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I had my eyes closed when I felt his hand caress my neck.
- Do not open! he said slowly.
His voice was different. Thicker, huskier and at the same time, distant. Her kisses slowly made their way down my neck until they reached the curve of my breasts. A moan escaped my mouth and soon, it was filled by his lips.
“Don't open it yet. Just feel it,” she said, as I caught my breath.
Every touch he gave me made him awaken sensations never experienced by me. Everything was so different, so intense.
As his tongue caressed my breasts, I touched his face with my hands. There was something odd and in a way, I was loving it.
"Oh, Michael," I pleaded, "don't stop!"
"I believe Michael is not here."
And then, I opened my eyes.
I woke up sweaty and with my hands between my legs. I took them off and took a deep breath.
It was him and not Michael. He was there, looking at me with those feline eyes that only he had. And it affected me during the days that followed.


As the week progressed, everyone in town was excited about the party at the White farm.
- Let's go dear! You need to meet more people. Baking cake, cleaning the house, fertilizing plants or cleaning horse feces will not get you anywhere. You need to fit in more. I don't see any old ladies here. If by any chance you don't like it, you go home.
- I don't know. You know Patsy can't stand me and I don't fall in love with her. This fake smile thing is not my hobby. Besides, I don't know if her parents want me there.
— Oh, oh, oh... but you didn't do anything to them. They're good people, they just got Patsy wrong. Let's go! If you don't go, neither will I.
“Uh, I see blackmail.
- Whatever! You go?
- I'm obligated?
"But of course it is!"
- Damn it!
In the afternoon, Cielo and I went to the city to buy a dress. She liked a flowery one, with lace on the sleeves and a defined waist. She was very pretty. I was sure that as a young girl, she must have attracted the attention of many young men.
"What are you going to wear, Lisy?"
- I don't know. For me, I would go like this.
She appraised my shorts and my random singer T-shirt. Then she made a face.
- Only over my dead body.
- That's not fair. I'm not armed.


The next day we went to Victoria's salon. She was a woman all flamboyant and loud. Her shoulder-length platinum hair was straight. She was a chubby woman of small stature and on her face, an exaggeratedly marked makeup.
— I only go to that party because Margareth White is my client and friend, but that daughter of hers is a demon. Patsy needs to see the boundaries. Yesterday, girls, A Floor told me that bitch hit on her son. The boy is engaged! — She told her while coloring Cielo's hair.
- That's nothing. These days Mr. Oliver said that she tried to bribe the guard Flint, who caught her driving drunk –– commented a customer.
Victoria pointed the brush she was using to spread the paint on Cielo's hair, towards me and commented:
“Stay away from that snake. She is nobody's friend.
I nodded and honestly, I wasn't surprised.
After we got our nails done, I went home to get ready. I left my waist-length hair in a ponytail. This time, not so tight, with a few loose strands. Victoria had reinforced the layers. My hair looked like big wavy cascades. I did a simple make-up on the eyes and lips, I went for a matte red lipstick.
I bought a black dress with sleeves that came halfway up my arms. It hugged every curve of my waist and then the skirt flowed down to just above my knees. It was fully enclosed at the front. The collar was a little high on my neck because at the back, it was fastened with a button. Just below that button, a huge neckline in the shape of a "drop" left my back bare. I wasn't used to wearing something like that, but this one was worth it. I put on my accessories and assessed myself once more.
What I found most interesting was yet to come: The women would wear dresses or skirts, with boots.
I put on the brown boot and then looked at myself in the mirror. "Not bad", I thought. I had just mixed the sophisticated with the rustic. I took my handbag and waited for Thom to call me. Seven o'clock sharp, Thom and Cielo honked in front of the gate. I followed them with the truck. After a few minutes, we entered the White property and parked our vehicles.
"It's beautiful, dear.
- Do not exaggerate!
— Cielo is not exaggerating, Lisy. You look beautiful. Although you only lose to Cielo.
skyhooked her arms around Thom and gave him a kiss.
“Don't say that, Thom. Is not true.
— La neta es que te amo con todo mi corazón(8) - Thom said looking directly into Cielo's eyes.
That warmed my heart.
He wore an elegant brown suit, along with boots and a hat. He had combed his hair back and shaved. He was handsome, however, he didn't look like that old man I knew.
I accompanied them to the Whites' ballroom.
Some looked at me, from men, women and even some waiters... It was as if I had a sign saying "hi, I'm not from here".
Mr. and Mrs. White were a nice couple. They were at the door of the hall welcoming people. Because they were surrounded by guests, they didn't see us when we entered. A young man in charge of taking us to the table, introduced himself and greeted us.
There would be dinner first, then people would choose what to do, from dancing to participating in bingo and other raffles that were in the other room, where in addition to the games, there was a bar.
More people were arriving. Men in their suits and hats arrived in their big trucks. People who worked in the city were also there. Megan arrived soon after. She looked beautiful with her short curly hair and a beige dress. A tall, well-dressed young man with glasses was holding her hand. It was Jeremy.
After the presentations, Thom, Cielo, Megan, Jeremy and I were at the table. There was still one place left.
"Who's coming to sit with us?" I asked in a whisper to Cielo.
"Well, it's the...
At that point, she was interrupted when a familiar voice caught our attention.
- Good evening everyone!
O'Connor was on his feet, his hands resting on the empty chair.
The man was perfect.
The hair was loose and behind his ears, showing his handsome face that now had a bushy and well-groomed beard. The pink and seemingly soft lips were just as noticeable. The suit was black like the discreet boots, the white shirt a little open at the neck. He was tall, strong, and the suit didn't hide his muscles.
He shook hands with everyone at the table and when it was my turn, he nodded at me but didn't touch my hand.
"How are you, miss?"
- I am fine! And you?
"I've seen better days," he said as he took his seat.
Everyone was seated at the table as the conversation flowed smoothly. From time to time, someone known to Ferrel and him would appear at our table to greet us.
Will was distracted talking to Thom. I laughed at Jeremy and Megan's conversation. Sometimes Will and I would lock eyes.
Music started to play and most people went dancing. Everyone from our table went to the Whites' table except Will and me.
"Enjoying your wine?" - he asked.
- Is what it seems.
"You don't seem very excited."
- Neither you.
“Everyone here knows I don't usually go to parties.
"Then why did you come, Mr. O'Connor?"
“To tell you the truth, I don't know. I think I have a conscience. I always turn down these invitations, I think it's about time I showed that I'm a good neighbor.
"Why do I think you're being sarcastic?"
— Touchee(9)! he said, lifting his glass and draining the rest of his wine.
"Didn't know cowboys spoke French," I shot back.
“Cowboy? he asked with what looked like a crooked smile.
I masked my smile and turned my gaze to the dancing people. The country music was upbeat and even the elderly took a risk.
When I looked back at him, Will was still looking at me.
“I assume you came to see Patsy.
- Why do you say that? he asked, frowning.
“I hear she's always the center of attention at these parties. I also heard that men do anything to have a dance with her. I even understand. She is so beautiful!
I know, I know... That sounded a little weird. Not that I was jealous.
“Maybe I'm not like them.
- It's because?
— Heloyse and her incredible ability to be curious. Are you always like this, sunshine?
"Sunshine?" I was surprised by that nickname.
“I'm not curious. I just like trying to keep up a conversation, especially when the company is boring. I try to do my part.
I noticed a small, maybe the tiniest beginning of a smile.
- You and beautiful. Not like Patsy. It's beautiful, in a unique way.
Again it took me by surprise.
“Don't be a liar, Mr. O'Connor.
"Can you call me by name?"
"Of course William!"
“Will. It's Will, Heloise!
"Well done, Will!" And why don't you call me Lisy?
“I'll call. Rest assured, miss” — he sipped his wine and continued —: I'm not lying... You really are the prettiest I've ever seen.
"Apparently you don't leave your farm much."
"And by the way you have a problem with your self-esteem."
I was going to comment on her rudeness, but at that moment someone announced on the microphone that it was time for us to help ourselves.
Will was called by an old man and the two went elsewhere to join other men.
I decided to forget what he said about my self-esteem and decided that eating was, in a way, a much better thing to do, so I headed over to where the plates were.
There were so many options and everything was so tasty. Typical dishes with roots, Texas caviar, chili, wild boar meat, meat with a mustard-based sauce, wrapped in brown paper, sausages, minced meat with peppers. It had the famous barbecue sauce, which unlike what I knew, had a "smoked" flavor. There was potato salad, cabbage salad with carrots, red skin potatoes cooked in butter, creamed corn and many other typical foods. The desserts and drinks were also varied and I couldn't help but be enchanted by the walnut pie and the peach pie.
Everyone enjoyed their food and wine in pleasant conversation. Will returned, ate and chatted absently with Thom and Jeremy.
In an exact moment, my cell phone rang and I saw Ashley's number on it and when I went to answer it, it had stopped. So I decided to leave and return the call. I grabbed my purse and went to the bathroom.
In an attempt to return, my cell phone battery drained. I was always forgotten about this point. My cell phone was dead. I put it back in my bag. I checked my makeup and my hair. Everything in place. I left the bathroom with the intention of going back to the table, when a noise caught my attention. I looked to the end of the hallway and on the left side, where there appeared to be another hallway, I saw a dumpster fall over.
I remembered the day something similar happened on Will's farm and I came across a dog, wanting to take a piece of me. I arched my brow as I thought that Will might have been right about my curiosity.
I walked a little slowly and went to see what was going on. I thought some animal might have gotten in there to go through the garbage.
Except what I didn't expect to see was Patsy.
She had her back against the wall, her arms around a guy, her legs wrapped around his waist. Meanwhile, he had his hands on her legs, moving up to her buttocks. They were kissing.
When they both stopped kissing and saw me, the boy looked terribly scared and Patsy showed how disgusted she was to see me there.
- I'm sorry. I thought some animal had gotten in here... I saw the dumpster fall and...
The boy put Patsy on the floor and ran his hands through his hair, desperately.
"Please don't tell anyone...
— Relax Christian, she doesn't know your wife and even if she did, it's not her problem. Am I right, Heloise?
Before I could answer, the boy now known as Christian, rocketed past me and into the lounge.
"Cowardly men get on my nerves... you, don't they?"
She smoothed her dress and looked at me, a cynical smile on her face.
"Don't you feel bad knowing his wife is here?" Doesn't it hurt your conscience to know that you can be the cause of someone's suffering?
“Spare me your moralizing. I am free, he is not. He owes his wife respect, I don't.
“But you're helping him deceive you.
"Oh, I've helped you a lot... You can't imagine how much," she said, smiling.
He walked until he got close to me and a little low, as if he were confiding in me a secret, he said:
"Let it not leave here." I can make your life hell. I'm a terrible friend, but as an enemy, I'm great.
Then she smiled and was gone.
I stayed a few minutes with my back against the wall, thinking about how much a betrayal was painful. I still had my aches and pains when this was the subject.
I decided to move my legs and return to the hall. I took a few steps and stopped.
Just when I thought nothing else could be weird, Will was there, watching me. He came to me, grabbed my arm and pulled me into the bathroom. Everything so fast, that processing what was happening was a difficult task.
He locked the door with the key and looked at me.
"Why are you wearing that dress?"
- What?
— That dress, Heloyse, has a huge rip in the back and if you're not careful, we'll be able to see your lingerie. Didn't you have another one?
I swear I tried to understand.
"What joke is this?" I asked with wide eyes.
— It's not a joke, Heloise. You got up and there wasn't a man who wouldn't turn to look at you. If you wanted to turn heads with this dress, you did it.
"I don't want to draw anyone's attention, you asshole!" And even if I wanted to, you have nothing to do with it. We've only seen each other three times, with this one - I said, raising my hand and showing three fingers -, so I don't think we're close, much less friends, for you to feel entitled to an opinion about the clothes I wear. Much less is my boyfriend or something like that, nor is my father to criticize, scold or be bothered by anyone who looks at me.
I stood still waiting for the answer. She didn't come.
I watched as he rubbed his hand over his face in a nervous gesture. I gave up waiting and took a step forward, hand outstretched to touch the key. Will grabbed my arm, pulled me close to the door.
- Wait!
"Let go of me, Will!"
- You're just another one who does everything to get the attention of other men. Even Patsy doesn't dress so vulgarly like that.
That hurt me.
"I'm not vulgar!" And I'm pretty sure Patsy doesn't care too much about being a demure girl.
“I don't care what she is, yet there isn't another woman in something as outrageous as that dress. She looks more like a progres woman's costume...
I didn't believe what I was hearing. On impulse, I raised my hand and smacked him in the face. He looked at me for a moment and then I was taken aback when his lips covered mine.
The air was knocked out of my lungs as he held me tight against his chest. His hand wrapped around my waist, while the other held my hair, causing my head to fall back.
We were in a mixture of desire and anger.
I thought maybe he wanted me to feel like the kind of woman he accused me of being. Thinking about it, humiliation washed over me.
I gathered all my strength and pushed him. I couldn't accept that. Not after the way he treated me.
"Don't ever touch me again, O'Connor!" I ran the back of my hand across my lips.
- I will not go. Women like you don't interest me and after that kiss, I'm absolutely sure.
Will sneered at me, turned the key, and walked out.
As I watched him disappear from my vision, I kept repeating to myself that I hated him. Oh yeah. Hating him would be my hobby. He made me feel hurt. I didn't understand why he had acted that way and nothing justified his attitude.
I touched my lips that were a little numb from the pressure he had deposited there and imagined what it would have been like to kiss him sweetly and softly. I remembered his hand on my arm. It was callused at the same time, so soft. Hands of a hard working man.
"It could have been different," I repeated in my head.
Will not only made me feel humiliated, he also took something from me. I didn't know what it was and in a way, he had it.
I controlled my breathing and even though I felt dizzy I went to the hall, pretending that nothing had happened.
During dinner, the conversation turned to cattle and crops. I didn't understand anything, because my head was spinning in confusion, so I preferred to make small talk along with Megan and Cielo. Even then, I couldn't concentrate.
At the end of dinner, after desserts, the waiters began to collect the plates. At this time, I spotted the person I least wanted to see.
Patsy was unbearably beautiful. She had red hair lined up in a tight bun. She didn't even look the same as the one I saw in the hall, making out with a married man. She was beautiful with her dress clinging to her body. It was pink and just as nauseating as she was.
I remembered Will's comparison and felt embarrassed by the outfit I was wearing.
She walked around the room, occasionally stopping to say hello to a few people. When she stopped by our table, she greeted the Ferrels and Jeremy. She looked at me and gave me a forced smile. She turned her gaze to Will and the smile on her face grew. She greeted him with a kiss on the cheek, almost on the lips. If Will hadn't dodged, she would have kissed him on the mouth.
"How are you, William?"
- Well!
“I was glad to see you here. You never come.
“Today I came.
- That's nice. Have you decided to take any woman from here to dance?
- Not yet.
"We have to work this out, then." I hope you think of me. I want my dance.
Will remained serious and seconds later, he nodded. She smiled, said "See you later" and then walked away.
“I think you should take Lisy dancing, Will.” Megan didn't know the dread her words made me feel.
- What?
"Dancing... with Will!"
“You can't say these things, Megan.
- I didn't understand. Since when did that become a crime?
“It's just that Mr. O'Connor and I aren't interested in dancing. At least, with each other. Didn't you see he's betrothed to Patsy? I'm not interested in stealing her date.
— I already had the intention of inviting you, Heloyse.
Again, I felt that dread.
— I appreciate it, but I'd rather stay right here.
“I understand and believe me, I don't intend to give up,” he said, with a half smile.
Megan smiled and Will continued to look at me for a while before he looked away.
Mr. White announced about the games to be held in the other hall. There would be prizes and other games. The band continued playing and most people moved to the other room. Megan called Selena, Patsy's sister, who greeted me and they went there too, along with Jeremy.
"Are you coming, dear?"
— You can leave her with me, Cielo. We have a dance.
I shook my head at Cielo, almost whispering "no".
- Then okay. Have fun! she said, looking at Will strangely.
"Oh, God... Help me!"
I've never felt so terrified as I did at that moment. Will had become someone I definitely wanted away from me.
I hoped that night would not be long.

(8)La neta es que te amo con todo mi corazón: The truth is that I love you with all my heart.
(9)Touchée: Term used in fencing and also, slang for "hit the bull's-eye".

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