did get a little snippy with Marcel-Oliver last time..."

"Well Marcel-Oliver can just-"

"You see, this is exactly what I'm talking about," he sternly grumbled.

I caught myself. " I know, I know and I'm sorry. But I just don't see why we have to report everything to them."

"She's a huge breakthrough for our species."

"And she's still a human being, as are we. She's not just some kind of power, or some rare number in their charts. She's a person, a living person. I can't believe you're actually going through with this." My fingers began to tap beats against the dashboard, my right foot tapping right along.

To make myself feel better for getting an attitude with Shadow, I kept telling myself that I wasn't lying to him. In a way, I almost felt a sense of disappointment towards him. As a young boy, I grew up and placed him as my father figure. My young eyes grew into wise ones all because of the insight that he had given throughout my adolescent life. Now, to see him do this to KL so quickly, I almost didn't recognize the man sitting to my left. The Shadow that I know would've given KL time to adjust, not just throw her straight to the dogs.

" I can get in big trouble if I don't bring her to them."

" What does it matter? It's not like they don't know already anyway. Augustine is probably all over this already. Don't you think that this could be jeopardizing her life here?"

"It's The League we're talking about here Kratos. If anything, they're the ones who can protect her better than I can. Better than any of us can at that."

"Well why is it so important to tell them? Please explain that to me. Sure, they can protect her, but aren't we doing just that? Why do they always need to be in the loop?" My blood boiled and my skin crawled as the words slid off my tongue.

" It's not a matter of if they know or not. It's a matter of trust. They trust me to be truthful with them and I will continue to be so."

"But why?"

" Because it's my job Kratos. You know if you opposed the idea of doing this, why did you come with us?"

"Don't try to change the subject here Shadow."

"I'm not, I'm just curious is all."

" You know, let's just drop this. We shouldn't be arguing like this," I said, wanting him to shut his trap.

"Smart idea," he replied sarcastically.

If it wasn't because I highly respected him, I would've reamed him out. He's lucky that he's my master.

Looking the opposite direction of him and out the window, a blur of bright green leaves flashed before me. Watching them pass by, my eyes shut and I began to fall into a deep slumber.

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