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It had been a month since I arrived in Clearwater. I reached out to Ashley and Margot and neither of them spoke about Michael. They didn't say if they saw him or if they heard anything about him and that was good. In fact, sometimes I forgot and when I remembered, I felt uncomfortable.
I had my tough moments. Sometimes I wanted company, other times I wanted to be alone. There were days when I was happy with the Ferrels, on others I was down, not for Michael but for the same old things. For the same things that often made me hold on to him and never let go. I was afraid of loneliness, however, I was so used to it, that even with fear, loneliness was the only true thing that was part of my life.
I made a garden at the back of the wooden house. I planted many flower seedlings that Thom brought. It helped me pass the time. On the small porch, I put a hammock, a table, chairs and a rocking chair that they didn't use. And I loved how everything turned out.
At the time I was there, I hadn't been to the city yet and now, I needed to go to a pharmacy to buy my pills, shampoos and other personal hygiene items. I asked Cielo to go with me.
I got into the red truck Thom had left for my use and together, we drove. We passed Mr. O'Connor's property. I still didn't know him. That pasture on the other side of the road, opposite the house I lived in, was his. The main house was beautiful. I could see through the openings in the big gate. A road led up to the entrance to the house.
There were huge trees and palm trees planted on both sides of this road. Really beautiful.
In the city, we stopped by the market and the pharmacy. Upon leaving, we came across a girl with shoulder-length reddish hair and very green eyes. She was in a brown dress and delicate boots. She was a lot taller than me and pretty thin.
— Lady Cielo! How are you? asked the girl, greeting her with a hug.
“I'm fine, honey. Is that you?
- I'm fine. And who is your friend?
“This is Heloise Sanders! Heloise, this is Patsy White!
- Hey! was the only thing I managed to say.
"You're not from around here, are you?"
- Not.
She kept looking at me with a fake smile on her face and then asked me:
- And then?
"And 'then' what?" - I asked.
- Where you are from?
"Oh... Boston!"
- I understood! She took a few seconds looking at my clothes and smiled. — The conversation is really pleasant, but, I have to go. I need to do my nails. It was nice to meet you — her face said something else — and see you later, Dona Cielo.
— Until — Cielo said rolling his eyes.
We walked until we reached the truck. I turned back and smiled at her.
- She is beautiful.
“It's disgusting. You think you're better than everyone around here.
"Beautiful just the way it is..."
“Don't talk nonsense, Lisy. That doesn't give you the right to feel superior to other people. You see... She is also beautiful and knows how to be humble.
— Me, beautiful? Oh, please don't make me laugh, Katherine!
She placed her hands on her hips and then pointed at a group of guys.
"Are you having any problems with your eyes?" Don't you see them there? They haven't taken their eyes off you since you arrived. And in the market, men were almost breaking their necks to look at her. If you don't see your beauty, I'll ask Thom to change your mirror for a bigger one.
— They look at me because I'm not from around here, and if they're flirting with me it's because I'm "new meat".
“Lisy, you're dumber than Megan,” he said as he climbed into his truck.
I laughed.
Not even ten seconds had passed and I noticed that a bag was missing with the things I bought.
“You forgot this at the pharmacy.
I was startled when I noticed someone standing next to the truck window. The man held my bag between his fingers, held high. A smile graced his face. By the way, a very pretty face. He had dark hair as well as eyes. His hair was cut in a military style and there was no hair on his face. The shirt with a few buttons open at the top, was tucked into tight jeans that made him look attractive.
"How are you, Johnson?"
- Very well! And you, Cielo?
- Well! And thanks for bringing Lisy's things.
- You're welcome!
He approached still smiling and held out the bag for me to take.
— My name is Johnson!
“I get that.
Johnson widened his smile even more and when I found myself, I was already smiling and introducing myself.
— I'm Heloise. But, you can call me Lisy.
"Of course I will." And when you want lunch, you're welcome to my restaurant. It's on the house.
- Thanks.
"Until any time." It was a pleasure to meet you. And send a hug to Thom, Ms. Cielo.
"I will." Have a good day, Johnson.
I watched him walk away and started the truck.
"He's handsome, isn't he?"
"Do you think I didn't notice?"
"Don't tell me you're trying to trick this poor lady?"
I let out a loud laugh and turned on the radio.
On the way to the Ferrel farm, a huge black pickup truck passed, kicking up dust and a few small rocks.
“There goes Will. Always like a storm. He's all a storm.
I looked in the mirror, however, there was already no sign of the big truck.
"Is this Mr. O'Connor, or Will as you call him, married?" Have children?
- Why the interest? Have you seen it?
“No, I… I'm just curious. You said he has a temper. I haven't seen him, but the way they describe him, he's not very friendly. I wonder if he's like that with his family.
“If you think that because he has a temper he doesn't have a woman who can put up with him, you're right. Many have tried, but his personality doesn't let anyone get close. Old Will will end up alone.
"Old? So he was old?"
skyhe greeted some gentlemen who passed on the road and soon, Will was no longer the subject.

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