Change Magic

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Phayu's turn came next with a smooth win from his sparring partner. His opponent was not interested in a physical battle and gave in after three punches which made Phayu unsatisfied with his win.

And after much deliberation with the teacher, Rain still was not allowed to spar again. The teacher hardens his heart in pity for those who will face the bouncy little wizard.

In the end, both Phayu and Rain were unsatisfied, aggrieved, and ready to pour out all battled emotions for their next sparring partner. Whoever they will face will understand what trouble means. They will spare no one this time!

However, after a random pick, the result was... they will fight each other.

It was only the third round and they have to fight each other, worst was... they will pour out their dissatisfaction to one another!

Rain: [Shit!]

Phayu: [Fuck!]

Seeing the faces of the two wizards with black lines, the teacher applauds himself. As a teacher, he needed to protect his students. He was sure Rain would not go all out with Phayu and vice versa.

"I guess the time has come," Rain said.

"En, It is truly the time," answered Phayu.

From faces with black lines, they change to faces with eagerness to win. They wanted to fight during the last sparring so they'll know who tops who but this was still better!

"Don't hold back. A fighter only shows respect to his opponent when he gives his all," the sparkle in Rain's eyes was visible and his mouth can't help but grin wider. It might not be what he wanted, but the thought of sparring with Phayu gave him tingles.

He can't wait to land a punch and hear him groan, can't wait for Phayu to beg him to stop with tears in his eyes... how lovely would that be.

"I won't, so please don't hold back too."

Hearing this exchange of words, the teacher felt like he made a wrong decision but it was only fleeting that he put it in the back of his mind after.

The two will spar last and while they thought it would take time for their turn to come, the first five battles ended quickly in ten minutes because everyone was excited to see a fierce battle between them!

Who would want to spar when they can watch an amazing show??!!

Bets were placed and the red flag was raised then at the count of three the battle of the century begins!

Inside the circle, the two were looking into each other's eyes trying to observe the opponent's next move. The band tied in their arms flatters along with the wind and the sand on their feet was gently disturbed making it float in the air.

No one talked.

The audience was silent as well afraid that if they make even a small sound they will miss a single move. One opponent was calculating, waiting for the right time to strike while the other was aggressive believing that continuous strike was better than waiting.

While the audience's eyes were unblinking, the two standing inside the circle in a fighting stance suddenly moved forward with their fist ready to punch each other's faces. When the distance closed, Rain struck first but Phayu stealthily move towards his back and push Rain to fall!

That was not a punch, it was a push! A push!

Caught off guard by Phayu's move and the feeling of being pushed, Rain's face reddened in anger and shame that he forgot it was Phayu. After steadying himself he launched another punch but was again pushed by Phayu!

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