Chapter 10: Rainy Days (KL)

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Trying to fight the heaviness of my eyelids, my eyes opened and then closed repeatedly. When I finally managed to peel them open, I realized that the sun was starting to rise. Looking over to the driver's seat I saw Seth, his eyes locked on the road.

"Good morning sleepyhead," he said without even glancing over at me.

A smile appeared on my face followed by a weak, "Good morning."

Looking at the clock in the explorer, the time read 7:10 in bright green numbers. I gasped, "I slept all night?"

"Yup," Seth replied.

" Did you get any sleep?"

" Nah. It's cool though. I have too much adrenaline running through my veins. I just would've been looking out of my window the whole night."

" What about Kratos?"

"Slept like a baby all night. Matter of fact, check on him to see if he's still breathing," he joked.

After stretching for a minute, I glanced toward the backseat where Kratos' head was slumped down, leaning on the side of the car. His neck was going to hurt so bad when he woke up.

" Seth, where are you headed?"

" I don't know. I kept driving anywhere and when I saw the sign that said New York, I followed it. Other than that, no idea. I'm just driving far away from those creepy red-eyed people."

 A chuckle escaped my lips. As I stared out at the glorious horizon, lines of orange,red, and gold lined the sky in perfect proportion. "Wow. That's so beautiful," I said.

" It really is quite the sight," Seth said, proudly smirking at his own rhyme.

Even though he couldn't look back at me, I looked at him. " You know Seth, I really want you to know that you are the bestest friend that any person could've asked for."

"Aw shucks," he playfully said.

" Ew, nobody uses that word anymore," I said. "But I'm being totally serious and from the heart right now. Because if it wasn't for you, I don't know where I'd be right now. I'd have nobody. So I just wanted to take the time out to thank you for always being there for me. Through thick and thin, you've always been by my side."

He took this all in for a few seconds, " I'm never going to leave your side KL Kiyano. As long as you need me, I'll be right here. I promise you that."

A smile formed up on my face. "Thank you Seth."

"No need to thank me. It's what I'm here for."

Looking out of my window, I could see the trees that were outlining the road. Their leaves looked to be a bright green, as if their leaves had just freshly blossomed. SItting in silence, all of the recent events that I experienced flowed through my mind. I couldn't even grasp onto the fact that my parents were gone. It left a big gaping hole in the middle of my stomach, and I felt like it would never be able to close again. Who else was I going to go to for advice? Who else is going to walk me down the aisle on my wedding day? Who else would I spend birthdays and Christmases with? It felt so unreal to think about these things because I felt that at any minute, I was just going to wake up and hear them talking to me again.

To think that I'll never be able to hold them again or to tell them how much I love them. Never again will I be able to tell them that I'm sorry for being a pain and for being disobedient. Never again will I be able to hear mom nagging me to do the dishes or dad complaining about how I needed to clean up my room. As much as I hated when they did these things, I'd give anything just to see them once more. Some things in life you just are immune to and you tend to take those things for granted. I sure know that I did.

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