Time Magic

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They played for twenty minutes now and the same scenario happened all the time, Phayu taking Rain in front and Rain doing the same to Phayu. It was like seeing them again in the classroom.

"Come on. Let's play fair and square here," grumbled one of the classmates. When one spoke, the others echoes. It was reasonable to complain because on the scoreboard... only Rain and Phayu had a score.

The two had a tied score. But whatever their classmate was saying, both were not listening. Whoever cast a spell first, wins. That's just a simple rule they tacitly created. Even in games, they still competed as if their life depended on it!

"let's play another game!" Another voice shoot out and hearing this both of them turned their heads to the classmate that spoke and with glaring eyes, they said, "No!"

Their heads then turned to face each other and Phayu spoke while looking at Rain's face, "No one win yet.

"We have to know the winner first," Rain seconded.

If at first, Phayu was doing it to flirt with Rain, now he was doing it to compete with Rain. His competitive blood sprung out and he can't help but win this game without giving Rain an easy win!

"Okay, okay. Let's break the tie..." Everyone then agreed but the invisible fire oozing in Phayu and Rain can be felt by everyone around them. Nobody even dared to breathe and planned to move. This game will be specially given to the two tops of their class.

"give me......................................................................................................... two people hugging!" the leader screamed the most difficult give me he could think of but everyone gasped when they saw the result!

Rain dragged Phayu in front and embraced him without blinking! It was as if embracing Phayu was nothing and a natural thing! Or maybe he just doesn't think that much of Phayu that it did not bother him at all!

However, the wizard, Phayu was turned into stone at this very moment. He did not expect Rain to be the first to embrace him but it only lasted for two seconds before Phayu placed his arms around Rain's waist and embraced him back.

"Ah, seems like I lost and win."

Seeing their position, the classmates teased with ooohhhh making the innocent Rain flush red. "Seems like losing isn't bad after all," Phayu whispered in his beat-red ears and chuckled. "I lost, so I will give Rain a reward," he said letting everyone hear him this time.

"Oh. What reward is it?" The classmates were curious and could not help but pester Phayu for the reward, they wanted to know so much since they knew that Phayu never had a single nice thing to do when it comes to Rain.

Whatever trick the wizard Phayu had under his sleeves, they wanted to know so badly!

But Phayu only smiled and look at Rain before saying, "Only Rain is allowed to know his reward." It was a sincere smile to everyone but it was a foreboding smile to Rain. Somehow, he felt chills seeing those smiles.

After the game, the classmates then decided to watch a movie. Of course, no television was used here and no electricity was spent! Rain had cast a spell to create a huge screen playing, Brokeback Mountain!

It was a popular movie at this time but they were not allowed to watch it yet because of some explicit content in the movie. Example... nudity. Example... sex! But youth was a youth, whatever was restricted, all the more they want to watch it.

One of the classmates set up a dark barrier on them to make sure no one saw them watching the movie! The other classmate set up a glittering light just enough to give a little illumination. Another classmate made popcorn and the other a large soda!

Due to the barrier, they experienced a surround sound and they felt it was so good. As they were all men in sex, they felt comfortable watching it without having to mind any uncomfortable girls.

Rain sat at the back and Phayu sat with him. The other was eager to see without obstruction so they took the front sit.

When the movie started everyone was praising how cool the two male characters were, when Ennis saw Jack naked in the river everyone laughs but when the two male characters started to kiss inside the tent and the sound moaning echoed inside... everyone could not help but gulp.

Especially the two at the back.

Rain was in a panic since the time of the river. He kept on sneaking glances at Phayu and was somehow on high alert in case Phayu tried some dirty tactics! Not to mention, the movie had a male-male relationship! What are the odds?!

However, Phayu was immersed in the movie and honestly honest.

The movie then came to the time when Ennis and Jack separated that Rain heard a murmur beside him, "Fight for him!" while the people in front were already sniffing and sobbing and cursing, "They should be together!"

When the two males married a wife, the people booed louder than the movie audio, and another murmur was heard beside him, "I will only marry the person I love," this time Phayu looked at Rain and held the little hamster's hand, gripping it as if he was saying 'don't worry'.

When the two met again, everyone cheered but Phayu said again, "Too much time was lost. They hurt other people and themself." Phayu leaned over to Rain and whispered, "Don't marry anyone if your father is against us, okay? I will surely fight for you."

He was saying this like they were in a relationship. Rain blinked twice and responded, "we- we are not in a relationship. I like girls." His words were low so others in front could not hear him.

"Not yet," Phayu said as he smiled at Rain.

Yes. Since Rain already knew, there was no use in holding back. He could express himself freely. Before, he was afraid that if Rain knew about his feelings, Rain will run away and he really did.

But it was already a blessing that Rain had a guilty conscience that he was now able to stay with Rain. His father said before, "If you can't win them through sincerity then win them through sympathy... tears also work."

He laugh when his father said this but now he realized, it was somehow true and useful. Not that he was manipulating Rain but that he truly felt that he was pitiable. Good thing he went to Rain's house today.

"Don't be so confident. I won't comfort you after I reject you," Rain's eyes focused on the movie and after he said those words, the male character then said this line, "Sometimes, I miss you so much I can hardly stand it."

And he pondered on those lines.

Phayu also pondered on the movie then he said again to Rain, "Life is too short to waste time. Rain, fall in love with me quickly. Then let's be happy together."

When the people in front were sobbing, the two people at the back were silently looking into each other's eyes like they were talking through their minds.

It stayed like that until the surrounding became bright and the classmates were talking about the movie non-stop. Rain was the first one to retract his eyes and pull his hand away from Phayu. He stood up and joined the others in the discussion.

Phayu stayed seated watching Rain's every move and expression, then his lips curved up and he whispered to himself, "I won't waste time."


Rain: I like girls! (◔ヘ◔)

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