Simulation Magic I

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After that day, Phayu met with Rain almost every day with an excuse that Rain could help him win the guy he liked or might like. They will simulate everything first before Phayu invites the "guy he likes" on a date. Of course, it was only to simulate and not to pretend to the guy himself...

It was amazing how the two naturally became comrade-in-arms after throwing dirty water at each other since preparatory school.

Rain was taking a big bite of the burger in his left hand and sipping in an extra large boba tea in the other, his cheeks bulging as he asked Phayu, "so, what else do you want to try? As a guy, I think bringing the person you love on an adventure like this is a good start!"

Phayu can't help but lock his eyes on Rain's cheeks feeling amused at the little guy, in his mind he was seeing a hamster quickly eating his food while surrounded by more food! En. That's right, it was a sight to behold and Phayu was mesmerized by the scene in front of his eyes, "you... think so?"

As if he was a chick pecking his food, Rain nodded his head vigorously as he answered with confidence, "of course! Boys like adventures! Don't you like it? You even bully me since we were a kid, isn't that you're kind of adventure?"

Oh. It was at this moment that Phayu saw the flashes of his immature doing. Instant regret flooded his heart and even blame himself. If only he knew that there will come a day when his heart will be swayed by the little hamster he bullied before, he should not have bullied him!

But there was no use in regretting everything... he could never turn back the time but he could change the direction of their future, "... but you did the same. You even called me a cheater," he defended himself, he wanted to be good but it was more fun teasing Rain that being an obedient idiot.

"Because you cheated! I saw it... don't deny," he saw what he saw. That day, someone from the crowd was helping Phayu but it was just a small spell. However, child as they were, the small spell was considered a big spell already! Not to mention they were vying for the top spot!

"I didn't!" Phayu held Rain's shoulder and move the hamster- Ahem... Rain to face him but it was a miscalculation of distance because the moment Rain faced him, Phayu was stunned to realize that they only have a one-finger distance from each other!

It was fortunate that Rain was a little shorter or else their lips might brush each other!

Not that Phayu hated it but... he was still in the process of understanding his own feelings. For now, he felt comfortable being with Rain. He felt happy and... he felt that being with Rain was enough than being surrounded by a lot of people.

"I-... I did," Phayu's enchantment with Rain's cute bulging cheek made him tell the truth. In all honesty, he did not ask his friend to help him that day. It was only after class that his classmate told him about it.

The child classmate was being sincere in helping, seeing that Phayu forgot the spell. Was it considered cheating? He does not know... "... but-"

"Don't worry, it was a long time ago. Now, you are sincere all the time. It was good competing with you," Rain smiled at him as he gave the burger another bite and walked ahead of Phayu. Looking at Rain's face, Phayu laughed at himself. He was flustered just now but Rain seems to be not affected.

Well, maybe... because Rain was straight as a pole? How can he bend a straight pole? Can magic be used? If so, he badly wanted to know the spell! But then again... he was still understanding his feelings!

Gosh! Phayu, should I spell it out for you???!!!

Today, they went to an amusement park where there were bone-chilling rides. As a wizard, they were so used to riding their sticks but facing the rides, they still screamed their hearts out.

They first rode the Hang Time where the track twisted and turn like a drunk intestine! Phayu and Rain sat together, both had a game face on, as they challenge each other! Whoever screams the most losses...

The ride starts slowly and suddenly drops mid-air!

"Fuckkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!" It was the shout of Phayu, screaming at the top of his lungs. His eyes closed and his hands gripping on the safety belt tighter than he ever did in his life. The air blowing on them strongly made their mouth form a funny shape.

It was after fifteen seconds that Phayu open his eyes when he noticed that there was no air hitting his face but the ride still went on. "Don't be afraid, I cast a barrier."

Rain was smiling facing the front but his voice was clear, he was comforting the screaming Phayu, "... who... who said I'm afraid? You are afraid! Here, hold my hand!" Holding his hand, Rain noticed how cold it was and suddenly had the urge to laugh.

"Okay. Let this big brother hold your hand... scaredy-cat!"

"I said I'm not afraid- Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!" Another drop was made and Phayu screamed again! Rain had fun listening to Phayu screaming like he was watching a cat trying to climb a wall with all its might but still dropped on the ground.

After the ride, Phayu held the railing as he went down while rubbing his stomach, "uncomfortable... scaredy-cat?"

"Shut up! I'm not scared... I was just... startled!" He kept on rubbing his stomach, it was a good thing that Rain cast a barrier, if not... he might have a bulging stomach because of too much air entering his body!

"You did not react one bit, are you not afraid of this?" Normal people, even some wizards will still get an adrenaline rush or even excitement when riding but Rain did not even show any reactions, "or... you don't like it?"

Rain stopped walking as he waits for Phayu, his eyes moving towards the rides they were on a moment ago, "I'm used to it. Dad made me ride this when I was three... if I scream I'll get a beating. Anyway, I won!" he smiled.

Rain's tone was as if talking about something that does not concern him but Phayu's heart was crumpled learning about it. Three years old Rain, a cute child riding alone and was not allowed to scream. Even he, a grown adult, screamed... suddenly he get an impulse to hug the three-year-old Rain and comfort him.

But the one in front was not a three-year-old but a grown man whom his heart continuously wanted. He walk towards Rain and put his arm around his shoulder, messing the neatly fixed hair, and said, "You won, what would you like to eat?"

They have been eating since they arrived but Rain seems to have a big storage in his stomach than him, "tell this boyfr- big brother, what you want!" Phayu almost blurted out something unnecessary but he was most bewildered by the term he was about to say.

Damn! I really... want to be his boyfriend?


Phayu: I want to be his boyfriend! (ᵒ̤̑ ₀̑ ᵒ̤̑) wow!*✰

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