Confront Magic

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Before he left, his father asked more about Rain's father. Anything that Phayu knows about him. When he reached the school, it was already three in the morning, and the patrol students had to change shifts.

Taking advantage of the few seconds, Phayu sneaked in but was still apprehended! He was tied with a magic rope to both hands and feet. "Oh-hoo! Sneaking out, are you cheating on that wizard?" The wizard who captured him was hidden in the dark, so he can't make out the face, but he does not need the face to know who it is. Just the arrogant voice alone was enough to identify the wizard.

"I went home. I will never cheat on him." He did not struggle free but sat beside the flower bed. The moisture seeped into his pants, and while the cold air carried the scent of the flowers, it also made him shiver. At this moment, the sky only contained a few stars.

"Are you legal?" He asks the wizard who captured him. His head lifted to the sky, still bound by the magic rope.

The wizard withdrew the rope and sat beside him. "Legal? Like if we tell our parents or if we confirm our relationship?" There are many meanings to being legal, and when asking, you have to be clear about it!

Twisting his wrist, he answered, "If your parents knew."

"Oh," the wizard whisked his hand, and beer appeared, a small table, and peanuts. He thought, This is going to be a long talk, so it would be best to talk with beer and peanuts! "Sky told his parents first. His father knew he only likes men, so somehow we can say it was smooth."

The beer was cold, and drinking it at a cold dawn will only double the chill, but somehow it does not. "And your parents?"

Pai drank half the bottle and sighed, "It took me half a year to tell them. I thought they might not accept it, but guess what they already knew and were waiting for me to tell them. They even heard about me and Sky. Crazy, right?"

It was private, but Pai did not feel like it was an invasion of privacy. It was good to share one's experience sometimes. "Having problems? Are your parents against you two?" The peanuts kept pouring, and the beer seemed bottomless.

"I want to win his father."

"Well, just show your sincerity. Everyone fell for sincerity."

Sincerity—the same words as his father. A vague word. How can he ensure that what he did showed sincerity? "How? What should I do?"

Pai laughs heartily, striking Phayu in the shoulder with a light punch. "Nobody can tell you that. Everyone is different, so everyone perceives sincerity differently. You have to understand that person so you'll know what to do."

What his father said and what Pai said sounded the same, but Pai made him understand his father's words more, but he is not yet there. He will know when he understands the person? Then he will start by asking Rain about his father; maybe he will get his answer.

At four thirty in the morning, Phayu returned to the room with Pai. Both sneak silently, afraid to wake their lover. However, the scent of alcohol betrayed Pai and he was kicked out of bed as soon as he laid down.

On the other hand, due to so much emotion, Rain was exhausted and slept soundly. When his body senses the warm person beside him, he curls up and moves closer to Phayu. It was a small act, but Phayu felt warm and thought that Rain was worth all the pressure. He will win his father, so Rain will live without worry.

The next day, the classes resumed, and the students were gossiping here and there about the accidents that happened in the last two days. It was so sensational that the students couldn't help but laugh at it.

Some seniors were still affected even after experiencing it last year. Some students run after a teacher, and that teacher runs for his life, forgetting that he has magic to hide himself! But all in all, it was controlled, and no major accidents happened.

It was also at that time that Phayu and Rain learned about it, but they kept their mouths shut because something did happen. They can't share it, and they both know it was not because of the accident that they gave each other their bodies.

It was mutual. It was because of love.

"I will go home tonight. I will apply for leave," said Rain. They were eating in the canteen, and the food tasted bland somehow.

"Will you be okay?" He was still concerned, but what could happen? Rain is his child; he won't torture his child, right? So he calmed his worried heart and said, "Okay. I talked to my father last night too and asked for advice. I want to win your father, to fight beside you."

It was already enough that Phayu was not discouraged. Fighting beside him sounds like they are going to a battle, but knowing that his lover will stand by his side and never let his hand go is more than enough to give him courage.

That night, when Rain went home, his father was not around. The house was empty, but he knew his father was there in the morning because there was fresh trash in the kitchen. He waited for his father, but the old man did not arrive.

Tired, Rain can't keep his eyes open, so he succumbs to drowsiness and sleeps until a loud voice comes from downstairs. Startled and worried, Rain walked lightly to see who was making a sound. His father surely won't be this loud. So, who was it?

Under the light shared by the moon, there were two silhouettes below, both swaying. One is laughing, and the other is muttering incomprehensible words. When the lights were all out, the faces of the two people shocked Rain.

It was his father and another man!

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