Threat Magic

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Hurried footsteps sounded in the hallway walking towards the conference room where the heads of the families of the wizard clan were discussing the impending war with the gargoyles.

The border had not encountered any attacks in the past ten years until recently, two months ago. The number of wizards turned to stone increased and sightings of winged, horned, and tailed wizard-like and animal-like continue to increase in the border.

Good thing there were no residents living there after the last attack and only the wizard army occupied the land as the frontline of defense.

"It has been reported since the first sighting, but nobody gives a fuck about it! Now that we have a casualty, we moved our asses!" Rain's father is the head of all the families, a heavy position to shoulder. So heavy that he had to sometimes give up being a father.

"I urged everyone to send additional troops and strengthen the borders firmament, but you all say I'm only paranoid, nothing will happen. Huh, so why is everyone in a panic now?! Afraid to lose a family but was not afraid to lose those wizards guarding the borders?!!"

There was silence in the room and only his voice sounded. Unlike, the Head of the clan, the other heads were not that brave and strong-willed. Not experiencing the attacks of the gargoyles made them at ease in their hearts. Now, that at ease turned into fear.

Phayu's father had to intervene, as the Vice Head of the clan, he knew the clan head better. "We should decide and plan for our moves now. We only have so many trained wizards, the army can't be exhausted. What do you think of doubling the training of the first-year wizard in the defense department?"

Upon saying this, his son's face flashed in his mind. The Clans Head face also dropped. The other heads of the family were silent. All of them had sons and daughters in that department. If the war broke out, they didn't have a choice but to fight. Will their children survive?

"Call all the department heads of the school. Triple the training for the defense department and double the training for the other department. Recruit all able wizards, men, and women, and train them. We should be ready lest everything gets ugly."

Nobody objected.

Nobody can object now.

[In the border]

Boom! Crack!

Two winged beings flew in the sky, its face contained one horn and two uneven fangs. It sore high and will quickly lower at a fast speed targeting any of the wizards below, throwing bombs containing water with sulfur.

The wizards continuously strengthened the barrier while some fought back with gargoyles. More often than not, the gargoyles showed up anytime they wanted with no fixed pattern. Sometimes they show up in two or sometimes they show up in groups.

Testing the wizards of their abilities as if they observe and plan on what they can do to defeat the annoying wizards.

"Defend the border!" the captain said, his wand turned scepter glowed under the dim sky, it was beautiful, mesmerizing only if there were no gargoyles to fight around.

"kekekeke..." the laugh of the gargoyles resounded in the vast sky, mocking the wizard of their incapability. Talking in their language, only they could understand. "Kekekekekeke...." The two gargoyles were injured but it does not stop them from mocking and fighting.

"On my mark... shoot!" two groups of wizards with three in each had their wands close to each other, the end glowed in bright red that kept on increasing and increasing its glow. When the captain said to shoot, they released the red glow perfectly hitting the gargoyles flying towards them.

One gargoyle was hit straight in the face leaving only half of it with his horn and the other was hit in the chest looking like an eaten apple. "Again!" another red glow flew toward the gargoyles completely killing the uninvited enemy.

After the fight, the remains of the gargoyles were put in a safety container for research. It will always be good to know your enemy. Though there was information about them, it wouldn't hurt to know more.

[At the school]

When they returned to the school, it was awkward seeing the two. This time I dared not pry on what happened to them but when Rain entered the dorm room, he immediately held my shoulders and viola... I'm traumatized!

I don't need to see how you curled up under Phayu okay? How to wash my eyes, my mind, my heart?! I want to maintain my purity, please!

Anyway, due to rigorous training, my innate magic increased, and I can now see one day ahead of the future. Sometimes it was vague and blurred and sometimes it was clear but incoherent. Just last night I saw groups of wizards fighting and a group of old men discussing who knows what. But what scared me the most were the beast-like beings.

I still need more guidance and I can't decipher the vision immediately.

Today, the school called for an emergency gathering, and everyone thought nothing about it but then when the school head said there were threats of gargoyles at the border everyone quieted down as if there was no one around.

It was when it dawned on me, what I saw were gargoyles.

I am not an expert in fighting, and I can only use my mind powers, will I be able to help our land? Unconsciously, my hand held on Rain's hem and there I heard his thoughts, "Father..." Now, I can choose when to listen to people but when I hold them, I still don't have a choice but to hear their thoughts.

Not everyone in the school knew about Rain. All children of the head of the families, much more the Clan Head were kept secret and only a very few knew like the head of school and me. If I didn't have my magic, I wouldn't know about it either. Rain... he was worried about his father, the Head of the Clan.

The training will be increased three times, and no one will be spared.

Amidst the group of wizards, at an angle that no one could see, Phayu held Rain's hand giving him strength and assurance. 



* Head of Clan = He is the head of all the powerful wizard families. 

* No complicated plot, I just want Phayu to flex his superb move and Rain to be the power bottom! No gargoyles were hurt while writing the story. THEY ARE JUST CANONFODDER. THAT'S ALL.

* During Rain's father's younger days... HE IS A TOP WIZARD, SO POWERFUL, SO YUMMY~~ ahem... HE IS STRONG, OKAY?!

* Phayu's dad is that kind of handsome young man but witty and funny that you can't take him seriously. 

SERIOUS & COLD X FUNNY & SUNNY... I'm not shipping them... NOPE. NEVER! (〃ノωノ)

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