Friendly magic

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Hot liquid slowly drenched Rain's clothing.

A second ago they were still kissing thinking that everything will be okay but a second later, the shoulder of the wizard in front of him was shaking.

"I-I'm sorry." Rain was baffled and antsy at this moment. He realized that since Phayu started to show him his love he had been throwing his tears easily... because of him.

"I was hasty...a-and accused you, don't cry." His hands patting Phayu's back clumsily thinking more of what he could do. "A-are you tired of me? I really... really don't know yet if I like you too..." his lips had been bitten while he was explaining, and his eyes moved from left to right.

Phayu stayed still with his head dropping. No words had been said from his side, making Rain even more panicky.

"...but I don't want you to go or... or stop. I want to see you always. Th-those little tricks of yours truly made me happy. Even... even when you ki-kiss me... Phayu, don't stop okay? I know... ahhh... I know I'm selfish for saying this... but don't stop, hmm? Okay? Don't be angry anymore, okay?"

It was funny seeing them from jealous to lovey-dovey to being dramatic now. How many emotions did they go through in the span of five minutes? Sigh... they sometimes want me to experience love and sometimes don't. So complicated.

"I'm fine, Rain. It's not your fault." His words were hoarse, obvious that he had been forcing himself to speak in a stable tone. Did Phayu ever blame Rain? The wizard, in his heart, never did.

"I can't impose my feelings on you. I'm sorry for making you worry." The gentle touch, the gentle words, and the gentle feelings were conveyed clearly. Phayu gave Rain a light kiss on the forehead before adding, "Let's go back?"

The little hamster nodded before giving Phayu a returned kiss on the forehead too.

When they return, it was just thirty seconds away from the orientation to start. Sitting on the very end, Rain held the hem of Phayu's clothes as if afraid that if he let go, the wizard will disappear.

Just like how his mom disappeared from his life before he even had a chance to feel her warmth and see her smile.

"Welcome valiant and fearless wizards! For two years you will be living in the same place completely isolated from the world to train both body and mind. You, the future protector of the wizard land, may stay emboldened and gallant!"

The oldest soldier wizard of the school had given his speech, short and precise, direct and full of power! The room sounded with thunderous claps as if all newcomers were given a power boost.

After the welcome follows the rules inside the barracks. As trainees in defense magic, though it was said that they were isolated, they still had the chance to leave the barracks during sparring classes and war simulations.

Before the orientation ends, everyone was reminded that the barracks will have six people per room, and morning classes start at six in the morning! Late arrival will have consequences.

When they left the hall, Rain was still grabbing the hem of Phayu's clothes which made the wizard helpless. He regretted showing his weak emotional side to the hamster. He does not want Rain to think that he was pressuring him to respond to his feelings.

It was never his intention but he also wanted to have Rain legally now. To call him his boyfriend, to show his love without limits and fear, he wanted to give everything to Rain but he must learn to control himself.

His little hamster has every right to think things through.

"Which room number are you?" Rain asked me which caught me unprepared, luckily I have nothing to hide so I answered cheerfully, "0618!"

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