I Did Much Thinking on This...

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Hello there #Breakers ! I know it has been a terribly long time since you last heard from KL and Kratos and I never intended for it to be this way. As many of you may or may not know, this book was created in my early teens and was originally posted on another site. With that being said, when I posted this on Wattpad I just tweaked a few things I didn't like and posted the same story up. I'm amazed at how well it has been doing on its own, as I have barely been promoting it lately. And there was a reason for that....

I've been struggling with myself and it has literally been an internal battle over what to do with The Broken Series. When I became a Wattpad author, I had no idea that I was going to find comfort over in the short story genre instead of the science fiction genre. So I kept creating and writing, as all writers do. But when I looked back at this book, I saw the little naive girl I once was. I saw her smiling as she finished a chapter and automatically posted it because of the excitement of getting more reads. I saw her waiting for the little comments that would pop up on her phone. I saw her writing as good, but definitely not as strong as it could be. 

I had different goals then. I was just starting to find a voice and find an audience. Now, all I care about is being able to showcase this story to its fullest potential.

This storyline before was developed, but it could be so much BETTER in my eyes. Now that I have seen my potential as a Wattpad writer, I see that KL and Kratos deserve a much more clean and crisp storyline. Their powers deserve more of a background, the characters deserve more of a lineage.

So as of now, Balanced will be unpublished and this version of the story will remain here. But I'd love to get the chance to rewrite this and show you the storyline's true potential if that's alright with you all. It will take some time. Most likely a year or so since this story was so long in the first place!

Thank you #Breakers for sticking with me since the start. This was my first story to ever be published to the public and you all have been so supportive of me. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have even continued to write and create other stories. Thank you for sticking with me. Thank you for being patient. Thank you all for being you. Without you, I would still be sitting at home and typing up stories with no one to read them.

I hope you understand my decision and why I have to do this. Because writing Balanced was so much harder to do when I wasn't fully satisfied with this one. There's so much more to be done ;D

By the way, did I mention that there will be sequels AND spinoffs? Believe me, I have a lot planned for this series so don't think I forgot about you!

As of now, feel free to check out The Lost Boy Series that I have up. That is my current focus and it's also being featured in the #WattpadBlockParty on August 15th! Keep an eye out!

With all this being said, what would YOU like to see in the new version of Broken? Would you like a certain scene to stay the same? New plots? New twists? New secrets? Feel free to let me know because I definitely look at all of the suggestions! :D


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