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The renovation of the salon had begun and I was looking forward to it.
Megan had visited us a few days ago and Cielo no longer had puffy eyes. There were times when her countenance fell, but she always found something to distract her mind.
Will had gone to the salon, given me a kiss, and left for Fort Worth. He had taken some horses to be sold.
Before, he sent some employees to help the employees of the Ferrel farm to make all the repairs without charging a penny.
Everything was going great except for the truck not working. It wasn't the first time this had happened. It was already the third time in the week.
I turned the key and nothing happened. It was already night and I needed to go home. Before, I wanted to see Will. Maybe he was already back.
I thought about calling and asking him to come get me, but my cell phone was dead.
- Need help?
- Oh my God! You scared me, Johnson.
"Sorry," he said, smiling. - And so? Need help?
"No... I mean... It doesn't work."
— I don't know anything about cars, however, I understand that a good mechanic would be ideal. Since there are none at this hour, I take her home.
'I'd better not.' Still, thank you!
He walked over to the truck, put his hands on the door, and smiled.
“You know I just want to help. Besides, her boyfriend, when he comes from Fort Worth, always takes a break at that diner over there. This is a ritual for him. He has a coffee, chats with some ranchers, and then leaves. There are times when he spends a couple of days in Fort Worth. And he didn't show up at the cafeteria for his coffee. Sure enough, he's not coming back today.
"How do you know all this?"
"Remember I had a sister who was crazy about him?" Not to mention that I saw the truck with the horses pass by.
“If he was going to stay longer than a day, he would have let me know.
“For you to see what an irresponsible boyfriend you have.
I grimaced when Johnson referred to Will that way. I felt extremely uncomfortable.
- All right! he said, raising his hands in surrender. - I'm sorry. And you didn't tell me if you accept the ride.
The clock read eleven at night and I had no other option. I couldn't take Johnson's cell phone and call Will. If I called Cielo, she wouldn't be able to pick me up. Even though there's another truck there, she didn't know how to drive. Calvin was teaching her. Before Thom died, she had never cared about it.
I didn't want to upset other people, like Calvin, for example.
“Okay,” I said, fearing regret.
I closed the truck door and followed Johnson to his car. He opened the door and I went in.
Minutes later, we were on the road.
"This thing you guys have is really serious, isn't it?" Until now I don't believe it.
- Yea.
“This is news. William O'Connor, loving…” He chuckled, then continued, “It's hilarious.
“I don't see anything funny.
“Sorry, I don't think this is a joke. It's just that, when it comes to him, it's weird.
“People aren't always what they seem, as you said. I found out how kind he is.
"Of course," he said coldly. “I envy you. I wish I had that effect on you.
“You're as good as he is. You're handsome, kind, and you can have any woman you want.
- Less you.
“I don't rule my feelings, Johnson.
Johnson stopped the car. I looked at him, not understanding what was going on.
- What there was?
He caressed my face and moved closer as if he was ready to kiss me. I walked away, took off my seat belt and got out of the car.
"Lisy..." he called to me, walking around the car.
“I know what you were going to do and it's 'no', Johnson.
- I know! What the fuck, I know!
I was startled when he punched the car door. I started to take a few steps and he grabbed my arm.
“Please, Lisy… help me.
"Help him how?" Cheating on Will? I asked as I pulled my arm away.
- Not! Staying with me. Because every time I see you with him, I suffer. It kills me. Why you never looked at me like you look at him?
— Johnson...
“He's a bloody bastard who'll screw you over at any time, Lisy. You don't deserve someone like him. You deserve someone who looks at you like you're the most beautiful person on the face of the earth and not how he looks at you. He looks at you like you're just a distraction.
- You're wrong. When he looks at me it's like I'm something he needs. Something necessary. I don't want to know how he sees me. You could never, ever know.
Johnson placed both hands on his head and then came towards me.
He put his hands over my face and just as quickly, he kissed me. I didn't push him away, I just allowed him. Only when he stopped did I pull away.
A vehicle passed us so fast it kicked up dust. Even that didn't take the expression off his face.
— Johnson...
“You returned the kiss. Such a cold kiss, yet it didn't push me away.
“I just wanted you to see for yourself that there's nothing you can do. Nothing is going to make me love you, Johnson, because I love Will. I didn't feel anything when you kissed me and you know it. I just wanted you to know what your kiss makes me feel. And what I feel is a huge nothing. Please don't insist on what is impossible. Can't you see you're hurting yourself?
“You hurt me.
- I'm very sorry.
"You let me kiss you just to show you that I'm nothing to you?" To show how cold your lips are on mine?
Seeing him like that made me feel terrible.
- I did not want it to be like this. You like the wrong person.
“In that, we're equals, Lisy.
“Hurting me won't make you feel good.
He smiled sadly and opened the car door.
"Come on, Lisa. I promised to take it.
I walked in and he closed the door. He came around and went in too. The minutes that followed were silent. As we approached the entrance to O'Connor's farm, I asked him to stop the car. I unfastened my seat belt, but I didn't get out.
"Johnson, I s...
- I know. You're sorry. I feel it too, for me.
I smiled weakly and said a "see you later".
Johnson turned the car around and drove away.

“Hello Schulte. I just wanted to know when Will comes back.
— The boss is already at home.
- Like? Since what time?
“A few minutes ago. Come in, miss. Go see him.
I thanked and entered.
My head was trying to understand how he could have arrived just a few minutes ago, if I was on the road with Johnson and we didn't see him pass. If he had passed us, he would certainly have stopped and I preferred not to think about what would have happened.
I went up to his room and the door was open. The room was dark and only a lamp lit the room. Will was sitting in an armchair, looking out the window.
He continued looking into the darkness outside. After he answered me, still, he didn't look at me.
- Hey.
- You came.
“I arrived not long ago. I called you and your cell phone was off. I passed by the salon and saw the truck, but you weren't there.
- My phone went dead. Are you okay?
Will got up. He was shirtless, his pants just below his hips, revealing the band of his boxers. I noticed that there was a glass in his hand.
He drank all the liquid that was inside the glass and deposited it on top of the table. Then he closed the window and looked at me.
“Why wouldn't I be?
- You're strange.
"But I've always been weird, haven't I?" He leaned closer and placed a brief kiss on my cheek. - Do you want? he asked pulling away and picking up a bottle of whiskey.
- Not.
He poured the contents into the glass and then drank it in one gulp.
“What do you have, Will?
"I have so many things," he muttered. "Back to the point, what happened to the truck?"
- Does not work. Tomorrow I will take it to a mechanic.
"And how did it come?"
"One of the ladies I met at Victoria's recognized me and gave me a ride," I lied.
— Don't be a liar, Heloyse. Could it be that this whole time I've been fooling myself with you?
I went to him and took the whiskey bottle from his hand, putting it back on the table.
"How long have you been drinking?"
“I'm still sober, if you must know. As I said, I arrived a few minutes ago. Are you afraid I'm going to drink and start acting crazy?
Weren't you the one who said I wasn't like my father?
- And it's not!
"But I'm not much for you either, apparently."
“I don't know why you say that. You're all it takes, Will. It's important to me, you know that.
- Prove me.
I kissed him as hard as I could.
The silence was broken by our ragged breaths as we kissed. He pressed me with one hand and with the other, he slowly ran through my hair, until he held it in his fingers. The pressure his hand exerted on my hair was painful, more in a sensual way.
His lips left my mouth to caress my nose, my cheek, my neck, making me moan.
Its woody scent entered my nostrils until it activated my nerve endings. It was so sensual.
He lifted my legs around his waist and I don't know how but I had my back pressed against the wall.
“I can reach out and touch your skin, in many places, at many angles, and in many ways. However, what I want most is to touch the depths of your heart. Will I make it?
–– You already do that.
- Not! If I reached your heart, sunshine, I would have crushed it. Because that's who I am and that's what I want to do.
His mouth returned to mine, then stopped.
"Johnson kisses you like that?"
How did he know? I wondered, my heart racing.
"Was that you on the road?" I asked controlling my breathing.
- Yea!
“Why didn't you stop?
- I wanted. I wanted to smash his face. And who knows, I would have killed him. And maybe...
I didn't let Will finish the sentence. A lump formed in my throat and when he lowered my legs I had to pull away.
“You're not like that. You wouldn't have done this to me.
"Maybe I had."
–– Stop scaring me. If you were like that, you wouldn't have left. And you were.
“Still, I thought.
“You wouldn't hurt me.
He chuckled and walked over to the whiskey bottle.
My fury was so much that I took the bottle from him and threw it on the floor, causing it to break into countless pieces.
Will kicked the chair hard, making me jump in fright.
“What the fuck, Lisy! Why the hell were you kissing him? - he screamed.
- Not this way...
- I saw. You accepted it. She accepted his kiss.
- Yes I did it!
And again the armchair was kicked, then hurled against the wall.
“I can explain, Will.
- Explain what? That sometimes women like you are just as disloyal as a bitch?
Will caught my wrist when I tried to slap him.
"I don't allow you to hit me.
"Then what are you going to do with me?"
Will pulled me next to him and kissed me, taking me by surprise. I tried to push him with my other hand, but it was no use, so I grabbed him by the neck.
"You imbecile!" I hate you - I said with my hands on his face.
"I wish I could hate you, but I can't. Not when you have me in your hands.
Were the last words spoken by him before he picked me up and threw me on his bed.
It looked sick. It felt wrong. I know!
He was kissing me and even though the word "hate" echoed in my head, I couldn't help my body's reaction.
I loved him and I hated him too.
My mind said "have dignity" and my body wouldn't listen. And I know his mind said the same and still, he wanted me.
He kissed me hard and maybe in a hurtful way, yet he wanted me. I was hurt too. We were so wrong.
Will had his heart as hard as a wall I hadn't climbed. And when he ripped my shirt open and put his hand on my neck, my heart pounded so hard.
He looked at me resentfully. And his hard heart contrasted with mine so liquid. I fell apart when he touched me. I was liquid.
I really wanted him to touch me more.
Anger was like smoke and now we were on fire, burning. Still, we wouldn't die, but at the end of the day, we would get burns. It was that word, that kiss. All that, it was like burns. Will was my shelter and shelters burned too.
He kissed my tears and then my mouth. The salty taste of my tears was mixed with our saliva. It was so wrong and so hot.
He took from me, each piece of clothing and then his. His lips descended over my belly, my legs and… Oh, it was sublime.
Something about him was like an addiction to me.
We burned ourselves and still, we held on.
His hands were possessive on my body. They squeezed me tight and I did the same. I pulled his hair and made him return to my mouth. With difficulty, I laid him down on the mattress and climbed on top of him, to kiss him again.
Just as quickly, he lifted me off my feet, folding my legs and positioning me to sit on top of him. He would never let me take control.
When he entered me, we sat there, looking into each other's faces. There was affection in his eyes, there was anger, resentment, all mixed together and yet, that look paralyzed me.
How could it be so cold and so hot?
He kissed me as we moved in a synchronized dance, with perfect movements. It was half kisses, half breaths of air that came out of our labored breaths.
I put my hands on his face and kissed him. I kissed with every need I had. His hands roamed over my body as if he was a distraction for them to play.
He curled my hair in his hand, causing me to lift my head, leaving my neck exposed. There, he kissed her as if he were hungry.
When he returned to my mouth, Will caught my bottom lip between his teeth and pulled. And so, he marked me, as if I were his and nobody else's.
Oh, I was!
Our movements were wild, they were intense, they were tender and smooth. But how? I really do not know. I just know it was like that.
He placed his lips on my swollen breasts and caressed with his tongue. She ran her hand down my body and caressed the spot that sent a wave of pleasure through my belly.
I closed my eyes as Will whispered words in my ear.
- So beautiful! Beautiful…” each word, a thrust.
My body tightened around him as he thrust hard.
He made me feel red flames burn my skin, especially when he whispered my name.
“You'll always belong to me, Lisy,” he said, pausing to bury himself deep inside me later.
He slid his hands under my hips, gripping me to intensify our movement.
I opened my eyes and I couldn't take my gaze away from those eyes that fascinated me. Will's sweaty face and labored breathing had me over the edge. There was nothing more arousing than him looking at me while moaning softly.
I squeezed his shoulders, making him increase his pace. With each invasion, my body rubbed even more intimately.
He placed his lips on the side of my neck and licked, finishing with a kiss.
I couldn't bear all that weight of words inside me anymore, so I let them out.
"I love you, Will!" I love you so much.
He thrust harder and kissed me hungrily. When he finished kissing me, he looked into my eyes and said:
— Not as much as I love you — and he went back to kissing me.
"Not as much as I love you"...
“Not as much as I love you”...
My mind replayed his words. I drowned in each one of them. Those words sent me into ecstasy.
I dug my nails into his arms, bit his neck and didn't care if I hurt him.
Will released a guttural sound and I muffled it with my kiss. We were totally wild.
He was wild!
He pressed his hands to the sides of my thighs, driving me hard, up and down, as I bit my lip hard.
When I felt the spasms coming on, it was like being given a gift that no one else would have. It was his thing for me. He felt the waves of tremors in my body as if they were pushing me off a great cliff. The fall was inevitable, but it was painfully delicious.
“Look at me and tell me you love me, one more time, even if it's a lie.
"I love you, Will, and it will never be a lie...
My movement was impatient and I let out a loud groan. I screamed his name.
My body and every cell of it shook with the orgasm, accompanied by my tears. And then, Will thrust once more hard and came apart inside me.
We stayed there, holding each other, while our bodies calmed down.

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