Unfair magic

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The lady in black had a childish aura with her big eyes and ponytailed hair. A pretty lady wizard that can match Phayu. Anyone who will see these two will surely say, "What a lovely couple," or "Visual couple."

What was surprising was Phayu embracing back the lady.

He had no hint of resistance and no hint of disgust. He accepted the embrace and gave one in return.

"Oh. You are so pleasing to the eye," said the lady. She stroke Phayu's face with daunting eyes and added, "My darling is gorgeous as always," her voice charming and gentle.

Beside was Rain standing like a stone looking at the two while biting his lips making every effort not to lash out or that's how I would interpret it after looking at the three months worth of their flirting!

I can feel the oozing black smoke from him. I can feel the deathly stare, the betrayal that he felt, and the confusion. A lady suddenly embraces Phayu. That's something to ponder about.

"Rain this is-" When he turned his head to introduce the lady he saw red eyes and bleeding lips. Worry spread on his face that he hastily let go of the lady and cupped Rain's face to stop the hamster from biting his lips!


In a whisper he said, "...baby... what's wrong?" he was so helpless and afraid. Added to that, Rain's eyes kept sending daggers to him.

"... baby..."


The word was spoken while giving emphasis to each letter but Phayu's mind instantly identify the word. Cheater.

When did he cheat? Phayu's mind was solving problems faster than he could solve a math question. He never cheated. He could never cheat. He wanted to treat Rain well more than his father treated his mother.

So, how could he cheat on him?

"Darling, who is he?" The lady in black went to them and place her hand on Phayu's back like it was natural.

This added to Rain's heartache. Ever since Phayu started chasing him openly, Rain has been experiencing pain and happiness differently from before.

And now, he felt it again.

Seeing the lady embrace Phayu, seeing someone caressing him lovingly and can have a skinship with the man easily... his heart was full of bitterness. Part of him still doesn't want to admit it but he knew... he knew so well that he was jealous.

He can't stand the pain. Can't stand seeing the two so close that he pulled Phayu by the wrist towards him and said to the lady, "Stop touching him!"

He dragged Phayu out of the hall forgetting that there was still an orientation that they needed to attend! And I... as the nosy one... followed them secretly. I need to ensure that they will not hurt each other! 😤

Phayu let the hamster drag him until they reach an empty classroom. Unfortunately for me... they locked the door and I can't follow them inside.

But... luckily there was a window outside the classroom so I can still see everything!

Things you do as a side character. 🥴

When I arrived at the window, I saw Rain cornering Phayu at the door with no one speaking. Minutes later another, "cheater." was uttered but the voice was trembling as a soft sniff was heard.

"Cheater... cheater... cheater! Cheater! Cheat-"

His voice was cut when he was embraced by the man he accuse of cheating. It was a tight embrace and Phayu buried his face on the crook of Rain's neck.

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