Warm Magic

250 37 8

Suddenly, the air became weird, and being told by Rain's father made him awkward, conscious, and aggrieved at the same time. He was not even thinking about it!

"Yes, sir," he answered with an aggrieved heart but still appeared docile in his father-in-law's eyes. Thinking about the time they were caught by Rain's father; it was indeed his fault. Hearing such words of warning was fair enough. He needed to show his soon-to-be-father that he was a decent wizard!

He walks upstairs with familiarity. Even though he did not have the chance to absorb the whole surroundings of the living room at least he knew where Rain's room was. It was a great achievement for his memory.

He opened the room carefully afraid to disturb his beloved wizard. The room was still the same in his memory and the person lying on the bed had the same familiar face... so cutie patootie when sleeping, "Ahhh, why so cute, Rain?"

But he did not dare to enter. His father-in-law said that Rain had not eaten yet so he would prepare the porridge for him. He will re-heat it, no sweat to that. His heart was merry, and he couldn't help himself but whistle and sway his hips to the tune.

Who could have known that it was this easy to get approval from Rain's father? The stars align for him this time!

On the other hand, the easy-to-get approval man that Phayu was talking about was fuming, thinking deeply and hard if he would return to the house to protect his son from the wolf! "If my son doesn't love him, I will not give him any glance at all! Look at him lurking around my house!"

Rain's father was inside a private restaurant, and in front of him was a free-spirited middle-aged man wearing a floral shirt like he was on the beach of Hawaii. "En. En... think of your son, think of your son-"

There was a mirror-like thing floating beside Rain's father showing the wizard lurking and hiding in the bush! The spirited man almost spat the tea he was drinking, "Oh. This child... Hmmm, this child... you know... he looks handsome..." Cursing the lurking wizard in his mind!

"Handsome?! My son looks way better than him." The free-spirited man believes that the lurking wizard was handsome than any wizard in the world. Such a sweet and loving and innocent and pure-hearted wizard he ever known!

He brushed off what the other man was saying and did not mind him pacing back and forth in that small room. The man can be described as dominant, authoritative, and cold but when it comes to his son he seems to melt and change his attitude. He was the only one who saw this difference. In the years they had been friends, he knew this man very well.

But why was it his son?!

"Ehem, I can feel that he is a good kid. Don't be judgmental, give him a chance to prove himself. Ah, you can ask him to take care of your garden!" right, he was helping his son, and it can't help if he gives him a little work to prove his sincerity.

"Garden?" Rain's father raised one eyebrow in confusion.

"Uh-huh. When you take care of the plants, you have to be gentle and careful, patient and meticulous. Plants grow better with passion from the gardener. Ain't it the best way to see if he is such a wizard is worthy of your son?" good thing, his son has a healing power!

Rain's father thought hard and deep. It was reasonable. He could still change his son's mind if that wolf wizard can't grow even the plants. "I will implement it quickly," he said like he was handling some high-risk confidential mission.

Sighing a breath of relief, the free-spirited man urged the fuming father to drink more and changed the topic back to the threat in the border that might soon shake the peace in the wizard world.

The porridge was quite creamy and had a flavor that one's tongue would keep on wanting. He tasted it, curious how Rain made it, and it turns out... he wanted more. the taste became three spoons, then one bowl then two bowls. He couldn't stop eating but he had to give his beloved wizard food! Hnnggg... I will ask Rain to make more again.

When he returns to the room, Rain had woken up and was startled to see the wizard entering his room. "Awake?" he asked. He placed the porridge next to Rain's bed and sat beside Rain while looking at the surprised face of his little darling wizard. He grinned, embarrassed but proud.

"W-why.. h-how... f-father... did you see father?" he was nervous that his father would see Phayu and get angry!

"I saw him. He told me to get you food," the tray not only contained porridge but a slice of bread and warm milk. "I almost pissed myself seeing your father, hehe..." he awkwardly scratched his neck looking at Rain with his blushing face.

Rain did not hear the rest when he pulled Phayu for a tight embrace, "Father said... father said he wants to meet you... be good and meet father, okay?" His heart beating fast and hard, it almost wanted to jump out of his body.

"En. I will meet him formally. I will talk to him and show him that I am worthy of you, okay?"

Rain nodded and slowly left the embrace, looking at the porridge, his stomach growled making him flush red, "Feed me," he whispered. With much willingness, Phayu took the bowl and slowly fed his baby. Blowing the porridge until it was okay for Rain to eat, "It's my porridge."

Shy, Phayu said, "You make a tasty porridge. Can you... um... can you make some again? I love it I already ate two bowls. I can finish the whole casserole if... if... you are not hungry." He really could. The taste was full of love, that he can assure you.

Rain looked at him again, eyes misty, "It's my mother's recipe, father's favorite so I made it for him. You... you like it?" How could it be? His heart was touched by a cat's paw, and he was happy. He was truly happy to hear that the wizard he loved, loves what he made.

"Ah?! Then father and I had the same taste! he loves your mother genuinely and I do love you genuinely too, see? We will be close in no time." The proud face he had was contagious and Rain wore it too. "You will be," he said and kissed Phayu on the lips.

After the kiss, Phayu said in a low and sulky tone, "Don't tempt me. Father said not to eat you here. I should be a man of my word." With that kiss alone, his little Phayu already hardened. When you tasted the forbidden fruit, it was easy to trigger the next time and he was already triggered ready to fight another battle!

"Hahahaha!" The hearty laughter echoed inside the brightly lit room. Two hearts in love and happy, contented and merry. It was an overflowing love that others could only envy.

"Then, let's find a place where you can eat me, hmm?" Rain said, his voice sultry.

Phayu: (′ꈍᴗꈍ‵)



I came out of the blackhole after two weeks and the whole country is grieving. Now, I am grieving too. Let me go back to that blackhole and enjoy fangirling with my BL boys! 

Ah, 11years and it's all gone. Hnngggg! (✿˘̩̩̩̩̩̩ヘ˘̩̩̩̩̩̩ )

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