Defeated magic

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He was sure a bully. He loves teasing Rain especially when the talkative Rain had nothing to say anymore and will only blush in frustration. Somehow it gives him a tickling feeling. A triumphant man, who defeated the only one who rivaled him when it comes to wits and skills.

I saw Phayu in his surprised face, maybe he had not expected things to escalate like this or maybe he just does not know what to do... besides, how would you coax your rival? That can only mean you concede to him! Will Phayu do that? No! At least I thought he would not.

Phayu scratched his head and said, "I- I will clean..." he turned his back to Rain and faced Rain again, this happened a few times. He walked and halted in his steps, this happened many times as well before he spoke again, "I will clean your part... you... cow- coward!"

"... but we're still fighting, okay?!" Hmmm... they were still fighting... hmmm... sounds suspicious for someone who will clean his rival's share of the work. Hmmm... I did not know that they could be more thrilling than before, it feels like watching a... drama.

... And I am the VVIP. Whooshhh!

Rain still had his hands encircled by his knees but somehow he had stopped crying and only looked at Phayu working. The half-ass sweeping of the floor, the half-hearted cleaning of the cobwebs, and the way he wipe the books... was clumsy.

Speaking of cobwebs, "Damn! spiders making webs faster than I recite the spell!" I noticed the cobwebs were increasing and where he took it another will appear then I saw Rain's hand flicking and his mouth opening and closing.


I see.

Of course.

They were still fighting.

It was when there were only fifteen minutes left to their three hours long punishments that Phayu finally realized, "Rain!" he stomped his feet in Rain's direction, his nose brimming with smoke, and the broom in his hand was pointed to Rain, "you were adding cobwebs!"

"Heh." The crying Rain from a while ago stood up and wipe his butt for any possible dirt then took the broom from Phayu's hand, "I'm not shallow like you... using a spider to scare me."

When he took three steps, he halted and added, "oh. Wait, I admit... I did add the web. It felt good seeing you as my slave."

Phayu's face turned green as fast as a bullet train. Maybe he couldn't believe that he was defeated today. That his tricks bit him back. While Rain sweep the floor for the remaining ten minutes, Phayu just stood there with his mouth shut.

"... it's because you cried," I seem to hear him murmured this phrase.

"Oh. Sorry," I said to Rain after bumping him and for looking at what happened too. Of course, I could only tell him about the bumping part. "Are you okay?" I asked even if I already knew that he was not.

"En. I'm fine." Truthfully, Rain was a good person. He smiled a lot and talked to everyone without discrimination. He was the darling of the crowd only if Phayu will not sabotage the day.

However, Phayu was also a kind guy. He can easily befriend anyone, he was talented in singing aside from the magic he had and the spells he learned. Though, I don't know how he can use that singing of his.

But only if they clash that they became a different person. Only to each other, do they show their evil side. Hmm... am I getting something here? Why do I feel like... anyway, I gave Rain my snack bar to lighten up his mood.

"Hey, why are you only giving that nerd? I was punished too." Phayu was suddenly closer to us but I was sure that he was at the opposite end before. The rain had already opened the snack bar and had chewed half of it when Phayu snatched it from him, "Nerd!"

Then he left and returned to his original post. Haa, Nerd? He realized he was a nerd to right? If his description of nerd was that of constantly taking the top, studying, and knowing everything... they sure both were nerds.

"Dog! eating my crumbs!" Oppss... I hope they won't go below the belt with their bickering.

"Are you saying you are my master?!" Haa, my head was dizzy with these two.

"Who would take a wild dog as their pet?! Not me!"

Oh gosh, Phayu stood frozen, his eyes on Rain but the fury on his face was evident, "wild... dog?" one eyebrow was raised, his tongue lick his lips and with a large stride Phayu get closer to Rain again and suddenly, "Urgh! Bas...tard!"

He bit Rain's neck, the teeth mark was left behind, red and wet, "wild dog's bite, careful with rabies."

This time it was Rain that was frozen.

Okay, why be frozen though?

However, at the speed of light, Rain's face was red as a tomato and he was opening his mouth then closing it again, looks like he wanted to say something but does not know what... "d- do- dog!"


They're both cute.

Sigh, why do I have to witness this again?

Both turned their backs on each other, both had red ears and napes... please, just bicker... why were their hearts floating around them?! Spare our eyes you brats!

Phayu: [he smelled like milk]

Rain: [Did he turn into a dog? I did not cast a spell, right?]

I was afraid that they were starting to get physical. It was fine when they still bicker but if physical pain was involved, we can't only watch them, right? Should we tell them to a teacher?

The other students were gossiping, whispering to each other about what happened. It was truly a sight for Phayu to bite Rain... after all, they always fight.

Phayu: [I want to bite... more?]

Rain: [Bastard! I will bite him next time! Hmp!]

Oh my...

Oh my god!

Teacher, help!!! Your students were planning to bite each other!

Phayu and Rain turned their heads at the same time, looking at each other, one was looking with a confused-surprised face, and the other with a piercing gaze.

They're leveling up! (⚆ᗝ⚆)

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