In-laws Magic

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With the threat of gargoyles dispelled, the classroom atmosphere returned to its usual calm. The students breathed a collective sigh of relief as the head of the clan assured them of safety. It was time to refocus on their studies, diving back into the world of magic and skill development.

As they resumed their daily routines, the students approached their studies with renewed determination. The recent scare had served as a reminder of the importance of diligence and perseverance in their magical pursuits. With their minds set on improvement, they eagerly embraced the opportunity to continue their journey toward mastering the mystical arts.

As the seasons shifted, the wizards of the school evolved along with them. The lingering threat of the gargoyles prompted the institution to intensify its training and fortify its defenses. This new sense of urgency instilled a heightened level of seriousness and focus among the students.

With each passing day, the wizards dedicated themselves to their studies with renewed determination. The shadow of past challenges loomed, driving them to push their limits and strive for excellence in their magical abilities. Through their intensified training and unwavering dedication, they emerged stronger and more prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Winter's frost had long held sway, a subtle change began to unfurl. It was as if the very air carried whispers of transformation, heralding the arrival of a long-awaited guest – spring.

The landscape stirred from its wintry slumber as the days stretched longer and the sun dared to linger a bit higher in the sky. Frosty patches yielded to tender green shoots peeking through the thawing earth, a sign that life was returning to the land.

In the echoing halls of the school, the footsteps of the victorious wizards reverberated, a testament to their triumph over two years of challenges. Today marked a significant milestone as they gathered to receive their long-awaited wands of completion.

Excitement buzzed in the air as the wizards prepared to accept their personalized wands, symbols of their mastery and dedication. Each step resonated with pride and anticipation as they approached the moment, they had long awaited. It was a day of celebration and recognition, honoring their hard-earned achievements and the journey that had led them to this defining moment.

Gathered around a grand cauldron, the wizards eagerly awaited their turn to receive their custom wands. With each wizard placing their hands upon the cauldron, a magical process unfolded, culminating in the creation of a wand uniquely attuned to their essence and magical abilities.

The anticipation was palpable as each wizard watched in awe as their personalized wand emerged from the depths of the cauldron. These wands were more than just tools; they were reflections of their wielders' identities and potential. It was a moment of transformation, marking their transition from students to true wizards.

For every aspiring wizard, this event was the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. It symbolized not only their mastery of magic but also their acceptance into the esteemed ranks of the wizarding community. With their custom wands in hand, they were ready to embark on their next chapter, fully equipped to wield the power of magic and fulfill their destinies.

As the wizards received their custom wands, their parents looked on with pride, their faces beaming with joy and admiration. It was a moment they had eagerly anticipated, witnessing their children's hard work and dedication culminate in this significant achievement.

Tears welled up in some parents' eyes as they watched their children take this momentous step towards fulfilling their magical potential.

One parent stood out among the crowd, overcome with emotion as he witnessed his son's achievement. His heart swelled with pride not only because his son had found happiness in love, but also because their relationship had been strengthened, marked by acceptance and understanding.

As both his son and his son's boyfriend received their wands together, this particular parent couldn't help but marvel at the beautiful symmetry of their love. It mirrored the enduring partnership he shared with his wife, a true testament to the power of love and unity.

With the family magic business soon being entrusted to capable hands, a sense of relief washed over the parents. Knowing that his son was ready to shoulder the responsibility allowed him to envision a future filled with relaxation and joy. Finally, he could embark on a well-deserved vacation with his beloved wife!

It has been so long that they go on a date. Though they were enjoying the two-person world while Phayu was living in the dorm and busy dating his now one-year lover it was still different compared to traveling and enjoying the time away from home.

As he was tearing up in happiness, a hand tapped his shoulder gently, "You're here." the owner of the hand said. The voice was familiar and it belonged to someone he knew very well. Turning his head, he saw a man taller than him, wearing a navy-colored suit.

The smile on his face was warm as he tapped the man back as a sign of greeting, "And you too." talking as if he was truly surprised. "You have a child graduating here?" he asked fully knowing the truth.

"My son. I guess your son and mine choose the same department." His eyes wander below to see Rain receiving the wand. It was safe to assume that he is proud of his son and even of his son's boyfriend. The two make sure to show decency and respect his wishes not to indulge in sex and pleasure. But of course, how would he know, right?

"Oh? Oh! Right, I guess they do... hehe" awkwardly chuckling as he scratched his head.

Below, the choosing of a wand ended and everyone was cheering. The Wizards are now finally free and will venture into another chapter of their life. Hats were thrown in the air and some poppers were pop.

"Dad!" after the ceremony everyone meets their parents, showing them the proof of their labor. This does not excuse Rain and Phayu. As they approached their parents, the smiles on their faces grew. "Father!" their hands holding each other.

Two heads looked at their way, one awkwardly smiling and the other confused. "He's your son?"


Author's Note:

I know you miss me.. I mean.. THEM! Ahem... no excuses just me stuck in a wormhole called life. :)


Happy reading. I will have a meeting with myself regarding this high level mission! Ciao. :)

PS: Those who read my first note, forget about it 🤣.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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