Guilty magic

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Graduation day comes without delay. All of us seniors will be moving a step higher than everyone. The wizards called it the last saga while the teachers said it was the last hurrah!

But for me... it was the freedom I am most waiting for. Freedom from getting entangled with Phayu and Rain. Free from seeing their immature bickering and maybe... I could have a silent day. Free from hearing the thoughts of the people.

The head wizard was calling each name one by one. Each student-wizard called was riding their stick toward the stage and had to go down, and walk on foot with the stick in their hand. I guess the teacher wanted us to have some exercise.

Anyway, everything was going smoothly and the two rivals were sitting on both ends. Actually, they were arranged to sit together by the teacher but with a unanimous decision from the class. We defy the words of the ruler to avoid the kingdom from falling apart.

Nah! It was to ensure that this graduation will end in peace!

"Come forth, Rain the Wizard of Water," Rain stood up and stealthily rode his stick. He was the last one to be called to the list. His head was high and his face had a never-ending smile. Before he flew, he had shot a stare at the end of the line followed by a sneer.

Phayu: [Halkjdi Ijshdiwhdkas kajjsd]

What?! Damn, this noisy student I can't understand what Phayu said! Was that gibberish?! But then soon I finally learned what he said inside his mind.

Rain landed gracefully with his right foot first to act as a balance followed by his left foot. Swinging his stick, glimmering lights appeared making the student gasp in awe but it was not for long because what followed the glimmering light was...

"... why does this smell bad? Is this..."

"A pee! It's a dog's pee!"

"Urgh! So smelly, cover! Take cover!"

The quiet auditorium was turned upside down by the clamoring of the student and the spell cast by each. Some had an invisible cover on their head, some had a raincoat appeared on their body and there were also umbrellas, wide leaves, and plastic covers.

It was chaotic and the teachers had to take an action calling for everyone to stop but nobody had the time to listen or better say... nobody can hear him at all.

"Who rained us dog's pee?!"

"Quickly, what's the spell for shampoo?!"

"Anyone remembers the spell to make a swimming pool???"

When everyone was panicking nobody noticed Rain's hand gripping tightly on his stick his eyes looking in one direction. This was the moment he had been waiting for. The graduation was not only for the student-wizard but also for their parents.

And it so happened that Rain's father was free and had decided to attend the graduation.

His father was a renowned wizard and a strict one. He can't accept mediocre results, he can't accept second to anyone and he can't accept humiliation.

Rain: [Father saw me... father... will he... will he be disappointed with me?]

He moved his feet to go to his father but the father that had been wearing a dark face only spit two words in his mind, [useless child!] and turn his back to leave.

I can see Rain's face pale as he halted the foot that he was supposed to move. [Father hates me... father was disappointed...] he kept on repeating this phrase in his mind. He was like a lone bunny surrounded by chaotic wolves.

The noise gradually lessened and while Rain was deep in his emotion and thoughts a hand tap him on his shoulder, "Hey, nerd. Did you piss your pants now?"

It was Phayu with his overbearing smile.

Clenching his fist and gripping his stick tighter, Rain snapped and quickly turn his head to face Phayu, "Are you happy?!!"

"What? Yes. Of course! This is a memorable graduation don't you think?"

"Did you make that prank?! Do you have to humiliate me in front of my father?!!" Rain's eyes started to drop tears like a waterfall. "Why now?!!" His clenched fist was raised and pounded on Phayu's chest, "Why do you have to be a bully now?! Can't you just wait until after graduation?! Why now?"

Phayu had a confused face, he was looking at Rain with so much question and guilt he did not know he had. [What did I do?] He asked himself. [Why is he crying?] Questions kept pouring into his head. [...but we always prank each other.]

"Phayu, you're a bastard! Did you know that?"

Rain left in a large stride wiping his face quickly like he was brushing dirty shoes. He was planning to go straight home and see his father to explain things but his heart was full of fear. He was afraid of what his father might say.


Feet running with haste went after him. The owner of the feet had somehow forgotten that he can use his stick, sweats bigger than a lemon seed were forming on his head, "Wait. I'm... I..."

"What do you want?!" He scowled at him, eyes still red with his continued crying.

"I did not know... I mean, didn't we fight all the time? It's just that... uhm..." He was scratching his head and looking in every direction except to Rain.

"Stop. I'm not in the mood now."

But it only heightened his guilt. [What am I supposed to say in this situation?]. In all honesty, he was surprised by Rain's expression and crying face from a while ago. In the many years of their fighting, bickering, and pranking each other, this was the first time he had seen Rain crying.

[No! Wait, he cried before! He did...]

His eyes steadied on Rain and the little Rain crying from before came to his mind. Was he too much today? Maybe he was.

"Let's... let's drink Boba tea."


"... to cool your head? I can see fuming smoke in your head already." His hands pointed at Rain's head as if he was truly seeing smoke.

"Still having fun huh? Was before not enough?!"

[I just want to make you feel... sigh, I just want to apologize though.]

"It's my treat... you can also have two or three or how many boba teas you want."

"I have my money!" said Rain while riding his stick. Now, both of them were riding on the stick, one avoiding and one catching up.

[Why is he so difficult?!]

"I'll add cupcakes!" [Will he bite it?]

"What cupcakes? Is it the dark chocolate cupcake?"

[He did!]

My jaw dropped multiple times, my eyebrow raised sometimes and a few times I felt guilty laughing my ass off while listening to their actual conversation and what their minds were saying. It's so hard to listen to these two, can they give me a cupcake at least? (︶︹︺)

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