Comfort Magic

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The school wasted no time on the training. All the wizard were grouped according to their innate magic, training rigorously, and putting their life on the line. The school head was present but also the heads of the family, each handling the innate magic that corresponds to their own.

Rain and Phayu had been away from each other for a week now. The rest time that they thought they could use to cuddle and comfort each other was only a false hope. Almost everyone slept on the training grounds after casting a simple roof and bed. All were exhausted. The red alerts to all wizards were high and no one was complacent at all.

New tricks to use magic were taught earlier. New fighting tactics were shared and polished. The wizards who could only use their mind magic were the most exhausted. After a full three hours of training, everyone was drained. The only challenge they faced in this coming ordeal.

The help and presence of the wizard with mind magic were crucial, they could hear the thoughts of not just the other wizard but also of other beings. They can understand them, can see the past and even see the future. This kind of magic was the most valuable, second to none. However, they were also the weakest when it comes to physical battles. Lower than everyone else.

"Is that the best you can do?! Gargoyles will finish you first before you can even touch their hairless head! More!!!" said the head of the Air family.

"That fire can only cook a lizard! Were cooking gargoyles here, give me a blue fire!!!" said the head of the fire family, Rain's father. His eyes were domineering and mad like the wizards he was facing were gargoyles, he could kill them with just his looks.

There was no exemption, even to his son. Most importantly to his son.

A series of booms and crackling can be heard even with the most powerful soundproof dome created for each group of wizards.

One week was too much and Phayu wanted to see Rain so much. He can't wait for the day they will be deployed to see each other. They were in the same place but can't see each other. How cruel is that? So, he decided to sneak into the fire dome after the intensive training.

When he reached the dome, he had no clue how to get in. Only the wizard casting the dome can go in and out and the wizard under the same innate magic. He can touch it but can never go in. How can he go in or call Rain? He does not have telepathy!

"Bold of you to come here in the middle of the unknown." The cold voice sounded and when he looked back, he knew he was right. It was the father of Rain. "What do you want?" Everyone was busy, everyone was occupied with the coming deployment and battle but here he was sneaking to see his beloved wizard.

"Hello, Sir." He gulped and wanted to retreat but he wanted to see Rain so much. "Can I- can I see Rain?" He shoots his shot and hopefully, he'll receive a positive response. "Even for a minute?" he added, he bargains even without the old man speaking yet.

Rain's father looked at him with squinting eyes, inquiring for the real motive of the wizard for wanting to see his son, "We haven't talked properly yet. After this battle, I will have to test your sincerity." He was serious and there was no room for negotiation in his words.

"Yes, sir," he answered.

"You only have an hour to see him. You're both exhausted so you better rest plenty. When the battle comes, rest becomes a luxury." With that, he went in and called Rain. After a minute, a newly awakened Rain came out and ran towards Phayu. Though sleepy, he still ran and embraced him.

"Father told me you were outside. I haven't seen you for a week." Rain said in a whine. Without noticing, Phayu had already cast a barrier, hiding them from the eyes of everyone. While speaking in a drowsy state, Phayu caught his chin and sealed his lips. He missed those sweet and soft lips.

"Mmnn." All the sleepiness in his body was gone, replaced by heat and longing. "Deeper," he chased after those tongues hitting all sides of his mouth. As the kiss got deeper, his body reacted more and more. He wanted to do something more than the kiss, more to show how much he longed for the wizard holding him.

Phayu parted their lips and caressed the lips moistened with their saliva, it was slightly swollen and shiny, couldn't stop himself, he bit Rain's lips and kissed them again, "I miss you, baby." he embraced him tight and buried his head in the crook of Rain's neck, sniffing the scent of the wizard. He felt at home. He felt complete. He felt recharged.

"How was your training? Did your father exhaust you so much?" He made a bed and lay Rain down as he held him in his embrace, "Sleep, I'll wake you up after an hour.

The wizard who wanted more had been cockblocked, he looked at Phayu with watery and pleading eyes, "No, baby. Your father only allowed me an hour. I have to follow or I will forever be the wizard without a word of honor."

Rain understood Phayu's worry so he did not insist. Instead, he answers his questions to satisfy his lover's curiosity. "It was exhausting. I'm aching all over but now I'm fine after getting a power hug and kiss from you." He sneaks a kiss on Phayu's lips and then gives his genuine grin.

Seeing that Rain was telling the truth, he stroked his hair and whispered, "Sleep, baby." His palm is positioned on Rain's chest area at the back and constantly sends healing powers to the wizard. This was his ultimate goal aside from missing Rain.

By this small act, he can ensure that Rain is doing well physically and mentally. Phayu's healing magic can heal all things including the drained magic of the wizard. The more he grew strong the more his power increased and widened.

After forty-five minutes, Phayu was ready to let Rain go back when he heard a concealed voice outside. The voice was cold and dominant, it seemed not to belong to a middle-aged man at all, "If he's sleeping, let him sleep some more. No need to disturb him." The voice said and then it disappeared.

Phayu was surprised that he did not react for a second. How did Rain's father know where they were?! but then he was the head of the wizard clan so everything is possible. Remembering the words he heard, he lay down again and with a smile on his face he embraced Rain tightly again and closed his eyes. 

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