Hangout Day

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"This is probably the dumbest idea the industry has ever had for us,"

Uzui rolled his eyes, flipping pages through a novel he just began reading the day prior. He groaned in annoyance, having heard the obnoxious complaints of the smaller one before. He wouldn't stop complaining. Whether night or day, his mouth was always open about the situation. It would tire the taller one. He could always recall his sleepless nights whenever Muichiro would ring up his phone all so abruptly.

"Well, it's happening, and that's something you're gonna have to deal with," He finally responded while slightly looking out the car window.

"What if I don't want to,"

"Then you don't have to act in the movie," He retorted. However, when he was met with the chilling silence from the backseat, he shuddered. "And as your manager, that's something I'm gonna need you to do," He continued hastily.

Muichiro scoffed, flipping a bag of his hair over his shoulder with pert. He crossed his legs, one leg over the other, and looked out the window. His eyes scanned the surroundings of where they were located in curiosity. He's been to Tokyo before, but this side of the city was new to his pupils. Albeit, his pupils could still decipher the lingering figure of someone familiar.

As the car rolled up to the sidewalk where Genya sat at a bench, he knew that the day had began. He jolted, pulling his body under the window and covering his face. He refused to look at Genya for even a second.

"Oh come on. Don't be a baby about this," Uzui scolded.

Just before Muichiro could refuse, the door of the limo opened by the hands of Giyuu {driver} and he practically forced himself out.

Walking out of the car, he was met with Genya's tall figure staring back at him. He was wearing perfect clothing, quite fit for the occasion compared to Muichiro's. He stood confidently, chin up and everything, but ready to fight all at the same time.

Muichiro instantly shook his head, and turned around to approach the limo once again. However, his plans failed when he was met with the empty parking space the limo once occupied. He groaned, crossing his arms together and cursing Uzui in his head.

Turning back around, he stared back at Genya and waited for a response. He'd do anything during this event, but share the first words. That was his deal to participate.

"Well," Genya croaked. "Where should we be going?"

Muichiro scoffed, flipping his head to the side in amazement. He hadn't seen anything just like this from the likes of Genya. It was all so new to him.

"Pfft- such change in character. What a gentleman," He said sarcastically.

"Look, I'm just trying to be nice, which is very hard for me right now when you still happen to exist."

Now, Genya was the one crossing his arms. His 'stupid' smirk occupied his face as he looked down at the smaller one—as if to mock him. It irritated Muichiro greatly.

"Whatever...," He muttered, uncrossing his arms and leaving them straight on his sides.

He scanned the streets, looking for a nearby store, or maybe even a mall if they were lucky. His eyes lit up when a glowing building could be seen nearby, not too far from the two of them. It seemed like a walkable distance that wouldn't produce too much stepping. Muichiro wasn't used to stepping. So, when he saw that store, he knew there was no other place they'd be going.

He hummed, looking back at Genya with four eyes before saying, "There," and directly pointing to the broad building.

Genya shrugged, walking on over to the lit up building before Muichiro could. He had his hands in his pockets, and a subtle smile on his face for the paparazzi nearby. After all, he needed his expressions to be acceptable when they were seen on papers. No need to get his fans stirred up now that he already had a reputation for the meanest acting face in every movie he starred in. Sometimes, he didn't know whether he should take it as a compliment or an offense.

The two walked endlessly, never sharing a word to one another. Instead, they scrutinized their surroundings in this new side of Tokyo they both hadn't visited before. Genya had been stopped several times by desperate girls, eager to take some pictures with the celebrity they'd seen down the street. He almost never refused, and would always strike a hand pose at the camera shoved in his face.

Muichiro grew frustrated at all the attention he was getting as the more popular actor. He shook his head, trying to ignore it and acted like he almost couldn't even see it as to not receive the bragging Genya would produce the moment he noticed a glimpse of Muichiro's eyes.

All around them dogs barked, cars stopped, girls squealed, and boys gasped; all at the notice of the two celebrities in their presence. Every now and then, they'd hear a "team Genya!" or "team Muichiro!" from fans passing by who followed up on their daily feuds. Whoever was shot out, would look at the other with a huge mocking smirk. It would drive the other insane.

Yet, the two of them could almost admit they loved it. It was almost like a game. A very fun game that they didn't realize they were playing until they were almost near the building, and were caught sharing a laugh with eachother when both of their names were called at the same time.

They hadn't even reached the building yet, and they somehow already felt like they were getting along. However, the sudden realization stunned them both, and they went back to the silent treatment. Right when they were so close too.

The security guards around them groaned in annoyance. Just looking at the two confused actors laugh then quarrel as if it were a pattern exasperated them. They just wanted to get their shifts over with.

Suddenly, Muichiro spotted the entrance of the building, having been so close to it, and realized it was a mall. In fact, it was only the best mall in Tokyo: KITTE Marunouchi.

Muichiro hadn't been there in a while. It was hard for him to admit that he was happy to spend some time there again with Genya after their fun little walk. But somehow, something in him just couldn't deny it. It made him wonder why he even fought with Genya throughout all those years in the first place.

"You've got money?" Muichiro asked hastily, his eyes completely focused on the grandeur entrance of the mall.

"We both do," Genya slightly bragged.

But Muichiro couldn't hear him for his ears were focused on something else. It was the sound of romantic music ensuing from inside the building.

Ahh right, there was only a few more days before Valentine's day, and everywhere around Tokyo was filled of love. It made Muichiro cringe knowing that just the sight of him and Genya together around hearts and arrows in this city would cause a stir on the internet.

But he couldn't ignore it. He couldn't ignore it for just this day Genya and him would be hanging out.

Word Count: 1222

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