Cheery Magic

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Morning air invaded the once musty-smelling room. The scent of flowers in the garden was parading unrestrained, and the bright rays of the sun gave life to the uninhabited house. The two people cuddling in the bed wear comfortable faces as if telling the world that they belong to each other and that it is only by being together that they have this kind of bliss.

It was a good thing that today was a free day, and the classes will be held in the evening. Phayu woke up first and saw his little lover's morning face, the traces of the deed they made last night, and the love that lingers in the air.

He left the bed slowly to wash first and prepare food for his little wizard. To complete the service, he needed to serve him breakfast in bed. That would be awesome and romantic. Though he healed Rain, he still does not want his baby to overwork himself.

He had eaten so much food last night that it was now time to feed the meat he had eaten.

Wearing an uncontrolled smile on his face, Phayu finished washing up and moved straight to the kitchen. The house was huge, but it had such a simple layout that one could easily find his way to any part of the house. 

He waved his hand, and the windows opened, giving way for the flower scent to enter fully. The rays of the sun did not waste time lighting the entire living room. The chirping of the birds and the sounds of the trees gave a sense of tranquility and homey vibes to the two-person world of the two in the house.

Today, he wanted to make a simple dish for his little wizard and eat a big lunch later. If they returned to the school later, they would not be able to do things anymore, so Phayu planned to fatten the calf and pound on him once more before returning.

He was not blamed; who would have thought that making love would feel so good, especially since the person he was doing it to was someone he loved dearly?

The fire was lit, and the ingredients were cut. The sizzling of the onions and garlic invites a great deal of patience in a hungry stomach. Not to mention the aroma it releases that will make one salivate.

After spending enough time in the kitchen, Phayu carried the food upstairs with hot milk for his little lover. It can be helped; he really loves pampering Rain. He loves serving him, making him smile and full. He takes pride in it.

Remembering the worry of his lover last night, Phayu made a mental note to research how to make one's penis grow. Sometimes, inferiority in this kind of matter would affect the man's ego. He does not need to compete with Rain with this, but somehow he saw the difference last night, and he wanted to build back the confidence of Rain.

But he would ask Rain first if he wanted to change it in the future.

When he went inside the room, Rain was already awake and yawning. "Wake me up next time," he whined. His bedhead flashed, making him cute in the early morning.

"Okay, I will next time." He learned from his father that to make your lover happy, you need to do what they want and know how to read between the lines. Sometimes, a lover would say no, but he actually meant yes, and sometimes he wanted to go south, but he wanted to go north.

"Wash up and have breakfast." Rain was still covered with a blanket and stared at Phayu, pouting his lips. "Wash me..." he said while stretching his arms for Phayu to take. Feeling warm at Rain's childish act, he took him into his arms and washed his face, brushed his teeth, and kissed him intently. 

He loves it when Rain acts spoiled. He could never get enough of it.

All the food on the table was to his liking, and the very sense of Phayu doing all of it for him after their lovemaking made his wary heart feel at ease. He trusts Phayu, but there was fear in him that whispered in his mind, making him anxious to do it with him.

He thought, Maybe Phayu will change his mind after seeing how two men do it. Maybe he will feel disgusted, repulsed, or he will directly leave Rain, but his trust was not betrayed at all; instead, Phayu made sure that Rain was taken care of like a prince served by a servant, a princess protected by a knight, a spoiled lover.

"Let's go back before the sun sets; we still have class tonight, so rest well for now, okay?" His rest was different from the rest that Rain was thinking, but nevertheless, it was still rest.

Rain nodded as he sipped on his milk, his eyes fixed on Phayu's body covered in an apron. The wizard in front of him was glowing and extra handsome today. He remembers the first day they met at a kindergarten. A small child with an arrogant smirk on his face announces that he will be the first in his class, gathering little arrogant minions to follow him. 

He was an irritating, annoying, but beautiful child. Rain that day felt threatened that he had no good feelings for the beautiful child. They started to bicker, compete, and even play pranks on each other.

They were always at each other's throat, making sure to rise above the other. When any wizard would confess to Rain, Phayu would block it, saying that Rain snores loudly at night and it would not be good for a partner!

When he heard about this, he started to block Phayu's admirers as well, saying that the wizard only took a bath after a week! Their words became unbelievable, out of hand but never below the belt. They still retain the level of respect you give to your enemies.

There was also that time when they had to make an illusion of an animal they loved. With the enemy-kind telepathy, Phayu made Rain's animal illusion in his fave one, and Rain also made Phayu's illusion into his fave one so much more that the classmate wizards thought Rain liked crocodiles and Phayu liked bunnies.

When somebody tried to confess, they gave Phayu any kind of bunny and Rain any kind of crocodile. It was getting out of hand that they had to explain it to the class!

Now, that wizard was in front of him, eating and putting his favorite food in a bowl. He made love to that rival, but he loved it and wanted to do it again in the future. Loving Phayu comes as a surprise to him, but if he looks back, Phayu was present in almost everything in his life.

Since childhood, the wizard has been there, until now that he is a young adult.

"I love you."

The world was brought to a halt, but the air insists on blowing gently on Rain's carefully brushed hair.

Phayu was busy peeling a banana for Rain and slicing it so Rain could directly chew it. His hands paused hearing what his little lover said: "What did you say?" His throat could not stop swallowing, his face slowly reddening, and his hands clenched into a ball.

"I love you," Rain repeated.

Phayu stood up abruptly, looking at Rain from above. He took a deep breath, and after calming down, he scooped up Rain and held him so they could look each other directly in the eye. Rain had beautiful, innocent eyes, if you exclude the menace side of him. 

"I love you too, baby." He kissed Rain on his neck, bit the blushing earlobe, and whispered, "Let's do it again." That I love you turned the switch of horniness in him; he wanted to shower Rain with love again.

"But we just did it last night," Rain said without much resistance.

"That was last night; this is today." After saying that, the clothes that were freshly worn were gone, and sounds of moaning enveloped the house again. It goes to say that the two lovers, after eating the forbidden fruit, are in their honeymoon state. 

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