Flirting Magic

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The next day comes, and the mood in the room is more sunny than it ever has been. Pink bubbles flew all over, and love was felt in every corner. It was the second day that Rain and Phayu were boyfriends.

Today was the spell-casting class, where seniors will be teaching juniors. This class will help wizards learn defense magic, which they will soon incorporate into their physical skills. If physical strength was important, then learning this kind of magic was critical.

All the juniors and seniors in charge were gathered in a gigantic hall, each with tables in front of them. Colorful liquids were inside transparent bottles, and pixie dust was inside an open box. These were optional tools to aid a wizard.

Of course, a wizard should still learn spells aside from using these tools.

"First, let us see if anyone knows how to cast an armor of protection," the instructor said with an amplified voice. Each row has one senior monitoring each junior. These seniors were using replication magic, so one row has ten identical faces.

If a wizard masters the replication magic, they could make up to fifty replicas, but many replicas mean a division of strength, and if one is not strong enough, the replicas will move like zombies.

Murmuring sounded in the room, and flashes of small lights started to appear from one cubicle to another. Suddenly laughter burst and the chaos started: "Oh my god! The teacher said armor, not a Barbie suit!" (ノ^∇^)

In the third row, Phayu was frozen, while Rain was struggling not to laugh out loud. The wizard wore a red and somewhat white or silver combination, with full body armor covering even his head! "Are you joining a Cosplay event?" said Rain with much effort.

"Ah." (︶︹︺)

He was greatly ashamed. As Rain's now-boyfriend, he wanted to show off. He had it in his mind: a red chest plate and a silver shoulder cover down to his waist. A lightweight armor that will exude his manliness and heroic aura, but it failed, and he looks like a laughing stock.

"I'll try again." Phayu looked at the senior in front of him that has a blank face as if he had seen this chaos and failure countless times. "I'll try again!" This time he said it to Rain.

Phayu now wanted to have the same armor cover as Rain, a full black lightweight metal with gold lining on every edge. It was so stylish and chic.

Upon entering the defense magic class, a manual was handed to each student that contained all the basic defense magic. All they needed to do was make the basics premium, meaning they had to learn on their own too, and not just rely on the teachers!

That was why Rain was able to have his own style of armor, and that was also why each student has different armor, but at the end of this session, everyone should have the same armor, like a uniform.

"... but you look cool in this full body suit," (・ε・'*) ...

It was a whisper intended for Phayu to hear, but of course, that was not the case. The senior monitoring them had good hearing and heard the flirty tone in those words. His eyes rolled and he snorted. He thought the teachers were so lax that juniors started to date even after a few days of entering defense magic!

Thanks to the suit that covered even his face, the blush on Phayu's face was hidden in Rain's eyes. Looking around, his suit was truly better compared to everyone else's in the room. The gigantic room turns out to be a cosplay event.

"R-really? You like it?" he said shyly.

Rain stepped forward and tiptoed a little as he whispered near Phayu's ear, "yeah... I like how my boyfriend wears the costume of my favorite character." Even with the suit on, he could still feel Rain's breath, and it tickled his ear along with the words spoken.

As if a bomb was detonated, Phayu pulled Rain into his arms and buried his face into the nook of his lover's shoulder. "Ah, I want to kiss you... Can I kiss you? I really want to kiss you. You're so unfair. Let's skip class, baby... Let me kiss you."

His arms held the wizard tight, and his muffled voice, along with his repeated desire to kiss his lover, brought a smile to Rain's face. He extended his arms and rubbed the head that was on his shoulder and said in a low, doting voice, "You can kiss me all you want after the class, okay? My Ultraman."  

"Ah, you... really! Ahhh... I wish the class ends now. Baby... Rain, do you really like my suit? Really?"

His heart was beating so much, and this affected his mind. He did not mind now that he failed to make the right armor because Rain loved his suit. It was his baby's favorite character, too.

"En. Wear it tonight when we sleep, okay?" Honestly, Rain had been giving Phayu a hint since last night, but his lover was so pure and innocent that he might not have those thoughts, so he wanted to be the bigger person and teach his lover to desire him more!

"T-tonight? You want me to wear this?" He was still holding Rain, but this time his embrace became even tighter. "Why? You love this character more than me?" The sadness in his voice was apparent, and he might be pouting too.

Rain chuckled and answered, "Because I love the man wearing the lovely suit."

"Okay." He was so happy that he could fly a hundred times in the room. This failure was a good blessing. "I will wear it for you, baby."

"Are you done flirting? If yes, please... move to level three of this exercise now. You're behind your classmates already!" The senior still has a deadpan face, like he does not care about anything and only wants this to end.

[Why do I have to witness a lovey-dovey scene? I did not sign up for this!]

Poor senior. I feel you... I have the same sentiment as you. But unlike you, I can't escape my destiny to be their third wheel!

This time Rain blushed, realizing that they were openly flirting and hugging in public, but Phayu was more proud than ashamed.

The exercises for casting a spell for armor went smoothly, and the cosplay from before was changed into a gallant and brave soldier's armor. As long as no one laughs, they will be mistaken for a tough warrior who won a hundred battles.

But of course, that was for the future to be determined. Now, the juniors still have a lot to learn and a lot to train. No one knows when the enemy will attack, so everyone should be on high alert, and everything that could be taught to the new wizards should be done in haste but with quality assurance.

"Baby, what do you want to eat after this?" With so much happiness in his heart, Phayu can't control himself to have a conversation with his lover, especially since his lover was so cute while focusing on learning spells.

"... you."



I'm MIA, right? I had trouble accessing watty in the last two weeks, both the app and website. I'm glad I can access it now ρ('-_-`●). With that, I'll have another chapter update tonight as compensation for my MIA.

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