Chapter 44: Unbearable (Kratos)

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In the lounging area we all sat around in miscellaneous chairs that were scattered around the space. Raine, who was channel surfing, had a scowl on her face as she stopped on a reality show where two dolled up women began to scream and yell at each other. As the women's anger quickly escalated, so did the entire situation. One pounced on the other, kicking and pulling hair while the other wiggled out of her grasp.

         "Whoa, that escalated quickly," I replied, leaning forward in my chair in interest.

         " You don't say," Raine said, a devious smile forming on her face as she continued to watch the fist fight.

         "Reality shows are so overrated,"Airilice commented, looking down at her nail buds.

          "That's coming from the homeless girl. How did you even manage to-"

         Shooting a glare at her, she automatically shut her mouth. Airilice's mouth quivered in anger. She opened her mouth to make a comeback, but then shook her head.

          "You know what, she''s not even worth it," Airilice mumbled to herself.

          Raine's head shot toward her, but then she was quickly distracted by the loud screams of the women on the screen.

          Charlotte and KL shared a couch and quietly chatted amongst themselves. Taj and Lily shared a couch on the opposite side of the girls, both under the same blanket. Lily had fallen asleep on Taj's shoulder and I made a mental note to ask him later if he finally built up the nerve to ask her out.

         Nox sat on a recliner, either playing a game or browsing the web on his phone.

         "Hey Nox," I called to get his attention. His blue eyes darted upward, startled that I was even talking to him.

         "What's up?" He asked, his eyes lighting up in curiosity.

         "What are you up to little bro?"

        "Reading on Wattpad," he replied with a smile.

          "On Wattpad? Since when do you read?"

         "Since I made an account," he blandly replied. Awkwardly staring at each other for a few seconds, he averted his attention back to his phone.

    Charlotte's head perked up as she looked at Airilice. "Hey, where's your brother at?"

    Drawing her magenta eyebrows together, she looked back at Charlotte. "That's a good question. Maybe I should go and check on him."

    "That might be best," said KL. "He usually always comes around when we're together."

    "Yeah, that's unusual of him." added in Taj.

    Nox took a break from his Wattpad reading to join in the conversation. "Maybe he just fell asleep. We've had a pretty rough week, ya know."

    "True, true," replied my magenta-haired colleague. "Still though, I think it's best if I check on him. Just to be safe," she said while standing up and taking off. It was funny that even though they've only known each other for a few days, the Knightly siblings already acted protective of each other.

    "Gosh, a nap doesn't sound too bad right now," said Taj. "But I have her laying on me, so I'm sure that won't work." He said, moving his head towards Lily.

    "Don't act like you don't like that," said Nox, stealing the words right out of my mouth. Taj's jaw fell to the floor.

    "Nox, how could you? You went to the dark side!"

    "They have cookies," Nox joked as he went back to scrolling on his phone.

    Bored out of my mind, I sighed. Raine began flipping through the channels again until Airilice ran into the room heaving and panting from her loss of breath. Her pretty face had paled, a tear streaming down her face. As she caught her breath she shakily let out, " J-Jagger. There's something wrong with him! There's so much blood!"

Simultaneously, we all darted up and headed straight toward Jagger's room. The run through the maze of hallways felt like a millennium and thank goodness that magenta head had left his door slightly cracked or we wouldn't have been able to get in without a key.  Taking the lead, I barged into the door as he let out a terrifyingly agonizing shriek of pain. Surrounded by a puddle of blood on his bathroom floor, I realized that there were two giant rips smack dab in the middle of his back. My stomach twisted in fear at the sight before me. Who in the world had done this to him?

"Make way! Coming through! Make way!" Screamed Shadow as he pushed through the crowd. At the first glance of Jagger, Shadow took in a sharp gasp of air. After he got over the initial shock, Shadow examined his wounds as Jagger continued to scream in pain.

"What's happening to him?" Raine asked calmly, curiously peering at Jagger.

Shadow faced the whole group to speak. "These are the side effects of becoming a Guardian."

"Side effects?" Asked a watery eyed KL.

Shadow nodded. "His wings are sprouting."

"Wings?" We all shrieked simultaneously. Surprise rushed through all of us as we stood baffled before Shadow.

"Yes, wings," He replied, nodding. "However, they're just starting to bud. They will fully sprout within a day or two."

"A day or two?" Cried Jagger through his pain. He was holding on to his bathroom sink so hard that I was shocked it didn't break in half. "I can't deal with this pain for another minute! How am I going to get through another day or two like this?"

Shadow chuckled. "Everyone clear out of here. Mr. Knightly, I'll be back with some gauze and pain meds."

       Quite fascinated with what was happening, I actually wanted to stay and examine Jagger's wounds more. Two perfectly straight gashes had appeared on his back, taking up a very large portion of it. They looked as though someone had just made two slices into his back. The the wounds looked to be extremely deep, which would explain why he was experiencing such a massive amount of pain.

    As we all walked back to the lounge, we could hear his cries fading in the background.

© Lightning_Stryker 2016

And here is one of the main reasons why I decided to rewrite the first draft. Yes, Jagger is getting his own pair of wings <3 What color do you think they'll be?


Do you think Taj and Lily are finally going out, or do you think they're just taking things slow and staying friends?

As always, thank you #Breakers for all of your amazing support. Your votes and comments are really everything to me and I couldn't have asked for more amazing readers <3

Also on a sidenote, I updated my bio to show when books are going to be released. I released a new short story yesterday named Peter and I hope you'll give it a peek! If you love Peter Pan, you'll love this ;)



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