Curious magic

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The student wizard came to the canteen one after the other. Some in groups, some in two's and others alone. It was starting to get noisy and crowded but Rain's mouth was not affected in any way. Cupcakes kept coming, chewing with his cute mouth as he stared into the void.

Today was truly a shock to him.

His father had always told him to be like this and like that. The expectation and pressure of having an outstanding father were no joke at all. Added to that, Rain was the only son of the family.

Whether he liked it or not, he will inherit whatever his father had.

"I cried yesterday... and I cried many times when we were little," he said unexpectedly. Phayu was ready to act like a handsome statue seeing how the princess- no, the Wizard of Water was not giving him attention.

What he heard was something he was not prepared for. He knew Rain cried after realizing it today. But he did not know that the wizard in front of him was willing to admit that he did. So, what kind of wind was blowing today? Why was Rain admitting it so easily?

"Sometimes I can't stand what you were saying and sometimes you just hit the mark so well," his eyes were fixed outside the crystal clear window as if the noise inside the canteen was none existent.

He slowly turned his head and looked Phayu in the eyes with all seriousness, "...but what really pained me is you overtaking me. At the same time, I'm happy that it was a fair competition."

If Phayu had a lemon seed size before, now he was drenched in it. His back was soaking wet and his mind was quickly thinking of reasons for the sudden confession of Rain, "Are you... dying? Why are you saying this? It's scary."

But Rain only responded with a big sip of the boba tea. The empty cup sounded as he strongly sucked on the metal straw. He took the last bite of the cupcake and said, "that's for the treat."

He rode his stick elegantly, his mind chaotic and heart nervous. He still had to talk to his father. "I will not say thank you but I will take this treat as an apology for causing me trouble." Phayu had no time to act when Rain flew away with his stick.

He was left with a more confused face and his eyes followed Rain until he can't see his shadow. [I- why do I feel bad?] His hand was rubbing on his chest and from time to time pounding on it, [his face isn't good. What trouble did I cause?]

In all honesty, I pity Phayu right at this moment. The poor guy had not received any answer to his confusion. He did not know that Rain was about to be thrown away by his father because of that little prank of his.

My eyes were fixed on Phayu observing and pitying the poor guy but... why did he have to look my way too?! Oh. Damn. Our eyes met. It was not even romantic. It was scary I was trembling and gulping.

He raised his arms and stretched out a finger to gesture for me to come to him. Oh my. I thought I only exist to narrate?! Why am I getting involved now???!!!! Author do something!

I flew to his table and sit with my back straight, both hands on my thighs as I bow my head to the King, "Please, forgive me for shamelessly looking at you." I sound so weird I know! but whatever! Phayu will beat me for sure!

"Hey, you kept on following us. Why?" He said. Uh... ask the author! Sigh, of course, I can't say that I am eavesdropping, right?

"... to eat cupcakes. It's... it is delicious."

"Did you know why Rain cried?" He asked not even minding what I answered! All he cared about was Rain. Hmph!

I raised my head and saw the sincere concern and obliviousness in his eyes. Yup, poor guy. "His father was here," I said.

"Mine as well. So what's wrong with that? Why cry?" His whole body slumped on the chair and brushed his hair from front to back. "My father was even amused."

I scratched my head feeling the situation I was in. How can I explain it to the young master that not all parents were good? "I think his father was a perfectionist. What you did today..."

I haven't finished what I said when Phayu leaned over with both his hands on the table, "You mean... his father was disappointed because of that?!" Again, he brushed his hair. His fingers going through that hair were sexy- Ah, I was distracted for a second there!

"I think. It was only my opinion. You have to ask him."

"He was not saying anything. Haa... so that's why. I heard his father was an alumnus here," he was not talking to me, he was just mumbling to himself. I guess Phayu has a genuine concern for Rain. His face and action say it all.

Phayu: [How can I contact him? I have to say sorry for real this time.]

Phayu: [I don't even know where he lives.]

It was cute to see how a rival act and thinks this way. If Rain knew about this he might say that Phayu was dying too. Oh. I see changes in them. It would be good if they become friends.

So our lives will be peaceful too. (=`.' =)

"Ah. Rain goes to this playground every Saturday." I open my palm and showed him the place. His eyes formed into a line as if asking why I knew about this, "I heard him say it before!" I hurriedly explained.

Well, I really did hear him say it... in his mind. (¬з¬)

"Thank you."

Tomorrow will be Saturday. Will Phayu go there to meet Rain? Shall I go there too to spy on them? Oh. But. I have a very important meeting on that day too... heh. Guess, we have to wait until when I see them again. ♪~( ̄、 ̄ )

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