Unhappy magic

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With my own life to focus on, I haven't met Rain and Phayu since graduation. It was inevitable since I have to nurture my own innate magic too. Have I told you about Rain and Phayu's innate magic? I haven't?! Oh. Silly me.

Anyway, I am on my way to enrolling for the last level of wizardry, in the human world this was equivalent to college. When I step inside the office, I saw Phayu and Rain... together... and on good terms??!!!

What happened in those three months?!

Without thinking much, I hurriedly walked towards the two forgetting that we were not close at all! "Hi!" I said with obvious curiosity in my eyes, "... so, which class will you take?" I asked, I hope I don't sound creepy cause I'm dying to know what happened!

I should have gone to that playground instead of drinking tea with my friends! Yes, I do have friends.

Rain was surprised by my sudden appearance and he instinctively gaze at Phayu as if asking the man beside him for the answer. Phayu smiled at Rain and looked at me with smiling eyes, "We will be in enrolling in Innate and War Magic," he said.

Innate and War Magic class will focus on honing the magic that you have and learning about the magic you can use for fighting both defense and offense. This last level class will only take two years and we can become certified wizards.

Taking this class will force the student to live in the wizard school for the whole year, unlike other classes that still have time to mingle in the outside world.

"Oh. So do I." I said hastily without thinking so much again. Damn, being nosy gave me trouble!

I reached out my hand to them both and as soon as they held mine I hacked into their memories back to three months ago...

The vision started dark and slowly light blinded me. A door was opened and a huge sized living room with only two people in it felt so heavy and mournful. "Dad," it was Rain's voice, trembling at the word he spoke.

His father was sitting on the sofa with the tablet in hand, reading the achievements of Rain since he was a child, "I'm sorry..." Rain who was not allowed to sit had his tears fall on the white-tiled floor.

"You disgrace me." His father said in a monotone. It was not a loud voice but it hurts the same hearing it in a different range of voices. "You can't consistently guard the top spot?! Are you even my child?!!" This time it was loud and the eyes of his father were piercing through him.

"You didn't even inherit the innate magic of the family! What a useless son!" The family of Rain, as I have heard have firepower as their innate magic. His father had a white color flame, the second strongest color in the fire family.

At present, his father was the strongest and nobody in their family attained the blue color fire, which was considered the most powerful and the hottest fire. Right now Rain has, "water?! That was your useless mother's family power! What use is the water for you?!"

Right now, Rain had a green level in his water power. Of course, the water was perfectly clear in color but if we measure how powerful Rain was in his innate magic, he was at the green color just second to navy blue or dark blue color.

"I- I'm trying to perfect my firepower..." he answered. In reality, Rain truly had firepower but it was so low that he could only light a torch with it, added to that... it was a red color fire, the lowest of all the fire levels.

"Trying?! How long has it been? You level up in your water power but the firepower that should be continued was not?! And what happened today? Did you decide to play with your power and sprinkled disgusting things on your classmates?!"

His father spoke giving him no chance to explain himself. For his father, it was always his mistake. Even if other people did it as long as he was involved, it was considered his mistake.

His father stood up and went upstairs. The door in his study closed with a loud bang making Rain startled in fear. He stood there for another five minutes before he wiped his eyes and run outside.

The surroundings were dark but Rain did not have the heart to mind it, he ran and ran until he reached his favorite hideout. It was dark so there was no one in the playground tonight. Rain crouched down above the slide and pour his heart out with his sobbing.

He could never cry inside his house lest his father would hear it and speak ill of him again and his mother. It was unfortunate that his mother died before he could start going to wizard school but maybe it was because of that... that Rain had his heart focused on the water power that he had.

"Rain," a voice fell on his ears. He lifted his head in surprise and what he saw surprised him even more. In his blurry vision, he could perfectly make out the image in front of him. Even with the light at the man's back, Rain knew who exactly it was that called him.

"Why-" he wiped his tears quickly and continued, "why are you here?" No matter how hard he wiped his tears to hide the fact that he was crying, his voice betrayed him. He stood up abruptly and patted his butt for non-existent dirt.

"I was passing by... are you alright?" Phayu intentionally went to the playground that night. He wanted to see the place before going there again on Saturday to meet Rain but he was not expecting to see the guy tonight.

"I'm fine!" but his aura was screaming that he was not.

Seeing the man in front of him crying so much, Phayu felt miserable and he did not know why. Maybe, because he caused Rain's misery today? Maybe, he was not a full pledge bully and still had a conscience?

Or maybe... he did not really hate Rain as he thought.

With these thoughts, Phayu pulled Rain into his arms and patted the man's head gently as he said, "It's alright, just cry. I'll accompany you."

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