Erotic Magic

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The room turned silent, and Phayu's head was full of 'you' words circling around it. It was a bomb drop in this noisy and chaotic room that made it deafening. Was Rain trying to give him a heart attack?!

"B-baby... you... me... eat... ahhh. My heart." That answer alone took all his focus away from the class, and he never even cared about the senior in front of him. Anyway, it was a proud thing to be in love and to be this in love.

"Hmmm? What are you talking about?" Innocence was written on Rain's face, but he sure was glad inside. He loves to see this face of Phayu... blushing, shy, and always affected by his words. The joy of teasing his lover was his new way of showing his love.

It was Phayu who came after him; now it was his turn to make the wizard feel the happiness of having someone continuously wanting him, needing him, and loving him. "I said I'd leave it to you," Rain teased some more.


There was a hint of disappointment in that one word and Rain couldn't help but smile secretly. Before they became lovers, Rain tried to watch videos where two men were doing it. He was so curious about how it happened and, if he accepts Phayu, how they can do it.

Sometimes, intrusive thoughts win, and he watched several of them, which made him shy to talk to Phayu after. Even when seeing Phayu's face, he would wonder who would receive and give between them.

Will Phayu let him? Will they have to fight just to know who is one and who is zero? or can they switch at least?

If he has a lover, he wants to pamper his lover too and show how much he desires him, and he is sure Phayu wants that too. He just did not think that Phayu was this slow. He actually expected that the wizard would jump on him the moment they became lovers!

They have been kissing even before confirming their relationship; how can Phayu let a chance slip by?!!

"Why, do you want to eat... me?"

This time, the senior in front of them disappear, and only eight remain. He was so done with them that he chose a peaceful life instead.

The shades of red in Phayu's face turned even redder, and his eyes stayed fixed on Rain. There was anticipation, and there was control as well. Today, Rain was getting on his dirty nerves, and he wanted to hide him and bathe him in kisses.

How can he have a lover like this? He was affected by every word Rain spoke. He was done for. He can't escape this anymore, and he has no plan to escape it.

"Ba-baby..." his throat was clearly showing how he swallowed his dry saliva, "can... can we skip now? I-"

"What are you saying? The teacher will deduct our points!"


The next exercise was to cast a spell that would help the wizard hide, run, and do their sneak attack. The room was full of smoke, and the third row was not an exception. Slowly, the smoke became thick and was blown into every corner of the room. Some of the wizards were coughing up that black, white, and gray smoke.

Suddenly, Rain was pulled again, and without waiting for him to say a word, a hot, soft flesh covered his lips. It devoured him like a hungry beast. "This exercise... I'm starting to love it," said Phayu.

The black smoke covered them for a minute, and for a minute, their lips never separated. Phayu's tongue invaded the innermost part of his mouth, and Rain even felt saliva dripping from the side of his lips.

It was a minute of kissing, he had not many chances to breathe, so his panting became heavy, which excites Phayu even more. "Guess, I want to eat you... my love."

As the smoke dissipates, the two wizards separate.

No one knew that the smoke was used to cover their passionate entanglement. Nobody dared think that in that gigantic room, the two wizards would kiss.

The next exercise was to use a potion to make the enemy weak. This move can be used when a wizard is captured, cornered, or even when they think that they have no moves left.

The white liquid and the blue liquid needed to be combined in the right amount to make an effective potion. This potion will be tested on a dummy made like a human to know if it's effective or not.

Since this is a junior wizard of defense magic, mistakes were anticipated. The room suddenly turned into a colorful show of magic. Some wizards have made a potion that can turn a human into a toad. Some wizards have made a potion that can make hair grow faster.

And some even made a potion that could make a person's voice thinner.

Of all the rows, the fourth row was the most silent. No, they became silent after several tries at making the potions, and after a while, there was a heavy panting sound. It was not noticeable because of the loud curses from other wizards.

The replica of the senior that was in charge in the fourth row slowly disappeared until only the original body remained and he too, was breathing heavily. Because the potion can spread through the air, the fifth row was soon affected as well.

This does not excuse the third row.

Although Phayu and Rain were located at the end of the line, the potion still moved toward them. However, since Phayu had healing magic, the potion did not affect him at all. But it was different for Rain.

He felt his body become hot and his chest full. He wanted some fresh air.

"Pha-Phayu... let's go out." He reached Phayu's hem; his voice was low and hoarse. "Let's go... now," if he did not go out now, he might collapse.

It seems that the air inside the room was so short that it couldn't accommodate everyone.

"But the teacher-"

Rain raised his head, and his misty eyes met Phayu's. The wizard was shocked at his lover's expression. He can describe it as pitiful, easy to bully, but most of all... erotic.

He had never seen this expression on Rain. He had no time to look left and right, back and front. Only one thought was on his mind: nobody has the right to see his baby's face like this.

He thought maybe Rain was not feeling well after all the spell casting. He thought, maybe Rain drained all his energy, or maybe... There was really nothing anymore. Nothing.

He took Rain in a princess carry and walked out of the room, which started to have an ambiguous sound. When the door closed, Phayu had no chance to hear the teacher say, "An erotica potion again! Sigh, when will we have a peaceful year?"

In their room, Phayu laid Rain down and checked his temperature. His lover's body was hot, and Rain was letting out moans. The potion was not yet completely affecting him, and his mind still has some clarity.

When Phayu's hand rubbed his cheek to comfort him, he turned his head and licked those soft and gentle hands. Phayu froze, but Rain continued his act. He took each of his lover's fingers and kissed them while his watery eyes stared at Phayu.

"Rain, are you okay?" was not what he wanted to ask. In his mind, he wanted to say, 'Do you like my fingers more than my lips? ' but he had to stay sane, especially when his lover seemed to be out of normal.

"I am," a hoarse voice answered. "I am fine, so... kiss me again, hmm? Kiss my... kiss me all over..."

Phayu gulped.


Rain reached for his finger and touched Phayu's lips. It made the wizard tremble. His finger was hotter than normal. It gave them both excitement that was different from before.

"Kiss me... love me... kiss me, Phayu."



Rain: Don't skip class, the teacher will deduct points. ヘ( ̄ー ̄)ノ!

Also Rain: Let's skip class... hnggg. ≡≡≡(⊃'・Δ・')⊃

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