Suspicion Everywhere

830 36 21

"So... how was it, boys?" Shinobu asked with a wide smirk on her face as she perceived the two males enter the set.

Neither of them would respond—awkward 'residue' due to their erotic scenes the night before. Just the mention of the day they were solely to hangout unveiled repudiating memories. Plainly, because they'd realized there was much more than hanging out concerning the occasion. So much that was meant to be concealed behind everything necessary.

"What are you talking about?" Genya asked back on a whim as to not leave the smaller in a chilling silence.

Shinobu narrowed her eyes; her smirk getting broader.

"Oh, you know exactly what I'm talking about," She said with subtle pert. "There's no need to act dumb about it,"

"We went to a mall, and stayed the night at a hotel," A dour Muichiro chimed in. "That's about it. So, you can stop asking questions."

Shinobu scoffed, bringing a solid hand to her heart. She rolled her eyes as if to expose her annoyance concerning the situation. An idea visibly traveled into her brain as she lifted her head up high. She grinned, picking up the megaphone that would once reside on a glass table beside her. The moment she brought the voice enhancer to the abode of her lips, Genya and Muichiro would realize what exactly she was attempting.

"Now, you've got me wondering...," She began, looking across the set to make sure all eyes bowed to her presence. "What exactly were you two boys doing in a room alone with one singular bed?"

How did she know the room had one bed? Genya thought to himself in shock.

That's when it hit him. They'd acquired her credit card to afford the rooms in the first place. After all, they were on the budget Shinobu had willingly set for them both. Shinobu must've researched into the hotel the two would temporarily reside in after realizing they spent past the budget that was bestowed. How had he not registered this sooner?

"U-uhm... I slept on the floor, and Muichiro on the bed," He sputtered hastily.

"Is that so?"

He nodded, completely sure of his absolutely necessary fab.

Shinobu crossed her arms, scanning the man for anything to blow his cover. She didn't know what exactly she was trying to unveil from him, but there was a secret nonetheless. Having failed, she then turned over to Muichiro surveying his confirmation—to which he nodded in agreement.

Genya sighed in relief, riveting his eyes from the two in guilt. He didn't usually lie, so on these rare occasions that he would, it was challenging for him to look anyone in the eye. Even those he didn't fool.

"Well then! If that be the case, let's start Act 10!" She shouted gleefully before setting the megaphone down and clasping her hands together.

Uzui glanced over at Muichiro, as if telling him he knew something. Although, obvious it was. Uzui was one of the few people who had been submerged into the details of Genya and Muichiro's wee background. He remembered every necessary puzzle piece that Muichiro told him. Said puzzle pieces, he managed to piece together at the absolute situation. And boy, did he suddenly yearn to puke.

He knew exactly what they did, but was loyal enough to refrain from mentioning it. He couldn't live with the guilt of throwing away Muichiro's reputation off the plank. So, he stood very silent.

Muichiro sighed in relief, heading for the makeup room to get his facial appearance in check.

He skipped through the entrance, and rested onto the vanity set nearby. He waited patiently for his makeup artist, Mitsuri, to come about with her daily supplies. To which she did, and jumped gleefully at Muichiro's presence.

Mitsuri would spin him around, desperately pampering his face with natural brushes that complimented his skin. This was his favorite part of every one of his acts. It was unexpectedly satisfying to feel such soft brushes creating contact with his skin. It was amazing to feel the pristine texture of liners commuting with both his lips and eyes. Everything about this part of the act was something worth acting for.

"All done!"

He smiled in satisfaction when his face was suddenly shown in a mirror. The work had paid off to reveal a stunning new character he enjoyed playing. He got up confidently, leaving the room after thanking his makeup artist.

The moment his foot stepped out of the wooden planks of the room prior to his entrance in the main set, he spotted an Uzuren sighting in his presence. With a smirk, he tiptoed on over to the exposed scene and peeked behind his manager.

"I see you're trying to pick up Rengoku once again," He slurred, wiggling his eyebrows.

Uzui rolled his eyes, scratching the back of his neck with a disappointed sigh. His blushing face would differ from the fit of his actions.

"We're just talking about business over here," He lied. "Stop being a distraction,"

"Is that so, Rengoku?" Muichiro was now facing the red-haired one, leaning an elbow onto his shoulder to seem genuine.

An accurate response went a long way. It only meant more teasing for his manager was guaranteed. That was something he yearned for.

Rengoku's face glowed red. His smile never faded as nervous sweats planted on his forehead would reveal like a river. He looked at Uzui, then back at Muichiro as he thought of a response.

He was usually never this nervous concerning any random situation. However, he found it exceedingly hard to lie. He could never recreate a topic on the spot. Although, during rare occasions that he would, his guilt would skyrocket enough for him not to expose said fab.

Nonetheless, he was a goner. He was bound to speak.

"We were actually talking about relationships," He finally responded with a huge beam—firm hands cupping his own waist in confidence.

Uzui jolted, hastily thinking of an excuse for Rengoku's failed attempt at lying.

"Yeah, ummm... the relationships I have with my three wives currently," He poked, nudging his elbow by Rengoku's side with an elbow.

"And one husband," Muichiro added in, before patting Rengoku's fluffy hair and leaving.

He would've loved to have scrutinized their reactions. However, there were things of increased significance that he would need to worry about.

He felt intense eyes staring at him from somewhere else in the room. He knew exactly whose eyes those belonged to, but he wouldn't dare look. Those eyes said words Muichiro didn't want to hear anymore. They were very convincing words that would soon be forgotten out of habit.

Or at least, he hoped.

Because if he didn't forget them sooner or later, it wouldn't be surprising the day that he and Genya would do it again.

Word Count: 1145

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