Childish magic

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Credits to BL_loverist for suggesting the wizardry theme. I will try my best to give justice to this theme.

Thank you also to everyone who gave me their suggestions.


Whoosh!!! Whoosh!

Today is our 'show us your magic' day but I had a problem, my magic can't be seen by anyone. It will be hard to prove as well since I'll be respectfully or disrespectfully barging into someone else's thoughts. How annoying.

"Me first!"

"No, me first!"

Have I already told everyone? I am not the main protagonist of this story, those two are - Phayu and Rain. Let me share their story of them since day one. Ready? get your popcorn and sit down! Don't forget your water cause it's going to be a wild ride.

It was during our preparatory days that I discovered the magic I have. Well, aside from some spells that we have to learn, each of us had unique magic sleeping deep in our hearts and mine was mind-reading. Now, did you get it?

Yes, it is as you thought.

It was my first day of school, I was a transfer student at the School of Wizardry. When I enter the classroom I happen to receive the warmest welcome of my life - the fist of the two competing for top student in our class!

No worries. I was fine and did not faint. The teacher whisk her wand on me with a 'Skalabooo skalabosshh' spell and I was fine again.

Anyway, that day was the announcement of the top wizard in class, and guess what Phayu was first and Rain was second. Young master Rain can't accept it so he confronts Young master Phayu saying, "You cheated!"

Everyone in the class look at the young master with an 'ohhhhhh??' but young master Phayu only scowled at little Rain and then replied, "Dumbass! you can't cheat on magic!"

"You are the dumbass! Someone can do it from behind and still teacher will think it was you!" Little Rain was puffing his cheeks, I think I saw smoke coming from his nose too.

"Are you saying the teacher is dumb?" I think little Phayu was good at debating, he made little Rain silent at his words. My magic at this point was a little off since I still had to practice it but somehow I heard little Phayu say in his mind, "You're cute but a fool, tsk!" My parents said that anything that comes after but was not a good word so I keep my mouth shut and watch as the bickering continues.

"I did not say that but anyone could be tricked!"

"So are you saying that everyone here is a fool and you're not?"

"I- I'm not!!!"

"Heh! childish!"

Maybe little Phayu at that time thought he was an adult but he should probably look at himself in the mirror to see that we were all the same age and height with snots on our noses. We were all childish at some point.

After that, the teacher intervened and we all went back to our sits. Little Rain sat back on his chair with his head looking down and his cute fists were formed into a ball, biting his lips and wrinkling his nose... tears fell to the ground.

His short arms constantly wipe the tears in his eyes. [... I saw him cheat, he cheated hic...] he repeated those words in his mind. It was a pain hearing everyone's thoughts, some only thought of food, and what games to play but only Rain and Phayu were interesting.

It was like they were talking through their minds without knowing.

[I did not cheat though. Hmp!]

When we reached Senior Year, it was still these two that compete for the top and unfortunately for me, I was still their classmate!

"Hey, weakling!" Phayu had his one foot raised and placed over Rain's table. How long were Phayu's legs?! That was one hell of an effort to maintain such height just to intimidate the timid Rain.

Rain was reading a spell book, memorizing it, and from time to time practicing it. Phayu took the book and called Rain again, "Weakling, still studying? Spare your energy... I'll be at the top in this semester."

Rain's eyes were shifting left and right, and trying his best not to look at Phayu, "... heh! cat got your tongue?"

"... pi... pink." Rain said.

"What? Want me to give you a potion to increase your voice?" The minions behind Phayu laugh, supporting the main minion. The room was full of their laughter and I don't understand what was so funny in Phayu's words but I'm not the protagonist so why would I bother stressing myself?!

Anyway, Rain pointed his finger toward Phayu and shouted, "Your boxer is pink! I can see it through the hole!" The laughter died down and Phayu's face rapidly turned from normal to blushing.

His leg that was raised was put back on the ground and to save his face he said, "You- you used a spell to see my boxer!"

"Why would I want to see your pink boxer?!

"... because... because you have a crush on me!"

"Whaaaatttttt???!!!" Rain's eyes widened in disbelief and in a wave of his hand a mirror appeared, "your so ugly to be my crush!"

In return, Phayu had a mirror appear too, "You are also ugly to have a crush on me! Tsk, weakling."

Rain stepped forward, with both hands on his waist he said, "I am the top one last Rare Spell exam, who are you calling a weakling?! Cheater?!"

The other wizard student dispersed and return to their desk. It was the same scenario again. It was the same since we were in Preparatory year.

I should probably correct what I said before, Rain was not timid at all, he bites back, barks back, and will not back down from Phayu! Wanna know what they were thinking while they were fighting?

Phayu: [Why did I raise my leg?! Now, I have leg cramps!]

Rain: [So, he likes pink?! Huh, top? Not on my watch!]

"I did not cheat, loser!"

"Heh! then try to top me, cheater!"

Should I tell them how immature and childish they both sound? Or should I keep my mouth shut and see where fate leads for these two?


The wizard teacher came in and the commotion died down, "thank you, teacher," I murmured.


Author's note:

I'm gonna give wizardry a try cause there is a certain scenario that I so wanted to write... 

( ̄ε ̄〃)b ... after this story will be a mafia-abo theme.

Hope you enjoyed this new story of Phayu and Rain. Updates will be twice a week without fixed day. If I have extra time then there will be extra chapters too. ( ̄▽ ̄*). 

[Also, thank you for those that informed me about my work (I married the alpha bastard) being plagiarized or copied word by word. Writing fanfic is not easy, though its free, we fanfic writers appreciate it if our works were love and enjoyed by fans. (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)]

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