Affirmative Magic

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Spring came to the wizard realm. The sprouting of the flowers, the healthy vegetation, and the animals lavishly eating the green grass in the meadow all scream peace and serenity. The hearts and minds of the wizard who tirelessly fought on the border are now enjoying the food and drinks on the tables.

"To the gallant men, who, in the face of death, did not think otherwise but moved forward to protect the wizard realm, from the deepest of all the regular wizards' hearts, they are sending their gratitude. As recognition, the school and the clans will give everyone two days' break before resuming school days."

The cheers were deafening, and the celebration continued until their bellies were full of happiness and enthusiasm. Some remarks like, "It should be a week! A week of rest!" and "The school is stingy with the rewards! hmmp~~~" were thrown here and there.

In the middle of it all, three people were facing each other in the next room. One was shaking, the other was comforting the shaking wizard and the one in front of them had eyes like eagles, piercing through the shaking man.

"Now that the war is over, we should talk about other matters." The voice was dominant and strong, the command that it gives can't be argued and denied. "How sincere are you to my son?" Without beating around the bush, the mighty wizard throws the most awaited question.

"How can you prove your sincerity?" Question after question, the shaking wizard's mind was in a jumble. How will he answer? What were the right words to say? Who can help put words in his mouth?!!!

"Sir, what do you want me to do to prove to you that I am sincere? I am honestly in love with Rain, but I also understand where you are coming from. So, please, tell me how I can prove it to you." What his father taught him might not be feasible now that he gave Rain's father the privilege to decide.

"Good." The father said. "Starting tomorrow you will be in charge of my wife's garden."

Phayu blinked his eyes twice and then thrice. Was he hearing the right things, or his mind was playing tricks with him? Besides him, Rain was also in shock, looking at his father with eyes full of doubt.

"Stop it, you two." Rain's father said as he took a sip of the almost lukewarm coffee from the table. "You heard me right."

"Sir? I mean.. sure, sir." Why is everything going his way? Taking care of the plants is an easy task for a healer like him. This was even the suggestion his father gave him!

His eyes twinkle with the excitement in his heart. He turned to Rain and grinned like there was no tomorrow, "I will take care of your mother's garden!" His voice was trembling with elation knowing what card he had in his hand.

Phayu, who couldn't tell a tulip from a tomato, stood in front of the overgrown garden armed with a pair of kitchen scissors and a lawnmower that had seen better days. For people who know, these tools are only for displays! He doesn't even need to lift a finger to make all these plants live again but he had to show that he painstakingly took care of the most valued plants so his father-in-law could truly accept him.

From today and in the coming days, he will execute perfect acting!

Looking at his awkward moves, his father-in-law and Rain, raised an eyebrow at him and said, "Are you sure about this? Mom's garden is a jungle, and you've never shown any interest in gardening before."

Undeterred, Phayu flashed his signature goofy confident grin and replied, "Fear not, my love! Phayu the wizard never shies away from a challenge. Besides, how hard can it be? Plants just need a bit of love and laughter!" and magic, he added in his mind.

With that, Phayu set out on his gardening adventure. Armed with his enthusiasm and a questionable gardening manual he found through the archive of his brain; he started his mission to bring order to his mother-in-law's chaotic garden.

Phayu's attempts at humor ranged from corny plant puns to singing to the flowers in an off-key serenade. Rain's father couldn't help but stand at their window and snicker at the young wizard's confident action.

Watching in amusement as Phayu conversed with the plants like they were old pals was Rain... always standing beside him, never leaving, afraid that his beloved would make a mistake that could snap his father's mood. He couldn't take a single chance of a mistake at all!

As days turned into weeks, something unexpected happened – the garden started to respond! Phayu's laughter and quirky antics seemed to have a magical effect on the once-unruly plants. The flowers perked up, and the bushes stopped their rebellious sprawl. His father-in-law was astounded – it seemed like Phayu had found the secret to gardening success through sheer silliness.

His plan of seeing the young wizard's true self fails instead he sees how diligent and hard-working Phayu is. He saw the effort and careful way he handled the plants. His enthusiasm and fighting spirit. How Phayu treated his son.

In all honesty, he was afraid to leave the house even for a moment cause Phayu might devour his son when he was not looking but he was proven wrong. The wizard gave all his time to the plants like it was his own. Like he was tending his own mother's garden. Like a true son, he could be proud of.

On the other hand, Phayu was proud of his self-discipline in these weeks of tending the garden. There was a moment when he almost exposed himself giving too much magic to a plant! The plant's stem turned green and almost sprouted a flower right there and then. Good thing he noticed or his plan of getting his father-in-law's good side will fail!

"I'll be honest with you. When I first found out about your relationship, I had my reservations. Not because of who you are, but because I worry about my son's happiness and well-being but seeing your action and sincerity, I thought otherwise."

Rain's father sighed and continued, "As long as you both are happy and treat each other with respect, that's what matters most to me. Love my son, he is my only treasure."

Phayu's eyes turned misty. He was making every effort not to cry but he failed. A tear fell as he said, "That means a lot to me, sir. And I assure you, we both value your opinion and want your blessing."

What answered him was a soft voice coming from a father who finally gave in, "Well, in that case, consider it granted. Just promise me one thing – take care of each other, okay?"

Phayu nodded intensely, three tears now fell from his eyes, "Absolutely. You have my word, sir"

"Then welcome to the family."

When these words were said, he held Rain's hand tightly and put his other hand on his face, covering his ugly crying from the two people in front of him. His heart was full and even though he had a guilty conscience about the garden he still was very happy that he was finally accepted.

"My crybaby, welcome to the family." ♡⸜(ˆᗜˆ˵ )⸝♡

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