Sparring magic

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Morning in the barracks will be spent training the body and afternoon will be spent learning defense magic. It goes to reason that all soldiers of defense magic will automatically be part of the pool when war comes.

Though all wizards were supposed to help during the war, it's a double must for these students.

Today, the instructor for the physical class announced that they will have one-on-one sparring to know each level when it comes to combat fighting. After all, even with magic, it was still better to be prepared in all aspects.

There were fifty newcomers so there will be twenty-five rounds for level one.

Rain will be sparred with wizard number 25 and Phayu with wizard number 03. Before the sparring, everyone was given a thirty-minute warm-up, "Careful later, okay?" Phayu wipe Rain's sweat on his forehead and gave him water as he reminded him.

If he could, he will volunteer to fight on behalf of Rain but he knew that his little hamster will only hate him for it. Besides, Rain must learn to defend himself, only then will Phayu be sure that his little hamster will be alright when trouble comes.

"I know how to fight!"

But the hamster seems to puff all his fur, if that's even possible, thinking that Phayu was doubting his capability. Though he was not sure if he was better than Phayu, he knew that he was better than any wizards around.

"We'll meet in the finals. Heh! I won't go easy on you," he added with much confidence but less arrogance.

This only made Phayu sigh helplessly. In his eyes, Rain was like a squeaking hamster trying to act bravely in front of a fox. However, he trusts Rain and besides if the worse comes to worst, he will surely intervene if Rain suffers disadvantages.

Not in the sparring ground but in a place hidden from Rain.

"Come forward number six and number three," the instructor's voice was loud but not irritating to the ears. It carries authority like a General sent to a battle and commanding a hundred thousand soldiers.

All of them were wearing the same uniform with bands on their arms. The color of the bands represents their rank. As of present, everyone has white color on their arms.

Phayu's opponent had the same build as him but the aura was different. At first look, he was quirky and friendly, "I'll be in your care, brother," he said greeting Phayu who never once smile since entering the sparring ground.


When the white flag was lowered, the sparring begins.

The quirky and friendly wizard then turned serious and made a defense position, eyes not leaving Phayu. In the sparring ground, no magic should be used or it will forfeit the intention behind assessing each wizard's physical strength.

Moving in a circle position, the two were like wolves waiting for the other to be distracted and then pounce but what the quirky man did not know was that Phayu was not one to wait longer and prefer to act immediately!

In a flash, just like a shadow, Phayu runs towards the quirky man with his hand ready to punch. The quirky man saw it and move his body sideways to avoid the coming punch but suddenly Phayu dropped and the punch that was supposed to land was changed by a kick in the calf making the quirky man grunt in pain!

He almost fell but luckily his balance was good and found his footing right away. The calf that was hit by Phayu throbbed, and the quirky man grits his teeth in pain. When he thought of counterattacking, he was once again met with Phayu's kick hitting his chest making the quirky man fall!

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