Reward Magic

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The stick slowly lifted from the ground, and with its steady take-off, Rain sat lazily behind Phayu looking at the glimmering lights under their feet.

Tonight, the moon was crescent, and seeing it up close was beyond amazing, "do you think we can fly above these clouds? What do you think we will see there?" Rain spoke his mind influenced by Phayu's ozone layer joke.

"Ozone layer?" said Phayu still clinging to an absurd joke he had said a while ago.


Rain chose not to speak anymore, it seems like it was wrong to indulge Phayu in the joke that he can't let it go at all. Minutes passed and Phayu turned his head to look at the quiet Rain, "hey, are you sleeping?"

But what he saw were eyes like the dark night with sparkling stars. Rain turn his head as well the moment he heard Phayu call him making them meet each other's eyes, due to his surprise, Phayu shifted the stick sideways which caught Rain off-guard, and instinctively held onto Phayu's waist!

"Oh. so-sorry..." those hands clinging to him were sending electric current straight to his heart making it beat faster. It will not be a surprise if Rain can hear his beating heart, he added, "you... don't take your hands for safety... I might... we should... uhmm... ensure safety."

His speech stuttered and even he did not understand what he said at all but unexpectedly Rain said, "sigh, it would have been good if the one clinging to you is the guy you like," Rain shook his head as if he was sympathizing for the lost opportunity.

Phayu gulped hearing what the oblivious guy said and can't help to feel an aching in his heart. If only Rain knew that it was him he likes, then he this scene might be awkward. At least now, he was the only one uncomfortable with hiding his feelings.

At least, he spared his little hamster from an awkward air.

"En... yeah," he said. He focused his mind on safely bringing Rain home while his heart was pounding from the hands holding on his waist. Suddenly, he saw a cat-shaped cloud beside him, then a dog-shaped cloud, an elephant, and a bird...

"I learned this trick before, I can teach you the spell. Use it when you woo the guy," another punch hit his heart.

Looking at the animal floating along with them, it seemed like they brought the zoo into the sky. It was a good sight. A cat somersaulting, the dog chasing the somersaulting cat. The elephant walking with the bird flying over its head... was indeed a good tactic to use for pursuing the person you like.

But... "the guy looks like a hamster," he said and cast a spell to make a hamster-shaped cloud without waiting for Rain to teach him the spell. He made the hamster-shaped cloud eat and drink... just like how Rain eats and drinks.

At the back, where it was impossible for Phayu to see, Rain smiled. It was unknown what was the reason behind those smiles but Rain admits that he enjoyed today's adventure with Phayu again.

The hamster-shaped cloud moved and went to Rain, who stretched out his hand to share its burger-shaped clouds. It was a funny scene and Rain laughed so loud holding his stomach making him almost slip from the stick.

"... your hamster guy will accept you for sure," Rain took the burger-shaped clouds only for them to vanish in the air. "just be yourself."

He was stabbed again but he does not care, just like what Rain said... he will be himself.

"Can I still have my reward?" he asked totally far from the conversation they have just now. "I made you laugh so much today. Can I still have my reward?" Phayu moved his body to face Rain leaving the stick in auto-drive mode.

His hand flick and cast a black carpet under them to make sure they won't fall.

"Can I?" he repeated his question, this time looking at Rain's eyes with all seriousness and sincerity. "I haven't bullied you today. I've been good," he added making all effort to persuade Rain.

"I even stop bullying the ghost actors, I listened to you so... can I still have my reward?"

Rain was befuddled by his eagerness and continued persuasion but thinking how the man in front of him was his rival in the top spot, he understood it immediately, "Ok, what is it that you want?"

He brushed off the seriousness in Phayu's face and interpret it as Phayu's competent side kicking off. Besides, he was like that too. Who would understand Phayu better in this sense if not him?

Phayu was silent upon getting Rain's word. He was ready to ask for his reward but got a moment of shutdown when he realized how risky the thing he wanted to ask was. If he will say the word then he might lose Rain even before he starts.

He might lose Rain even before he understood his feeling a hundred percent.

"I-" he was pondering, will it be worth it? "I want..." he gulped again, the animal-shaped cloud dancing around them as if urging Phayu to speak his real thoughts, "Can I-"

"What? What do you want?" but Rain had no patience to wait for him. At the same time, he was full of curiosity as to what Phayu wanted but hard to say.

"Can I embrace you so I won't be too nervous when I hug the guy I like?" he blurted out the words not knowing the expression that Rain made. His eyes were closed afraid to be rejected and see Rain's disgusted face.


One minute passed and it was still silent.

Two minutes... three minutes... Phayu opens his eyes one at a time then suddenly Rain's hearty laugh spread in the sky, "Oh my god! You are so funny. Are you sure you're the one who kept on bullying me?" He wiped the moist in his eyes and open his arms wide.

"Here, come. Practice as much as you want," Rain was half-smiling, half-laughing as he spread his arms in front of Phayu and allow the guy to make him the practice mannequin.

Phayu's heart thumped louder and faster. Honestly, it was more shocking for Rain to agree than to disagree and he was prepared to be rejected but who knew that this little hamster will say yes? Will he agree to anyone who asked him?

"If someone else asks you... will you agree too?" his heart thumped again with his own question. If Rain says yes then he's doomed. He might become a jar full of vinegar.

"Of course not! Who do you think I am?" he scratched his nose and said in an arrogant tone, "want to hug or not? My arms are tired now."

Phayu grab his wrist gently and pulled him close for an embrace. The milk that he sniff before on rain's body once again made its way to his nose. Grabbing the limited chance, he tightened his embrace and whispered near Rain's ears, "don't let others touch you like this," he does not know why but... just now... imagining someone else hugging Rain... made his blood boil and heart crushed.

He needed to hurry and make Rain fall for him.

"En, then stop hugging me." It was a tease but Phayu took it seriously. He pulls away from the embrace with his hands still wrapping Rain, "I'm an exception."

As if a bolt of lightning struck him, frying his brain and making it unable to think clearly, Phayu lowered his head closer to Rain... their noses sticking together, their lips almost touching each other, he repeated, "Except me, Rain."

Unfortunately for Phayu, his eyes were closed and so what expression Raid had... he never had the opportunity to see.

"Wow! So cool. Ah, the guy will really say yes to you," Rain exclaimed bringing Phayu back to his normal self. His face quickly flushed red and asked in a hurry, "you think so?"

"En! Good luck!" Rain raised his hand for a thumbs up and gave Phayu a reassuring grin.


Phayu: Why do I feel like I messed up?! 〣 ( ºΔº ) 〣

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