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In the morning, the sun's rays came in through the window, warming my face. A good feeling ran through my entire body and the smell of fresh air entered my nostrils. I never felt so good.

I looked at the clock on the wall which already said eight thirty-two. I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and went to the kitchen for breakfast.

“Good morning, Lisa. Sit down and have your coffee. I hope you like cake. There's coffee in this bottle, milk over there and tea in this one. I made bread and pancakes. If you want anything else, just tell me."

"Everything is perfect. Thanks! Where is Thom and Megan?"

“Thom went to Will's house to settle a payment and Megan went to the White farm to visit a friend. She wanted you to go, but I didn't let her. I preferred you to rest."

"I was really tired."

“I can see that. Now eat it all and if you want anything else, just tell me.

I gave him a bright smile and thanked him.

"I wanted to take a walk around the farm. I can?"

“Oh, that would be great. Enjoy the day."

After breakfast, I washed the dishes. Cielo went to wash clothes and I went out to get to know the place.

The building was old, apparently renovated. I went into the barn where there was Thom's gray truck and a red truck. It was preserved despite the years. Tools and rations were stored there. There were other barns on the site. In the pasture, cows with their calves were sunbathing. Under a tree, two horses rested. An old windmill provided a long shade, where a few hens and their chicks scratched for worms. In the distance, the mountains completed that landscape, like a large painting. It was a work of art.

I went towards the back of the house and watched Cielo hang the clothes on the clothesline. I sat on a porch chair. I was slightly happy to be there. The place was humid and hot, yet I couldn't help but notice the beauty.

“We have a river nearby, dear. You would love it. It's on the O'Connor property."

“Thom told me the city was founded by them."

"That's right. And William O'Connor has a farm that I think is a million times the size of ours."

"You like this gentleman very much."

"Yes, we like it very much. He helped us in our business and we are very grateful to him. Besides, he is a man by himself and has a temper. He doesn't really like interacting with other people. He is very reserved. But, our families have always been friends."

"So he's filthy rich?"

"Very! In addition to the purebred cattle that the O'Connors have created by crossing two breeds, Will sells them to large companies here and abroad. He has a breeding of wild horses. On another part of the ranch, he raises Quarter Horses. Then he has two more breeds of horses that stay on the west side of the farm."

“Correcting”—I smiled—“millionaire."

"Oh yeah. However, he works like any of his employees and they live in a part of the farm. There are more than one hundred and few employees and each one lives with his family. There, they have their homes, as if it were a neighborhood. During the day, Will joins them to tend to the cattle, horses and farm chores. He also has cotton plantation, lavender, and oil wells. In Houston, he has a company responsible for the production of corn grain, but he leaves everything in the hands of the employees. He only goes there when it's really necessary."

"And is he the friendly or the grumpy type?"

“Like I said, he has a temper. Extremely hard. Although, with Martin it was different. They were very friendly."

I saw sadness on Cielo's face and then I returned to the focus of the matter.

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