War Magic

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After a month of intensive training, the wizards were deployed without minding the family background or the rank in magic. Everyone should fight, defend the wizard realm, and emerge in victory!

In the mystical realm of the wizards, where magic flowed like rivers and ancient secrets whispered through the winds, a war was brewing. The air crackled with energy as wizards and gargoyles clashed in a battle that would decide the realm's fate.

Among the wizards, Phayu, a serene figure adorned in azure robes, wielded the power of water and the gentle art of healing. Beside him stood Rain, a fiery sorcerer with a mane of flame that danced to the rhythm of his magic. Together, they formed an unlikely yet formidable alliance against the relentless onslaught of the stone-hearted gargoyles.

At first, Phayu was apprehensive about Rain coming to the border with him. If he could, he would want Rain to stay away from the war but of course, he also understood that his beloved wizard would not stand far away to watch and do nothing.

He saw how Rain fought and saw how the wizard grew strong in this fast-paced training. He does not have the heart to tell Rain not to go at all.

The gargoyles, ancient protectors of the wizard realm, had been corrupted by a dark force, their once noble purpose twisted into a thirst for destruction. As they descended upon the wizards, stone wings beating in unison, the battlefield became a maelstrom of elements.

Phayu, with fluid grace, conjured torrents of water that danced in graceful arcs. The water became a shield against the fiery breath of the gargoyles trying to roast the wizard below them, extinguishing their flames with a sizzle was a no-brainer for Phayu's enhanced magic.

Meanwhile, Rain stood tall amidst the chaos, flames licking at his fingertips as he hurled fireballs with unbridled determination. His eyes bore the fighting spirit, looking at the gargoyles like an insignificant pest. His body moves like a feather, throwing flames after flames to the gargoyles in front of him.

Flames fighting flames, Rain could not be bothered whether his clothes were burned or not. All he thought about was killing all the gargoyles and saving the wizard realm.

The gargoyles, however, proved to be formidable adversaries. Their stone bodies resisted the onslaught of water and fire, and their mindless ferocity left the wizards on the defensive. The battlefield echoed with the clash of elements, the roars of gargoyles, and the incantations of the wizards.

As the battle raged on, Phayu's healing powers became crucial. His soothing water healed wounds inflicted by the gargoyles, and his calming aura bolstered the resolve of the wizards. His priority was Rain. Passing the healing power to him despite fighting the enemies was challenging but he couldn't care at all. He needed to give his beloved wizard a boost of health.

Rain, fueled by determination and the blazing inferno within, unleashed torrents of fire that crackled and roared, pushing the gargoyles back.

The turning point came when Rain, with profound concentration, tapped into the power of the mind. Through the arcane currents of the wizard realm, he communicated with the wizard with mind power, forming a telepathic link that transcended spoken words. United by their shared purpose, the wizards orchestrated a synchronized assault that overwhelmed the gargoyles.

During the training, every wizard with mind magic created a connection with the other wizards through a mind link. This will make the fighting easier and communication better.

As the last gargoyle crumbled into stone shards, the battlefield fell silent. The air, once charged with hostility, now carried the whispers of victory. Phayu and Rain, weary but triumphant, stood side by side, their unity a testament to the strength that emerged from the fusion of water, fire, and the indomitable power of the mind.

The realms of wizards, saved from the looming darkness, basked in the radiant glow of the victorious wizards. The alliance of Phayu, Rain, and other wizards, forged in the crucible of war, became a legendary tale that will be etched into the tapestry of wizard's history, a story of resilience, unity, and the triumphant power of elemental magic.

In the aftermath of the epic battle, the wizard realm began the process of healing. The once-turbulent skies cleared, revealing a serene landscape bathed in the soft hues of a setting sun. Phayu and Rain, their magical energies spent, surveyed the battlefield, mindful of the sacrifices made to safeguard their realm.

As the victorious wizards turned their attention to the remnants of the defeated gargoyles, they discovered ancient runes etched into the stone fragments. These runes bore a cryptic message, hinting at the dark force that had corrupted the once-noble protectors of the wizard realm. Determined to unravel the mystery and prevent a resurgence of evil, Phayu and Rain embarked on a quest to delve into the depths of the wizard's history.

Their journey took them to ancient libraries, where dusty tomes whispered forgotten tales of a time when the balance between elements and guardians was disrupted. The same library where they have to tease each other before.

The dark force, seeking dominion over the wizard, had exploited the vulnerabilities of the gargoyles, twisting their purpose and turning them into instruments of destruction.

Phayu, with his affinity for water and healing, immersed himself in the ancient texts, seeking insights into the intricacies of the wizard's realm of magical equilibrium. Rain, guided by the flames within, deciphered the fiery prophecies that foretold the coming of a savior to restore balance to the realm.

Through trials and challenges, the wizards uncovered the ritual that had opened the gateway to corruption. Together, with newfound knowledge, they harnessed the elemental energies to purify the corrupted remnants of the gargoyles, releasing the dark force's hold on the wizard realm.

As the last vestiges of corruption dissipated, the border of the wizard realm flourished once more. Phayu and Rain hailed as heroes, stood before the rejuvenated landscape, their bond, and the convergence of water, fire, and healing magic a beacon of hope for the realm.

In the years that followed, the wizards continued to safeguard the wizard realm, ensuring that the lessons learned from the war were never forgotten. The alliance forged on the battlefield became a symbol of unity for the realm, inspiring generations to come.

And so, the tale of Phayu and Rain, the wizards who stood against the tide of darkness, echoed through the ages—a testament to the enduring power of collaboration, the harmony of elements, and the indomitable spirit that could overcome even the darkest of threats.

~The End~

....kidding! (*ノз'*) .... a few chapters more and we're done. There was no complicated fight, right? Hahaha... I don't have the mind to write a fight scene but wanted to include it for the plot. Anyway, hope you enjoy it though it's a little blurry. 

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