Problematic Magic

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It was already past noon when they woke up again, but unlike the sunny morning, the noon clouds were gloomy, dark, and imbued with bad energy. Drizzle started outside, and the sky roared lowly, telling humans and wizards to prepare for a heavy rain.

After washing up again, the food that was left on the table was re-heated using magic, and they instantly devoured it after an intense hunger. They could never make love without eating first. Next time, food comes first!

They were ready to return before the rain poured down and they were stranded in the house. They were first-year students and can't skip classes as they please. Good thing magic was invented, and they could change clothes whenever and wherever they were.

Closing the window and cleaning up the room, Rain and Phayu left to go downstairs. The stairs were not that high, but they were a bit twisted, so there was a blind spot in the living room when you stood upstairs.

The two lovers were talking and teasing, saying they had to control themselves in the dorm. It would be a shame if others had to suffer because of them. 

When they reached the middle of the stairs, Rain froze, and his face started to pale immediately. His lips were opening and closing, but it was hard to say a word. Phayu looked at the direction he was staring and found a good-looking man sitting upright with both arms crossed over his chest.

The good-looking man had a similar face to Rain, but his was solidly cold, while Rain had softness in it. If he could make his brain work faster, he would realize this is Rain's father.

"Fa- Da-," in his fear, he forgot if he was calling him father or dad. At this moment, Rain's brain has failed to function. All the worst clouded his mind, and he was afraid that his father would inflict pain on Phayu.

"Le-leave... leave!" he was pushing him, wanting to protect his lover. He can still say that he was a classmate. His father will not know that they were lovers. "Please, leave." His words became a whisper, and his body trembled unconsciously.

Seeing how Rain reacted and how he desperately wanted him to escape, Phayu felt a crash in his heart. This is not the Rain that he wanted to see. His lover should be smiling, proudly boasting about their love with no worry.

"I can't," he said in a beat. He can't just leave Rain alone, especially with him being like this. He is his lover and therefore be with him in times of need.

The man sitting on the sofa stood up and took an unhurried step towards the end of the stairs, his eyes looking so angry and disappointed at his son. "Come here," he said.

Rain moved his feet automatically. He never disobeyed his father; it was engraved in his bone to follow his every word, but now his father sees him bringing someone into his mother's house. This is the house that his father treasured more than him, but his mother left it to him.

He thought his father would not come here or that it would not be this day at least. So, what happened? Why is his father here?

His limbs were weak, but he kept going down the stairs. Phayu only took a step down when Rain was three steps away from him. He was processing the situation, but all his mind could say was danger. It's dangerous for Rain to go near the man.

He hastens his steps at this realization, but it is too late. Rain had reached first, and the hand of the man that was bigger than his landed on Rain's cheek, and the sound it created traveled to his heart. He was left speechless, but his mood aggravated.

He pulls Rain towards him and secretly heals the face that was slapped. His eyes were glaring at the man in front of him. At this moment, Phayu does not care if this was Rain's father. He hurt the person he loves the most—the person he cared about and made so much effort to serve and protect!

"If you're angry, beat me instead!" he can handle it. He has healing magic; even if he can feel the pain, at least he will heal faster, unlike Rain. Just seeing the trace of the palm on Rain's cheeks made his blood boil. He wanted to beat the father... but he can't. He is still Rain's father.

"Brave young man. I can do whatever I want to my child." It was obvious that the father was angrier now than before. "Is it fun playing with my son? Have you had your fill, tainting him and leading him astray?!"

Reading between the lines, Rain's eyes widened. His father knew. How long has his father known about him and Phayu?

"You lovesick fools were not content showing how disgusting you are at school, and now you even had to do it in your mothers' house?!!!" It was a known fact that he hated his son. Ever since his wife died, Rain has suffered from his father's hatred.

"I am not corrupting Rain. I am not playing and not even thinking of just taking my fill and leave. If you think we are disgusting, then how about you? Are you so clean to do this to your son?!" reasons and respect left his mind. No one can insult Rain in front of him, not even Rain's father. 

"Stop," Rain said while clinging to and holding Phayu. His words were so low that they did not reach Phayu's ears at first. "Stop, please stop." This time he heard it, and when he looked down, he saw his little wizards' eyes so red and puffy. He had to stop fighting.

"I'm sorry, sir. I would love for you to talk to your son, but I can't leave him here knowing what you would do. We will go to your house in two days; please take this chance to calm down and think through this."

Sometimes, when people are angry, they cannot think straight. It might seem that Phayu was brave facing Rain's father, but in reality, he was also afraid. He does not know how strong Rain's father is. He does not have any idea what magic his father-in-law can have.

"Please, excuse us."

They left hurriedly, riding the stick with Phayu holding Rain. He was glad that Rain's father did not stop them, or else he wouldn't know what would happen. He does not want to fight him, but he does not want to be separated from Rain.

Returning to the dorm, Phayu filed a leave of absence for Rain and let him rest throughout the night while he went to class and returned immediately after bringing his favorite snack. When Rain had calmed down and rested, Phayu talked to him about his plan. 

"What do you want to do?"

Rain was silent. He was not ready to face his father, but if he can't face him now, then when? It was not only because of Phayu but because of many other reasons that they needed to resolve. He loved his father so much, respected him, and idolized him.

If only his father will look at him with love in his eyes, then he will be glad.

"Talk to him?" Rain answered.

"Want me to go with you?" They were sitting on the bed with Rain leaning on him and Phayu hugging him from the back.

"I should go alone." Even if he is afraid, he should face his father alone for now.

"Okay. Then, let's meet him together when you are ready."

The two of them cuddled for a while, listening to each other's heartbeat, and eventually Rain dozed off, leaving Phayu staring at his little lover's haggard face. He can't stay still; he has to do something. 

That night, Phayu sneaked out and went home, hoping to get a word of advice from his own father. 

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