Uncertain magic

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Feeling the warmth of the other body and the gentle pat on his head, Rain has no way to push Phayu from him. Right now, what he needed was silent comfort, someone that could be there to readily offer a shoulder to cry on.

Rain's shoulders trembled again and Phayu's shirt was quickly drenched with his tears but the man just stood firm and continued to give Rain a gentle pat. As he was doing this, his heart ease up a little. The pain that he felt before miraculously lessen and he was dumbfoundedly happy.

It took Rain a whole ten minutes to cry everything out until Phayu heard steady breathing... Rain had fallen asleep. When he was sure that Rain was indeed sleeping, Phayu chuckled and murmured, "little crybaby," he carefully took Rain to sit on the bench and offered his lap as a free pillow.

With a whisk of his hand, a transparent roof above them appeared, a blanket to cover Rain from cold and little fireflies to give them enough light. For the first time, Phayu felt happy using his magic for someone else... for his... rival.

He sat there waiting for Rain to wake up but even if he was a wizard he was still subject to exhaustion and so, his eyes closed many times trying his very best to keep them open. When he felt that he could not help it, he chanted a spell and two dogs appeared in front of them.

"Guard us, don't slack off," then he fell asleep with his hand holding the other's hand to ensure that Rain won't fall from the bench.

With an unknown amount of time, Phayu was disturbed with low chattering, "fetch!", "good boy!"

He open his eyes only to find that he was leaning on Rain's shoulder! "Oh. You're awake," he blurted out invading the shame he felt. He was so sure that Rain was lying on the bench but now he was slumped on Rain instead.

"En. Wipe your saliva," Rain said casually as he handed treats to the dog. Treats that kept appearing in his hand.

Hearing it, Phayu quickly wipe his mouth but there was no saliva at all! "You-" when he said it, a treat was also pushed into his mouth, "thank you, slave." It was supposed to be an insult but Rain's eyes turned into a crescent and sincerity was oozing into his body.

"En, master," he replied comically feeling a surge of warmth in his heart. "Is this dog food?" As he was chewing he was tasting the food given by Rain, it taste sweet somehow.

"A dog food specifically for my human dog," he smiled again though his eyes were puffy and red from all the crying. "It's chocolate," he cleared up.

Phayu stared at him for a good minute before speaking, "I apologize for today. I was so stupid for putting you through that. Did your father scold you so much?" It was also a stupid question, he said to himself. Rain won't cry this hard if he was not scolded a lot.

"It's not because of you. Father always finds fault in me so he can vent his anger, I guess he was missing mother." Rain was not believing his own words, just a while ago his father called his mother useless but can he even tell this family matters to outsiders?

Phayu did not believe him either but he does not want to expose Rain, what father scolds a child cause he misses his wife? That's absurd. Phayu grew up in a loving family, whatever he wanted his parents supported him so he disagree with Rain's reason but thought he does not need to voice it out.

Thinking of ways to fully ensure that Rain was fine emotionally, he asked the other to close his eyes, "close your eyes, I got something for you," Rain look at him with doubt but soon decided to close his eyes.

"Don't open it yet," as he said these words, he chanted a long spell, "Okay, open it."

When Rain's eyes opened, he was welcomed by glimmering lights like stars, there were many fireflies around them making the surroundings like a replica of the universe. It was so beautiful that Rain's smile widened.

With that smile, Phayu's heart throbbed feeling happy and fulfilled. Past events flooded his mind, the bite he did to Rain, the quarrels they have, the time when Rain was not around and felt that something was lacking only to quarrel with him again when he arrived.

The little things Rain did and like that he started to notice, the bitter emotion that he felt when Rain was hurt... he was thinking of it all. Sweat formed on his forehead as one word gradually flashed in his mind... he was nervous.

Just now, Phayu felt genuine uncertainty not from his side but from Rain's side. If he truly likes Rain then... will Rain like him back? He can't be hasty, he thought. He needed to ensure that this feeling was indeed... liking someone.

"This is what you were learning in school? So much for winning a lady's heart huh," Rain's remark flowed into Phayu's ear, and still dazed in his realization he asked, "What made you think it's for a lady?"

Rain looked at him in confusion and suddenly realization also dawned on him, "Oh. My. God! Are you? Who's the unlucky guy?" He forgot that they were rivals and after knowing Phayu's preference he asked the subject of the other's love. "Oh, sorry. I'm not against it. We're in a free world. Though we have different preferences, I still respect you. Fighting!"

What Phayu caught in those words were 'different preference', and 'not against it', so was Rain okay with it or was he okay as long as he was not the other person? At this moment, Phayu's mind stops functioning and failed to grasp the meaning of Rain's words.

"You should learn to add music too, bet the guy will love it. Do you know the spell? Should I teach you?" Rain was enthusiastic, he was thinking of repaying Phayu for tonight's happening and he saw this as the perfect chance for it.

"I can be your bridge, so who was it? I'll help you."

He was speechless at the turn of events, it was just now that he realized he might like Rain but Rain had already planned to help him win the person. How should he break it to him that it was Rain that he might like?

"Ah. Um, will you consider a guy as your lover?" he asked in the heat of the moment.

Rain was frozen when the question was dropped but before he could ask what was on his mind, Phayu added in a hurry, "I'm asking to get an initial idea. Right, initial idea..."

"Oh. I see," Rain scratched his head and answered awkwardly, "I might not mind... but I prefer girls."

Phayu had only one thought right now, Shit!

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