Glowing magic

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Seeing two months of history, I already get the gist... Phayu likes Rain but Rain does not like Phayu.

Oh. Poor. Phayu.

The third month was spent courting Rain, for example...

"Rain, come with me," Phayu was riding on his stick while floating in front of Rain's window in the evening of the first week. He was brimming with happiness as he anticipates a positive answer from his little hamster.

But how can a sleeping person answer him? Of course, it was impossible!

Therefore, the great Phayu knocked on the window gently. So gentle that even he could not hear it. This gave him a reason to open the window and invite himself in.

Still riding his stick, he flew around the room thinking how he could wake up Rain without startling him. In the end, after a minute of thinking, he decided to use his dogs.

Chanting the spell, two dogs appeared. It was the same dogs that stood guard when they fell asleep in the playground that night. "Wake my little hamster... go... oh, don't lick his face!" The last words were given enough emphasis.

The dogs run towards Rain and as instructed, they did not lick Rain to wake him up but instead jump on the bed and scratched Rain's little tummy with their paws without hurting him.

"Not the tummy! I have not touched it yet!" Phayu looking at the dogs was sometimes seething and sometimes pouting but he could never move near Rain. He was afraid that Rain will misinterpret him!

Though, going inside on his own was already subject to misinterpretation.

"Mmmm..." Rain groaned while the two dogs kept on shaking him with their paws. The other dog thought using paws was not enough, so he rubbed his head on Rain's neck while whimpering as if saying, "Wake up, we want treats..."

"Oh? Not the rubbing... no! you silly dogs... that's my Rain..."

This time Rain opened his eyes and was at first shocked by the two dogs then seeing the Phayu floating, he was even more shocked that he sat up abruptly, "How come you're inside?"

His sleepiness was gone in the wind.

"Nice! You're awake. I'll get out first," he vanished the two dogs and flew out of the window then he said again, "Come with me, I'll show you something." His face had a wide smile and he was contented that he woke up Rain without stepping on the boundary.

His nose stretched long in happiness.

One second. Two seconds. Three seconds... "How come you're inside?!" Rain stood and walked to the window side with both hands on his waist.

"You're window's not locked," he said confidently.

"Yeah. So why are you inside?"

"to wake you up... but I did not do anything bad. I promise." Then he remembered the dogs and his heart jump. He was actually jealous of the dog right now. They can rub their fluffy heads into Rain's neck. They can pounce Rain, touch him with their paws... but he can't. Such a shame.

"It's already so late. Can we go tomorrow?" He yawned and rubbed his eyes, his sleepiness returned, and he just wanted to lay on the soft bed.

Phayu mumbled, "But we can only see it tonight," he looked at Rain with pleading eyes, "I'll make a flying bed, you can sleep while we go there, please? Please Rain..." he intensified his eyes making him look more pitiful.

If there was one thing he learned, it was that Rain was soft to pitiable people. So, it wouldn't hurt to be a pitiful one if it means convincing his little hamster to go with him!

As expected, Rain conceded, "Make me a bed with a blanket. I want a soft bed," he took a long coat and step onto the single-size bed that Phayu made. It has a blanket as he requested and a canopy!

But why was the bed in single size?! Before Rain could ask, Phayu explained in advance, "Big bed could catch attention and it requires too much magic." It was easily justified with no sweat!

Rain lay down and cover himself with a blanket, Phayu sat just above his head as a dedicated guard to the sleeping hamster. "Next time, call my phone. Don't come inside without my permission."

His voice was fading but Phayu heard it well, "En. I won't do it again." His heart was full, and he was not insulted at Rain's nagging. In fact, he wanted Rain to nag him more. His little hamster was so cute when angry, his face became red and his cheeks puff along with it.

He was sitting in the best position, he could see Rain's sleeping face. His finger was itching to trace Rain's eyebrows, his eyes, nose, and... Rain's lips... he wanted to taste it, lick it, and bite it.

He unconsciously swallowed his saliva. He had to restrain himself, his hamster might run and hide again if he make impulsive moves.

It was ten minutes until they reach the location. The place was at the end of the city they were living in. "Rain, wake up..." he whispered as he shook him lightly.

"Are we here?" his eyes still closed and still crouching under the blanket.

"Yes, open your eyes... look."

Rain slowly opens his heavy eyelids and raises his head a little. In the distance not so far away from them there were dancing glows in white color accompanied by a fast sound of thud thud thud.

"Sit so you can see better," Phayu help him sit up, assisting Rain through his arms. "Do you like it?" he whispered near his ear.

His sleepiness was replaced by excitement and amazement. The dancing lights were fascinating in the dark night, "what are those?" He turn his head to look at Phayu when he uttered the question making their lips brush slightly.

Rain turned stiff but Phayu acted like it was nothing just to not ruin the moment. Inside, he was hyperventilating, somersaulting, and screaming for more! He wanted to kiss more!

"They're deer. During mating season their antlers glow. When one found a mate, the color will turn bright red. Amazing, right?" As he spoke, two bright red glow appeared.

Rain's eyes widened and sparkled. He was truly amazed by it. He only read it in books and never had a chance to see it in real life. "How did you know that they were here?" His voice was obviously excited and seem to forget about the accidental kiss.

Seeing the excitement on Rain's face, Phayu can't help but be proud of himself. He made his hamster happy today. He earned a point in his heart for sure. Without noticing his action, his arm rope around Rain's waist and placed his chin on his shoulder, "a friend told me. Are you happy? Did I do a good job?"

Again, Rain's body stiffened. He knew it should not be this way, he knew he should feel disgusted by a man holding him like this... but his heart was pounding for a different reason. "Go-good job."

Even words were hard to say.

It was the best compliment he had heard and he can't hide how happy he was. His arms tightened and he lowered his head to rub on Rain's shoulder, "I can't wait for you to fall in love with me. Ahh. I'm so happy... Rain, I'm happy too."

"En." It was the most awkward 'en' but Rain can't bear to ruin Phayu's happiness by pushing him away so he let him hold him for five more minutes as he watched the white color glow all turned into bright red.


The dogs who worked so hard to wake up Rain: Master, give us our treat before you start flirting!!! (╯°□°)╯( ┻━┻

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